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Jennie felt happy thinking that she could save her mother after this with Lisa's help. She was over the moon. After being reborn, she could finally accomplish something. Her mother had already suffered for too long.

Lisa looked at Jennie's little face and smirked playfully. Was the little girl so happy about visiting her mother together? He could not miss this great opportunity, so he said, "Don't be so happy yet. I can help you, but you have to promise me one thing."

Jennie was completely immersed in the joy of being able to save her mother. Her mind was blank. As long as she could save her mother, everything would be fine.

Devil Manoban would not do anything to her, so she reacted immediately, "Say it. If I can do it, I will definitely do so."

Lisa looked at Jennie who had taken the bait. He raised his hand and tucked Jennie's hair behind her ear. There was a trace of gentleness on his face. He observed Jennie's gaze and said calmly, "Okay, I'll tell you when I've made up my mind."

Jennie's face turned red as she nodded. Since Devil Manoban had agreed to it, she would save her mother first before talking about the rest.

Lisa looked at Jennie's gown, both her shoulders were exposed. With his eyebrows slightly furrowed, Lisa said, "Felix, go get a shawl."

When the stylist behind Jennie heard Lisa's words, he chose a shawl and draped it over Jennie's body.

Seeing that her exposed shoulder was covered, Lisa felt instantly relieved and said, "Not bad."

Jennie looked behind Lisa with confusion. To her surprise, Felix did not appear in an instant as he usually did whenever Lisa gave an order. "Did Felix go out?"

Lisa's eyes were filled with a hint of obscurity. He sent Felix out, but this little girl shouldn't know about this yet. He said with a poker face, "Hmm, I asked him to do something."

When Jennie heard this, she suddenly felt uneasy. Although she wanted to ask about it, she endured it. After all, Devil Manoban had just promised to help her. She should not give him any chance to take back his word. Felix must be up for something very important.

When Lisa saw how calm Jennie was, he started to doubt himself. Was he thinking too much? He looked at Jennie and asked,

"Aren't you going to ask me what Felix is doing?"

When Jennie heard this, she immediately became very curious. Felix had always been around, what was so important that he had to go out? She asked Lisa curiously, "Then, what exactly is Felix going to do?"

When Lisa heard this, the corners of his mouth curled into a smile. He reached out and stroked Jennie's hair. This little girl listened to him well, she just asked the question that he expected. With a gentle look, he replied, "It's not a big deal. He's just going to fix your phone."

Jennie was shocked. Was it not a big deal? That was more important than her life! After a moment of silence, Jennie panicked. She immediately looked up at Lisa and said carefully,

"It's just a spoiled phone, I'll just buy another one. Why spend so much effort to fix it?".

Jennie did not care about the phone at all, it was the messages that were so important. If Devil Manoban found out that she was the hacker KIM, wouldn't he be extremely infuriated?

She made a deal with Devil Manoban with this identity not long ago, and she asked for a very high price.

To make things worse, she took Devil Manoban as her disciple and gave him homework as revenge. Wouldn't Devil Manoban kill her if he found out? After all, it was really embarrassing for a respected boss to be fooled around by a young girl.

Lisa frowned slightly when he heard Jennie's words. It was a small matter to get a new phone, but he had to check the messages in her phone. It was evidence to confirm his thoughts. "Change your phone? How long have you been in school? How many times have you changed your phone?"


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