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Jennie was shy. Why did Lisa suddenly announce it? She still wanted to keep her dignity. Didn’t he agree to keep it a secret? Did he just violate their agreement?

Mou Haijun was also shocked because Jennie looked like she just came of age. He couldn’t believe that she was already living with Lisa. Since Jennie and Lisa lived together, they probably had intimate encounters.

Rosé looked at Jennie in disbelief and asked, “Jennie, you’re really amazing. So, you’re already living with Boss Manoban?”

“Well, listen to me…”

Jennie saw the look of shock on Rosé’s and Mou Haijun’s faces and quickly shook her head, wanting to explain. After all, it could not be said out loud. However, Lisa interrupted Jennie and said faintly, “That’s right. We even share a bed.”

Jennie didn’t know what to say. Her face was flushed red. She wished the floor would open up and swallow her. Why did Lisa say that? How could she face Rosé and Mou Haijun in the future?

When Rosé heard this, her mouth was wide open in shock. She didn’t expect Jennie to be so bold. Mou Haijun’s face instantly darkened. His hands were clenched into fists, and he was a little unhappy. This was the first time he was interested in a girl. He did not expect that Jennie was already spoken for. Hou Wan ‘er was shocked for a moment. Then, she gave Jennie a thumbs up and sighed.

“I am impressed. How long have you known Boss Manoban? You are so young, and you’ve already slept with him. You are amazing!”

Lisa was the acknowledged prince charming. Every woman wanted to get close to him, and they regarded him as the person of their dreams. However, although he was extremely handsome and powerful, he never had an interest in any women.

Therefore, most women only dared to talk about sleeping with Lisa online. They never thought that someone could really sleep with him. After all, he was out of touch, and no woman could get close to him before.

Jennie was speechless. She knew that Rosé was just envious. But why did Rosé mention Jennie’s age? Was Hou War’er really praising Jennie? Jennie thought Rosé was slagging her off.

Mou Haijun looked at the imposing Lisa and warned, “Jennie is still young. She doesn’t know anything about the dark world, so you better not be toying with her. Otherwise, I’ll definitely not let you off the hook.”

When Lisa heard this, he looked coldly at Mou Haijun. How dare Mou Haijun speak to Lisa like this? Lisa became more aggressive as he said coldly, “It’s none of your business.”

Lisa looked at Jennie coldly, carried her in his arms, and turned to leave. Then, he said to Jennie as he walked, “How dare you go out with another man behind my back? Let’s have a good talk when we get back.”

Jennie was extremely nervous when she heard this. Why did she feel like she was not long for this world? What should she do? Would Devil Manoban ask someone to dismember her and feed her to the exotic animals he raised when he got back?

Mou Haijun watched Lisa carry Jennie away and felt jealous. This was the first time Mou Haijun took a liking to a girl, yet she was already taken. Mou Haijun shouted at Jennie indignantly, “Jennie, if Lisa doesn’t treat you well, come and find me.”

Lisa’s face darkened when he heard this, and the frost in his heart made the air around him cold. How dare Mou Haijun covet Jennie?

Did Mou Haijun want to die? Jennie was speechless. She could explain herself to Lisa before Mou Haijun said that, but now she could not. Lisa would not believe it.

Thinking of this, she quickly stole a glance at Lisa. Seeing Lisa’s dark face, she panicked. What should she do now? Devil Manoban would do anything to torture her when they got back.

Rosé quickly tugged at Mou Haijun’s coat-tails. How dare he covet Boss Manoban’s woman? Did Mou Haijun want to die? Besides, it might implicate her and Jennie.

Rosé hurriedly took Mou Haijun by the hand and said nervously, “Haijun, I still have a piano lesson to take. If I’m late, the teacher will be angry. Hurry up and send me home!”

When Mou Haijun heard this, he clenched his fists to resist the urge to snatch Jennie back. Lisa was imposing, and Jennie was so fragile. How could she go with such a dangerous man? Would something happen to her?.


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