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After expressing their disbelief, some students who were really unconvinced ran up to the stage and searched for the most difficult questions on their phones. They wanted to make things difficult for Jennie so she would admit defeat. After all, if Jennie really won, they would be bankrupt. One of the students quickly found a question and asked quickly,

"Jennie, listen carefully. The question is..."

Just as he finished reading the question, Jennie, as before, took two or three seconds to think before she answered it. The student with the phone listened to Jennie's answer and quickly compared it to the answer on his phone. After realizing that she had answered the question perfectly, he turned and walked down the stage with a pale face.

The students behind him felt uneasy when they saw this. But they still used their phones to find the most difficult questions for Jennie. Jennie was able to answer all of them perfectly. But some of the students were still unconvinced and looked for more questions and took turns to test Jennie.

Everyone used their phones to find extremely difficult questions to test Jennie so she would admit defeat. However, Jennie answered all the questions perfectly. After an entire afternoon of questioning, the sky had turned dark and all the students were shocked speechless by Jennie. They knew that Jennie had won this time. Some of them left with a pale face, while others couldn't accept it and fainted and were taken to the hospital.

Jennie stood on stage with a dry mouth and throat. She had been answering all kinds of questions throughout the afternoon. It was already dark, and school was over. She did not want to waste any more time here, so she said without hesitation,

"School is over now. See you tomorrow."

Then, Jennie grabbed Lisa's arm. After all, her relationship with the demon king was no longer a secret. He had already kissed her in front of countless people and admitted her identity. She naturally did not need to avoid any taboos, so she said calmly,

"Boss, let's go home!"

Lisa's face showed love as he looked at the girl who was holding his arm. This must have been a tiring afternoon. He did not expect the girl to be so amazing and was so knowledgeable that she could answer all the questions within seconds. He reached out this hand to Felix as he said coldly,


Felix very sensibly handed over a thermos flask to the chairman. He was also a little depressed. The chairman had ordered him to go to the school's kitchen to make snow pears with rock sugar for Madam. He was clearly a butler and bodyguard but he also had to be a chef.

Lisa handed the snow pear dessert to Jennie. He had asked Felix to prepare it for her so she could drink it after answering endless questions. Such a pleasant voice shouldn't be overworked. His voice was gentle as he said,

"Come, ease your dry throat."

Jennie did not expect Lisa to be so thoughtful. He had specially prepared a dessert for her dry throat. She took the thermos flask shyly from him. The devil finally knew how to care for girls. Not bad, he must keep it up. She said with a smile,

"Thank you, boss."

Felix was even more depressed when he saw this. Although he was ordered by the chairman to make the dessert, shouldn't Madam thank him? This dessert was something he had worked hard to make all afternoon. Not only was he not thanked, but he was also made to watch them being lovey-dovey. It was just cruel! These two people were too much.

As soon as they exited the school gate, Jennie and Lisa got into the car. Lisa's phone rang again. Lisa heard the ringtone and had a bad feeling. He took his phone out from his pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was indeed a call from the old residence. He frowned as he picked it up,

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Grandma Manoban's face darkened instantly when she heard this. How dare this little brat speak to her like this? Didn't he know how to respect his elders? Of course, there was a reason she called him. Why would she call him otherwise? She replied coldly,

"Nonsense, why would I call you if there's nothing? Chaeyeon came to visit your grandfather and I today. Your grandfather has asked her to stay for dinner. Get your ass back here right now."


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