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Jennie stood at the door of the study and heard Lisa talking to someone inside. However, she was not very sure. She quietly pushed the door ajar, hoping to hear who he was talking to, and then she heard Lisa say,

"Felix, Madam can't know about this."

Jennie was a little confused when she heard this. What couldn't she know? Why did she suddenly feel that the devil's voice was a little weak? Jennie leaned against the door and listened carefully. She wanted to find out what was so important that she couldn't know.

Although Felix kept a straight face, he was very anxious inside. Was It right for the chairman to do this? If he did not tell Madam, what if Madam fed him the same way again? He replied calmly,

"Chairman, why can't Madam know about this? You have such serious stomach problems. The doctor already told you that you can't eat spicy food. Why did you eat it because of Madam? If you don't tell her, what happens if Madam gives you spicy food again?"

Jennie stood outside the door. Her eyes widened when she heard this. The devil had serious stomach problems? Why didn't he just say so? He even calmly ate the crayfish, which was especially spicy.

Lisa's face was ice-cold when he heard Felix's words. The girl did not know, and the crayfish was already at his mouth. If he didn't eat it, the girl would be heartbroken. Anyway, this matter must not be known to the girl, so he replied plainly,

"Don't be nosy."

Felix's face went blank. Why was the chairman like this? He was not just his own person. He belonged to the whole company. As the head butler, was it wrong for him to be concerned? His kindness was completely taken for granted.

Lisa looked at Felix and knew that he was concerned. However, the more he was like this, the more he could not let the girl know. Otherwise, she would feel guilty. Besides, this bit of pain was not something that he couldn't endure. His stomach cramped at this moment and Lisa's voice trembled as he said,

"Alright, leave the medicine here. You can go now!"

When Felix saw Lisa like this, how could he not know that the chairman was enduring the pain? This pain could be something serious since he already had a weak stomach. He could not help but say to Lisa,

"Chairman, let's get the doctor to come over and take a look."

Lisa endured the pain. He could not get the doctor. The girl would find out if he did. Since he had already endured the pain, he should just endure it all the way. There was no need to go through so much trouble, so he said coldly,

"There's no need."

Felix was even more worried, but he could not defy the chairman. Otherwise, the chairman could get mad and punish him again. Salary and bonus were no big deal. After all, he had been with the Manoban family for so many years and was quite wealthy himself. He just didn't want to be punished anymore. He could only say with concern,

"Chairman, I know you don't want Madam to worry. Then you must take your medicine. This is also for the sake of your health."

Lisa waved his hand. He knew what to do. He could endure this little bit of pain. He just wanted to stay here quietly for a while before he went to bed with the girl. He replied coldly,

"Got it. Go now."

Felix sighed in his heart. The chairman's stomach problem got worse also because he always refused to take his medicine. If he was unwilling, no one could force him. After all, no one dared to.

Jennie pushed the door open and walked in guiltily. Devil Manoban was already in such a state and yet he didn't want to take his medicine. How could this be? Jennie said as she entered the study,

"Felix, tell me how the medicine should be taken."

Felix was delighted when he saw Jennie. Madam came just in time. The chairman didn't want to take his medicine and he dared not force him but now that Madam was here, it wouldn't be a problem anymore. So, he replied quickly,

"These few bottles of medicine are all to be taken three times a day. Take three pills each time. Madam, you have to let the chairman take his medicine properly."

Jennie nodded when she heard this. Of course, she had to let the demon king take his medicine properly. Moreover, his current state was caused by her. She had to take care of Lisa. Jennie replied solemnly,

"Okay, Felix, don't worry. I will make sure that boss takes his medicine correctly."

Felix was relieved when he heard Jennie's words. He quickly turned and left the study, leaving Jennie and Lisa alone.



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