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In the next second, a singing voice sounded onstage. Everyone look at the stage in surprise because they seemed to have heard a man’s voice. How was this possible? The person onstage was obviously a girl. This was just crazy.

Jennie did not open her eyes. She only sang slowly, but the voice that came out from her mouth was a deep baritone. When the singing started, everyone was stunned and looked at Jennie in disbelief.

Everyone’s faces were filled with shock. In their minds, they were all thinking, the speaking voice just now was clearly a young girl’s beautiful voice. How did the singing voice be such a beautiful baritone?

However, before everyone could react, Jennie opened her eyes and instantly switched to a cute voice. She continued to sing. And her voice kept switching – tenor, sweet female voice, big sister voice, soulful bass and so on. All these voices perfectly sung out from Jennie’s mouth.

Lisa looked at Jennie in shock as he heard her sing. Looking at the dazzling Jennie on the stage, his eyes were filled with joy and surprise. His emotions were stirred and his heart raced.

Felix’s jaw dropped and his face was full of disbelief. Unfortunately, Felix wasn’t as cultured; he could only shout in his heart,

“F*ck, this is awesome. Madam is too awesome. She’s simply the most awesome among the awesome.”

Everyone was shocked by this girl. They could not help but want to ask, was this girl a god or a siren who lured sailors with their music and voices to shipwreck?

Merlin was even more flustered, cold sweat breaking out on her forehead. How was this possible? This girl was singing a cappella, and she sang so well. Moreover, she kept switching voices and every voice was perfect; no flaws could be found at all.

What should she do now? Should she go up and interrupt her? Make her stop immediately? But she would become a joke if she did that. All she could do was to wait for Jennie to finish singing and see if she could find any flaws. She didn’t believe that a person could be so perfect.

Meanwhile, Jennie was like a god in everyone’s eyes. Everyone looked at Jennie and hope that she would continue singing and never stop. After all, her voice was too good, female or male.

As the song was sung, everyone became more engrossed. They even felt that this was not just one person singing, but a music carnival where many celebrities sang together.

Merlin became increasingly exasperated. She clenched her fists nervously and broke out in cold sweat. She was dead for sure this time. She could not find a single mistake in Jennie’s singing. Everything was perfect.

Randall even looked at Jennie admiringly. His heart was racing. This girl was not singing but demonstrating to everyone that her voice could draw everyone in, making it impossible for anyone to extricate themselves.

Max looked at Jennie with some annoyance. Damn this girl, how could she be so talented? If this went on, his daughter would only lose. It was impossible for Merlin to win against this girl.

Lisa looked at Jennie in shock. This girl made him think of only one thing, that she was a priceless treasure. How lucky was he to have her? He must have saved the universe in his past life that he got such an outstanding girl.

Felix looked at Jennie and thought to himself, the chairman has made a huge profit. This girl was probably the best deal the chairman had ever made in his life. Moreover, it was Madam who threw herself into his arms. It was enviable!

Everyone was immersed in Jennie’s singing when she stopped. She has come to the end of her song. As a top voice actress, this voice switch was just a skill. She returned to her original female voice and bowed slightly,

“Thank you for listening to my song. Now, let’s start voting. Those who like my singing, please stand to the left. Those who like Miss Merlin’s, stand to the right.”

The crowd was a little disappointed when they heard Jennie. They wished that she would continue singing. How could such a heavenly voice stop? The crowd applauded Jennie warmly. Some even chanted in admiration,

“Jennie, Jennie…”

Along with the warm applause, the crowd walked to the right one after another, expressing their support for Jennie. They even hoped that Jennie would sing for them again.


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