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“Don’t thank me yet. Let me see your phone.” When Jennie heard it, the smile on her face froze. Had this guy not forgotten about this? She had thought that Lisa had forgotten about it since he did not mention it. But now, he actually wanted to do it again.

As Lisa saw that Jennie was stunned on the spot, he was even more sure about his guess. If she was not trying to hide it, how could she not give it to him? Hence, he leaned closer to Jennie and whispered into her ear,

“What? Do you want me to do it myself?”

With that, Lisa’s hand was about to reach for Jennie’s chest. There was a smirk on his face as if he was determined to take out the phone from her chest this time. When Jennie saw Lisa’s hand, she was so scared that she took a step back. She immediately said silently with her lips, “It’s not here. I left my phone in the room.”

Jennie regretted it a lot. How could she have forgotten about the phone? As soon as she entered the hotel room, she just got relaxed and fell asleep on the bed. Of course, she would never admit it in case Devil Manoban got his way.

After reading Jennie’s lips, Lisa sneered. Little Mute still wanted to lie to him! Her nervous expression showed that she was obviously lying. She must have the phone on her at this moment. Lisa said calmly, “Do you think I’ll believe you?”

When Jennie heard this, she was instantly depressed. Why did Devil Manoban not believe it? She definitely could not let him get the phone today. Jennie had only a few secrets, and she definitely could not let him find out. So she quickly said silently,

“Why don’t you believe me? Everyone would take out the phone and put it away the moment they enter the room!”

Lisa looked at Jennie, who was a little anxious with a hint of a smile on his face. Since she refused to admit it, he would expose her and teach her a lesson so that Jennie would not dare to lie in the future.

“Do you know how you look right now? Your hair is messy, and you look like you just woke up. Moreover, when you got into the hotel room earlier, you went to sleep at once. And you just woke up from hunger. That’s why you came out to eat. You’ve completely forgotten about the phone. Honey, am I right?”

Jennie was silent for a moment. Sh*t! Had this guy learned psychology? He almost guessed everything she had done and thought. But even so, she could not admit it. She had to hide her identity as the hacker KIM from him. Therefore, she said silently, “No, I really …”

Before she could finish her words, Jennie saw someone not far behind Lisa aiming at Lisa with a gun. Her expression instantly changed, and she immediately pushed Lisa away. At this moment, Jennie forgot that she had to pretend to be mute. She shouted loudly,“Lisa, watch out!”


With a gunshot, Jennie felt intense pain in her chest. She clutched her chest and fell to the ground. Lisa was even more shocked by the scene before him. To save him, Little Mute got shot! He quickly squatted down and shouted,“Jennie, Jennie!”

Felix and the others hiding in the dark rushed out one after another, surrounding Lisa and Jennie. Lisa picked up Jennie from the ground, the cold aura emitting from his body. His eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a devil that would devour people. Then, he ordered coldly,“Felix, I want him alive.”

Felix nodded and led his men to chase after the shooter. After firing, the shooter immediately turned around and fled when he saw Felix and his men rushing over. Felix’s face was cold. It would not take him much effort to deal with such a killer.

After Lisa gave Felix the instruction, he picked up Jennie trembling. Looking at Jennie, who was about to faint, Lisa felt his heart fill with fear. It was not easy for him to fall in love with a girl. How could he lose her just like that?

He kept shouting in Jennie’s ear, “Jennie, Little Mute, can you hear me? Stay with me. I won’t let you die. You have to live!”

Jennie, who was in a daze, instantly woke up when she heard Lisa’s roar. Although her wound was still painful, Jennie raised her hand and touched her ears. Why was this man shouting so loudly? She said helplessly, “Do you have to shout like that? My ears are going deaf. Don’t worry. I’m fine.”

Lisa calmed down slightly when he heard it, but his arms were still trembling.

His face was expressionless, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. Was she really okay? He asked calmly,

“Didn’t you get shot in the heart just now? How could you be fine?”


THE GENIUS WIFE [JENLISA] (2)Where stories live. Discover now