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Jennie was also speechless. She only wanted to resolve the awkwardness and did not expect the devil to play along by shaking her hand! Looking at their handshake, she hesitated for a moment before saying,

"You need the toilet too?"

Lisa almost laughed out loud when he heard this. What was this girl talking about? Had she gone mad? He saw Jennie's helpless face and answered with slight annoyance,

"No, I don't need the toilet."

Jennie felt even more awkward when she heard this. What the hell was she doing? Her reputation had been completely ruined, but not saying anything was even weirder. She scratched the back of her head, hesitated for a moment, and then said,

"Well, let's just pretend that what happened just now didn't happen. Let's forget about it!"

Lisa looked at Jennie's shy face and knew that she was still embarrassed about the incident just now. As he nodded lightly, he moved his hand slightly to clasp Jennie's hand, interlacing his fingers with hers.

Jennie was relieved when she saw Lisa nod. But why were their fingers interlocked? Her heartbeat accelerated as she looked away from Lisa and said nervously,

"Look, it's already very late. Let's go to bed, shall we?" 

Lisa nodded and held Jennie's hand as he led her into the bedroom. There was no trace of emotion on his face. It was as if nothing had happened, and he was simply there to fetch her back to bed.

Jennie secretly sized eyed Lisa's back as she followed him back to bed. Why did the devil suddenly hold her hand like that? Didn't he know that only lovers interlock their fingers like this?

Jennie secretly glanced at their interlocked fingers as she thought about this. If the devil knew what it meant and still chose to interlock his fingers with hers, wouldn't it mean that he liked her? At the thought of this, Jennie's heartbeat quickened and she was a little touched.

Jennie was still daydreaming about their interlocked fingers when she was suddenly lifted off the ground. She didn't even realize that they have reached the bed. She came back to her senses and hugged Lisa's neck as she asked nervously,

"Boss, what are you trying to do?"

Lisa carried Jennie in his arms and looked at the nervous girl. He felt a little helpless. What was the girl thinking? She was having her period; he wasn't about to have sex with her during her period! He placed Jennie gently on the bed and said plainly,

"To sleep, of course."

Jennie's face turned even redder when she heard this. This sentence could be easily misinterpreted but she thought that the devil probably meant beauty sleep. She nodded shyly and then lay in bed.

After Lisa put her down, he thoughtfully pulled the covers over her before he lay down beside her. Before Jennie could react, he hugged her waist under the covers and said coldly,

"We need to have a chat."

Jennie was not use to the sudden hug. She wanted to break free, but when she heard Lisa's words, she forgot all about it. She looked at him suspiciously and asked,

"Chat about what?"

Lisa reached out and caressed Jennie's tummy. What else would they chat about? Of course, it was about the baby. They had to talk about it. Otherwise, all the restraint he imposed on himself would be for nothing. He replied calmly,

"It's about your tummy."

Jennie instantly understood. She wanted to move back but she could not break free from Lisa's hug. He was way stronger than her. Her voice trembled as she said nervously,

"What about my tummy?"

A hint of displeasure flashed in Lisa's eyes when he heard this. She was obviously not pregnant, yet he had to restrain himself for so long. Of course, they had to have a proper chat about it. This girl ought to be punished. He said softly against Jennie's ear,

"You were never pregnant."

Jennie leaned into Lisa's embrace. She felt a little depressed when she heard this. She did not know why, but after she found out that she was not pregnant, she was slightly disappointed.

"Mmm, I know."

Although Jennie tried her best to ignore her inexplicable disappointment, it was a good thing that she was not pregnant. She had so many things to do and all of them were difficult. So, this was not the best time to have a baby.


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