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Jennie did not even realize that Lisa had arrived. All she could think about was finding out what's going on with Rosé. In her previous life, there was only one person who was her true friend, and she couldn't be so stupid as to lose this one friend in this life. She grabbed Rosé's hand and asked anxiously,

"Rosie, what's wrong? If you're angry, just hit me and scold me. Don't ignore me, okay?"

Rosé's anger simmered down a little when she saw the sincerity on Jennie's face. But Rosé also felt wronged. Jennie knew to contact her in the past but she hasn't reached out in days and she had the nerve to ask her what was wrong? Rosé replied bitterly,

"Jennie, what do you take me for? Call and I come and wave me away whenever you feel like it? Do you think I'm your pet? Have you really treated me as your friend? You..."

Before she could finish, Lisa had already caught up with them. When he heard their conversation and recalled Felix's words just now, he was instantly furious. Could it be that his girl was into lesbianism? Then, what was he? He interrupted Rosé angrily,

"Shut up."

When Jennie heard the familiar voice, she was pulled forcefully against a firm chest before she could turn around. She raised her head in surprise and looked at Lisa. What was wrong with Devil Manoban? Why was he so angry the moment he arrived and why did he hug her like this? Shyness flashed across her face as she said,

"Boss, why are you here?"

Lisa's eyes were cold with anger as he stared straight at Jennie and Rosé's held hands. Could this girl really be like what Felix said? Otherwise, why would the two of them hold hands like this? At the thought of this, Lisa replied icily,

"Let go."

Why was he here? If he had not come, he, Lisa, would not have seen this and realized that this damn girl cheated on him just like that? Moreover, it was with a f*cking woman. If he did not come, he might not even know how long he'd been a cuckhold!

Rosé saw Lisa and was very surprised. Boss Manoban was a legendary workaholic. Other than sleeping, he spent all his time working. People even said that he worked even when he was eating. How could such a busy boss have time to fetch Jennie?

Jennie shook her head quickly when she heard Lisa's words. It was not easy to bump into Rosé, and she had not had the time to explain. She could not let go of her just like that and leave the misunderstanding unhandled. The two of them had just become a little friendlier. Jennie said with a firm gaze,

"I won't let go."

Lisa became angrier when he heard this. This damn girl actually rejected him for another woman in public? Lisa was even more certain that Felix's words might be true. Lisa's voice was as cold as ice as he said,

"If you don't want your hand to be broken, then let go immediately. Don't make me angry."

Jennie immediately let go of Rosé's hand when she heard this. The demon king had already said so. If she didn't let go, it was very likely that he would chop off her hand. If that happened, how could she become a best actress? And wouldn't that mean that she would never find out about her identity? She replied quickly,

"No, my hand is very precious."

Rosé felt her hand being let go and turned to leave. There was no chance to explain anyway, and Boss Manoban wouldn't give them time to explain anything. When they have another chance meeting, she would listen to what Jennie had to say.

Jennie became anxious when she saw that Rosé was about to leave. She couldn't let her leave. It was best to handle the misunderstanding today. She wouldn't know when she'd bump into Rosé again and the misunderstanding could very well have deepened by then. So, she said hurriedly,

"Rosie, don't go. I still have something to say."

Rosé stopped in her tracks. Although she was still blaming Jennie in her heart, she wanted to hear what Jennie had to say and why she treated her like that? Did she treat her as a friend or not? She looked at Jennie doubtfully and said,

"What else is there to say?"

Lisa was already very angry. Now it seemed that Jennie wanted to continue doing something in front of him. This was too much! Did she think that he had no temper? He said coldly, 



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