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When Ji-hyang heard Lisa’s affirmative answer, she could no longer control her emotions and continue acting. How did Jennie become Lisa’s wife? She looked at Jennie and said grudgingly,

“Jennie, it was you who put Boss Manoban up to this, wasn’t it? A piece of trash like you doesn’t deserve Boss Manoban at all. Boss Manoban should be with someone like me...”

Jennie cut her off before she could finish her sentence. A two-faced hypocrite like you? Then, Lisa would be really unlucky, and for like eight lifetimes. Jennie interrupted calmly,

“A kept woman like you? Ji-hyang, where did you get your confidence from? Or do you really think you’re a pure and innocent girl?”

When Ji-hyang heard Jennie’s words, it was as if someone had knocked the wind out of her. She didn’t know how to retaliate at all and shut her mouth. She could only clench her fists in anger. This damn piece of trash! If it wasn’t for her, Hou Shang wouldn’t have no spending money for her. And she’s now airing her dirty laundry in front of Boss Manoban? It was detestable and vicious. After a moment of silence, Ji-hyang put on an innocent expression again and said,

“Jennie, we’re sisters. How can you frame me like this?”

When Jennie heard this, a faint smile appeared on her face. She took out her phone and looked for the video she gave to Chaeryeong which had proven everything. Ji-hyang seemed to be asking her to show it to Lisa... She replied mockingly,

“Ji-hyang, do you want to watch the surveillance video I found earlier? Such an exciting video might even interest my husband!”

Lisa, who was his aloof self, couldn’t help but smile when he heard Jennie refer to him as her husband. Jennie had finally admitted that he was her husband. This was a good thing.

Ji-hyang shut up once again when she heard this. That video was real and could not be faked. If Lisa saw it, she would never have another chance, so she argued adamantly,

“Jennie, don’t use a fake video to fool people. Any smart person who’s watch it would know that it’s been spliced together. The video is not real at all.”

Ji-hyang then looked at Lisa, hoping that he would not believe Jennie. Everything would be fine if Lisa didn’t believe Jennie. She might even strike back at Jennie successfully that she’d listened to her from then on.

When Jennie heard Ji-hyang’s words, she was instantly angered into laughter. The situation was already so bad, yet Ji-hyang insisted that the video was fake... She’s totally clueless and delusional! Jennie replied flatly,

“You’re really amazing. You actually said that the video was spliced together. Are you saying that everyone who believe the authenticity of video are idiots?”

As she said this, Jennie grabbed Lisa’s arm and looked at Ji-hyang with a half-smile. Since the situation was already so bad, she might as well go all the way with this two-faced hypocrite. She continued coldly,

“You don’t have to be like this. My husband is a very busy man. Why would he spend time on these trivial matters? Moreover, my husband already has me, so he won’t be interested in you anymore. Just get lost!”

Ji-hyang’s face was even paler from Jennie’s blow. She could not help but take two steps back and pointed at Jennie speechlessly. When Zhang Ningning saw Ji-hyang’s sorry state, she shouted angrily,

“Jennie, you piece of trash who scored zero in every subject in school! How dare you speak ill of Ji-hyang? Are you f*cking shameless?”

Hearing this, Jennie stared with scorching eyes at the mother and daughter and sneered. She had never seen met such shameless people, who would distort the truth to suit their own purposes. She replied coldly,

“I think you two are the shameless ones. This is my home. You two are only staying here temporarily, and you dare to criticize me? Do you even have any sense of shame?”

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhang Ningning’s face when she heard this. But, why should she be afraid of Jennie when she had Kim Seon-ho’s support? When the time came, it would not be the two of them who would be kicked out. So, she replied smugly,

“Jennie, it was your dad who told us to treat this place as our own home. All of this was with your father’s blessings.”

Jennie sneered. Was Kim Seon-ho even worthy? Without her mom, Kim Seon-ho would just be a local scoundrel whose words meant nothing. These two were shameless beyond belief. She replied mockingly,

“My dad? He’s just a good-for-nothing. What right does he have to put you in charge here?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now