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At the thought of this, Jennie’s hatred for Kim Seon-ho deepened. Clearly he got to where he was today using her mom’s resources but he treated her and her mom like this. Truly shameless! Jennie said to Ji-hyang mockingly,

“I’m talking about our family of three. What family are you talking about? Based on your logic, anyone with the surname Kim is my family! Are they all allowed to live here?”

Hearing this, Ji-hyang immediately put on an aggrieved look. With tears in her eyes, she looked at Jennie pitifully like she was a little girl who had been bullied. She replied aggrievedly,

“Jennie, I treat you as my own sister. Why do you hate me so much? If my dad hadn’t passed away then, my mom and I wouldn’t be living under someone else’s roof. Do you think we would willingly do it?”

Zhang Ningning saw how bad Ji-hyang felt and went up to hug her. There were some things she couldn’t say, but she could not let others bully Ji-hyang like that. She patted Ji-hyang’s shoulder and glared at Jennie angrily. Then, she complained to Lisa,

“Boss Manoban, you can see now how Jennie bullies my daughter. For so many years, Ji-hyang has prepared all of Jennie’s clothes for her. Even Jennie’s food and drinks have always been my concern.”

“It’s fine if this girl is ungrateful and doesn’t like us but she can’t talk to my daughter like that. She’s really heartless!”

Ji-hyang cried even harder when she heard Zhang Ningning’s words. However, she grabbed Zhang Ningning’s arm and pretended to be sensible. She shook her head and said pitifully,

“Mom, don’t talk about little sister like that. I can only blame my own bad luck, losing my dad at such a young age. You can’t blame her.”

Jennie looked at the mother and daughter’s performance mockingly. Ji-hyang’s acting was excellent. Jennie then looked at Lisa and saw that he was still smugly expressionless. She replied,

“Auntie, have you forgotten that all the cooking was done by the nannies at home? The money for groceries also came from my family. The clothes Ji-hyang prepared for me are all meant for fat and stout country women and bought with my family money.”

“How do I say this... The two of you are all talk. You haven’t paid for anything, and you haven’t done anything that you are claiming credit for. Are you really that shameless?”

Ji-hyang’s face instantly turned pale when she heard this. No wonder Jennie was distancing herself from her. It turned out that she has already found out about the clothes. Zhang Ningning also lowered her head, too embarrassed to say anything.

Jennie’s face turned cold when she saw the mother and daughter like this. These two were so shameless with skin as thick as the city walls. She continued to speak to Ji-hyang and Zhang Ningning in a mocking tone,

“Also, all these years, my family took care of your needs, what you eat, drink, wear, even your entertainment expenses. Now you’re living in our house with no intention to leave. Have you no shame at all? And for the whole day today, you’ve been acting like the mistress of the house. Don’t tell me all you know how to do is to be shameless!”

When Ji-hyang heard this, she felt so wronged that tears flowed down her face. She put on a pitiful and helpless face and looked at Lisa, hoping for him to help her as she sobbed,

“Jennie, you’ve misunderstood us. My mom and I are doing this for your own good. You’re still young, so you need someone to take care of you. That’s why we are staying here, to keep you company while you grow up.”

Jennie’s face filled with ridicule when she heard this. This two-faced hypocrite was so shameless that she had the nerve to say this? Was she not afraid of being struck by lightning? She replied sarcastically,

“Oh? Then I’m all grown up now and don’t need you anymore. Shouldn’t you two leave now?”

Ji-hyang felt even more wronged when she heard this. She acted like she was being bullied by a bad person and looked pitifully at Lisa as she asked,

“Boss Manoban, please uphold justice for us! My mom and I have lived here for a long time, and we’ve long treated this place as our home. Now that Jennie wants to kick us out, how will we live without any financial resources? Where else can we go?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now