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Besides, they had already contacted Ji-hyang, and she had promised to fully cooperate. However, there was a footnote at the bottom of the proposal saying that Lin Zihan refused to admit that he and Ji-hyang were a couple and had suggested that the company hire a lawyer to fight Ji-hyang in court.

However, the company did not agree with Lin Zihan’s suggestion. If Lin Zihan insisted on doing so, the company would rather shelve him. After all, this matter had already caused so much repercussions on the Internet. Even if they won in court, they might not be able to salvage the opinions online.

Jennie turned off her phone when she read this. She tapped her phone against the table while casually picking up a snack and putting it into her mouth. She knew that Mango TV was controlled by Kim Seon-ho. And this company was founded by her mother.

The reason why Kim Seon-ho did this was to help Ji-hyang. He wanted Lin Zihan to marry Ji-hyang. That way, Ji-hyang would be the wife of a best actor. He would be able to divert everyone’s attention by using Lin Zihan, making them forget about any dirt on Ji-hyang.

When it came to dirt on Ji-hyang, Jennie was even more impressed by Kim Seon-ho’s love for Ji-hyang. There had been so much dirt on her online, but Kim Seon-ho had spent money to settle them one by one, especially the guy who had been beaten unconscious. Kim Seon-ho had paid someone to treat him till he woke up.

He had even paid a large sum of hush money to make this guy deny on the Internet that he had anything to do with Ji-hyang and that he was framed. This was why no one mentioned Ji-hyang’s pornographic photos anymore.

Jennie guessed that Ji-hyang probably saw that Lisa was already married to her, Hou Shang was dumped by Chaeryeong and had to pay her back all the money, and Ji-hyang and her mother were thrown out of the house by her and Lisa... Therefore, she was in a big hurry to find another person she could control long term.

Meanwhile, Selugi was sitting at his desk holding his phone. He looked anxious and somewhat helpless. He banged his desk in frustration, regretting that he shouldn’t have gone with them to fight some boss, as he roared,

“It’s over, it’s all f*cking over. This is too f*cking good. Even I can’t beat it!”

Jennie’s thoughts were interrupted. She was also curious when she saw Selugi like this. Didn’t he say that he was awesome at this game? How could he be beaten so badly? She looked at Selugi curiously and asked,

“What happened?”

Selugi threw his phone on the desk when he heard Jennie. He had just bragged about how awesome he was and now he was so embarrassed. He looked at Jennie awkwardly and said in frustration,

“When someone said that there was a new boss in the game just now, I said that I was going lead them to the sky, but now they’re all dead. I’m the only one left. I’m at very low health now and I’m going to die soon. I really didn’t expect this new boss to be so strong. I’m destined to lose face today.”

Selugi looked helpless. His reputation would be ruined by this game. When the time came, those people might not even mock him. But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a message from his phone.

“Congratulations to the player, Big Brother Selu, for successfully killing the boss. You have obtained two godly weapons and six top-tier crafting materials.”

Selugi looked over in disbelief and discovered that Jennie was holding his phone. He could not believe it. How was this possible? There were so many people who couldn’t defeat this boss, and his character was at very low health. He asked in puzzlement,

“Kim... Sister Kim, was it, was it you who killed the boss with my account?”

Jennie threw the phone back to Selugi. Who else could it be? It was just a small boss and she had killed countless in her previous life. Was it so surprising? She replied indifferently,

“Who else do you think?”

After saying that, Jennie ignored Selugi and continued to look at her phone. She was thinking about how to snatch the company back from Kim Seon-ho. After all, this was only the first step to completing her mission. Without this step, there’s no point talking about anything else.

Selugi looked at Jennie and was speechless for a moment. The few of them had worked so hard, but they couldn’t defeat the boss. Yet, Jennie had defeated the boss using a character with very low health. He said with a face full of admiration,

“Sister Kim, you are really awesome!”

Selugi turned into a lackey as he said that. He wanted Jennie to teach him, or better yet bring him along. He could then level up quickly and not be afraid of other bosses... He begged,

“Sister Kim, you’re truly awesome. Bring me along with you. I’m still a piece of trash at the bottom of the rankings. I’m begging you, okay?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now