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“Everything here was earned bit by bit using my mom’s dowry. Everything here belongs to my mom...”

Jennie angrily banged the coffee table as she said this. Everything here was obviously earned using her mom’s money. Not only had her home been taken over by these people, they now think they own it! How could they be so shameless? Jennie roared angrily,

“You shameless bloodsuckers! Get the hell out of my house!”

Lisa, who was at the side, saw that Jennie was so angry and even banged the coffee table so hard. His heart ached. His girl was using so much force that her hand must be hurting. He frowned as he looked at Jennie’s hand, afraid that she might be injured.

When Ji-hyang heard Jennie’s words, which were all about how her dad was a useless piece of trash and caught on to the topic. Kim Seon-ho was still her father. How dare she scold him like that? She pointed at Jennie and said,

“Jennie, how dare you scold your father like that? I’ll make sure that he deals with you when he comes back. Everything here was earned by your dad. Of course, he has the final say. You don’t have the right to kick us out!”

Lisa saw that Jennie’s hand had turned red from hitting the coffee table so hard. His expression changed instantly. Jennie was hurt. He glared at Ji-hyang and Zhang Ningning, and ordered Felix coldly,

“Felix, throw these two people out immediately.”

Felix nodded respectfully when he heard this. This matter would not end well when they have angered Madam and now the chairman! Felix immediately ordered the security guards to throw Ji-hyang and Zhang Ningning out.

How could Ji-hyang and Zhang Ningning be thrown out just like that? This was their territory. They struggled madly. Zhang Ningning also glared at Jennie and yelled,

“Jennie, how dare you do this? Wait until I tell your dad. He will definitely teach you a lesson!”

Ji-hyang was even more indignant. What right did a piece of trash like Jennie have to win Boss Manoban's admiration? How could she be inferior to Jennie? When she heard her mom’s angry roar, she added angrily,

“Jennie, things would not end well for you if you threw us out today!”

Jennie looked at the two of them nonchalantly. They should really get the facts right. It wasn’t her who threw the two of them out. It was the devil who had asked for them to be thrown out. She only asked them to get out, alright? She shrugged innocently and said coldly,

“I only asked you to get out. I wasn’t the one who asked them to throw you out. Why? Do you think I’m to be bullied?”

Ji-hyang and Zhang Ningning felt awkward when they heard Jennie’s words. Indeed, Jennie did not ask anyone to throw them out. It was Lisa. Ji-hyang did not want Lisa to misunderstand, so she said immediately,

“That’s right. It was Boss Manoban who asked them to throw us out, but wasn’t it all because of a good-for-nothing like you?”

Jennie stood up and walked up to Ji-hyang. She raised her hand and slapped Ji-hyang in the face. This two-faced hypocrite was still thinking about stealing her man? She was just courting death. Jennie said coldly,

“Is that so? Then I can’t let you scold me for nothing, right?”

With a crisp sound, a red and swollen handprint appeared on Ji-hyang’s face. It was very conspicuous. Lisa frowned at Jennie when he saw this and said rather angrily,

“Jennie, what are you doing?”

Ji-hyang saw that Lisa was angry and quickly covered her face with her hands and cried. She looked at Jennie helplessly and pitifully. Boss Manoban was angry just now. He must think that Jennie had gone too far. After all, men were born to be protective. He must feel sorry for her when he saw how weak she was. Ji-hyang sobbed,

“Jennie, how dare you hit me? Why are you so vicious and unreasonable?”

She cried as she secretly observed Lisa’s expression. When she saw that he was still angry, she immediately pretended to be weak and helpless. She looked at Lisa tearfully as she said,

“Boss Manoban, you must stand up for me. Jennie has gone too far.”

Jennie’s eyes were filled with disappointment. She did not expect the devil to have a change of heart at the last moment. He was angry because she had slapped Ji-hyang. She looked coldly at the frosty Lisa and said calmly,

“I’m not afraid even if you want to help Ji-hyang. I...”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now