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Jennie nodded obediently, but she was a little confused. Why would she meet his grandmother right away? Shouldn't she meet his parents first? Weren't they here? Did they live separately?

After Lisa left to take a shower, Jennie was a little bored. She looked around the room and saw a photo album. She picked it up out of boredom and flipped through it casually. When she saw Lisa's photos when he was young, she was shocked and a sense of familiarity came over her.

Why did the young devil look so familiar? She kept thinking that she had met him before. Jennie frowned as she studied the photo of young Lisa, racking her brains to remember where she had seen him before. Just as she was about to remember, Lisa had finished washing up and came to her side.

"What are you looking at?"

Jennie was startled by the sudden voice because she was in deep thought. She did not realize that Lisa had already come to her side. When she turned around, she saw Lisa's abs with a merman line, she almost had a nosebleed. She quickly pinched her nose and said with a serious expression,

"Nothing, I'm just looking at your past photos."

Looking at Lisa's expressionless face, Jennie seemed to have thought of something. She looked at Lisa in disbelief, and then pointed at his childhood photos as she asked,

"I would like to ask, when you were at that age, did anything leave a deep impression on you?"

After asking, Jennie looked at Lisa angrily. Her hands trembled uncontrollably. Could the devil be the big brother who had once saved her life, the person she had been trying to find for a long time? They look very alike.

Lisa looked at the photo that Jennie was pointing at. Although he remained expressionless, there was a flash of unexplainable pain in his eyes. However, this flash of pain disappeared very quickly, and Jennie did not notice anything. He replied coldly,

"I'm such a cold and heartless person. Would there be anything that would leave a deep impression on me?"

He did not know why, but when he looked into Jennie's eyes, he felt a strong sense of familiarity. Tonight, that sense of familiarity was even stronger, and it made him want to ask Jennie directly.

Jennie was a little disappointed when she heard Lisa's answer. How could there be such a coincidence in the world? It was probably just two people who looked alike. There was a bitter smile on her face as she said,

"Oh, maybe I'm thinking too much." 

Jennie came to her senses. Lisa was the crown prince of the Manoban family. He had lived a luxurious life since young with countless people serving him. He had security guards all around him. It would be a joke if he was abducted by human traffickers.

When she thought about the big brother who was burned by fire when saving her, Jennie's heart ached. She had contacted the neighbors in that area to inquire about the fire. According to the neighbors, the big brother who rescued her had been burned beyond recognition.

Tears welled up in Jennie's eyes as she thought about this. She must have been hallucinating just now. Lisa was so handsome. He couldn't be the big brother who had been burned beyond recognition.

Lisa felt a sense of loss when he saw Jennie's dejected expression. Even though he had lied, he really had a girl that he would never forget. He asked Jennie without hesitation,

"In your life, is there anyone that you can't forget or something that left a deep impression on you?"

When Jennie heard this, she came back to her senses and smiled bitterly. Of course, there was someone and she had tried her best to find that person. Ji-hyang had taken advantage of this in her previous life. She nodded and said plainly,


Lisa's eyes widened when he heard this. Could he have guessed right? Jennie was that little girl? That little girl was Jennie? His breathing became a little tense, and his heartbeat quickened as he asked quickly,

"Who is it? Or what did it matter?"

When Jennie heard this, she thought of the big brother who had saved her life and her eyes softened. However, when she thought about what those neighbors had said, she suddenly felt a little disappointed. She said plainly to Lisa,

"There was someone who rescued me. He was my savior!"


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