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Jennie was in a panic. If she had known this would happen, she would not have picked up Lisa’s call. This situation was too awkward. She wondered if Devil Manoban noticed anything.

Lisa felt that Jennie’s breathing rate changed. He looked at Jennie’s pocket in surprise. Was this too much of a coincidence? He sent KIM two messages, and Jennie’s phone rang twice.

Lisa sent KIM another message to test Jennie. In order to confirm his assumption, he sent an emoji to KIM. Just as he sent out the message, Jennie’s phone rang again.

Lisa squinted his eyes and stared at Jennie, looking dangerous. Although Jennie had her eyes closed, she could still feel that he was gazing at her.

She could only pretend that she just woke up, took out her phone, and said soundlessly, “It must be Rosie messages. She is so annoying.”

Lisa looked at Jennie, and his face was unreadable. What were the odds of that happening?

Every time he sent KIM a message, Jennie’s phone would ring. He placed his hand in front of Jennie and said coldly, “Give me your phone.”

When his company was hacked the last time, Little Mute said she could help him. Besides, at that time, Little Mute’s hand speed of operating the computer surpassed that of a normal human being. Even though he did not want to believe it, Little Mute was too suspicious now.

Jennie looked at the hand in front of her and was extremely flustered. If she gave her phone to Devil Manoban, he would probably strangle her to death. Jennie explained soundlessly to Lisa without changing her expression.

“Alright. The plane is about to take off. I’m going to turn off my phone.”

Of course she could not give her phone to Lisa. If she gave it to him, her secret would be discovered and Devil Manoban would be angry. Then, he would possibly throw her out of the plane. To stay alive, she definitely could not let him see her phone.

When Lisa heard this, he laughed coldly. There must be something wrong with Little Mute. What was she trying to hide? He had to see her phone today no matter what Little Mute said.

He said coldly, “Just switch your phone into flight mode.”

Jennie was speechless. It seemed that Devil Manoban wouldn’t stop until he saw her phone today. She could only turn off her phone in front of Lisa. No matter what, she could not let him know that she was KIM.

Then, she said soundlessly, “You’re a man. Why do you want to see girls’ texts? They are secrets, okay?”

“Give your phone to me.”

Lisa spat out these words coldly. What secrets could two girls have? He would not believe Little Mute’s words.

Unless she did not dare to let him see her phone because she took a liking to another man. Otherwise, why couldn’t he see it?

When Jennie heard this, her heart started to race. Must Devil Manoban do this? No matter what, she absolutely could not give him her phone.

Jennie shook her head resolutely and said soundlessly, “No way.”

Lisa became more and more suspicious of Jennie. There must be something wrong with Little Mute.

What exactly was she hiding?

Lisa’s face darkened, and he was filled with anger as he said coldly, “Don’t make me say it again.”

When Jennie saw Devil Manoban’s expression, she knew that if he could not see her phone today, he would not let this go.

Having no idea what she was thinking, she threw her phone into her clothes and said soundlessly, “If you want it, come and take it.”

When he saw Jennie throw the phone into her clothes, Lisa was surprised and frowned at Jennie. Wasn’t she afraid that he would really go take it and do something even worse to her?

Jennie smiled triumphantly when she saw that Lisa was shocked. She was so proud of herself and thought she was smart. This way, she believed that Devil Manoban would not dare to take her phone.

Lisa calmed down when he saw Jennie’s smug look. He turned up the corners Of his mouth and thought Jennie was too naive. Was there anything that he did not dare to do?

Ever since he was young, there was nothing that he could not get. As long as he wanted, he could do anything to Jennie now, so of course he had no problem taking her phone from under her clothes.

He said lightly, “Do you think that I don’t dare to do it?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now