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Even the Manoban family's servants were stunned. They looked at the crown prince of the Manoban family in shock. He actually kissed a woman? This was unbelievable. Could they be hallucinating after being mass poisoned?

In the past, there was a woman who tried to seduce their crown prince. In a fit of rage, Lisa kicked that woman into the piranha pond. And now he's kissing a woman?

Jennie was also confused. The devil was fine but what did he mean by saying that she should listen to him? Has she not listened to him before? It was just that sometimes she would say unpleasant things, but there was no need for him to be like this, right?

Lisa raised his head and looked at his shocked grandfather with a hint of smugness on his face. The girl did not want to divorce him. This was what he wanted. Jennie soon understood why he asked her to be good. He said confidently,

"Grandpa, my wife said that she would rather die than get a divorce."

Jennie's eyes widened when she heard this. What the hell was going on? When did she say that? She didn't even know. Could it be that the devil's lip-reading was not very good and he had misunderstood her?

She immediately pulled Lisa's arm, wanting to tell him that he had misunderstood her. However, before she could explain, Lisa grabbed her hand. This was the end for her; there was no way she could explain herself now.

When Grandpa Manoban heard Lisa's words and saw their actions, his fury went up a notch. He slammed the table angrily and stood up. This girl actually had the nerve to do this. He looked coldly at Jennie and asked,

"Young lady, have you thought it through? Would you really rather die than to divorce my grandson?"

Of course, Jennie did not say that. This had to be explained, but before she could say anything, Lisa looked at the old man with a smug expression as he said confidently,

"Grandpa, please be careful. My wife is quite timid, so don't scare her." 

Grandpa Manoban had no patience at the moment. He already did not believe that Lisa could find a wife. But what happened just now gave him no choice but to believe it. He glared at Lisa and berated,

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you. Girl, speak up!"

Jennie looked at the expressionless devil and hesitated. She pointed at her throat and shook her head, indicating that there was something wrong with her throat and that she could not speak. After all, she could not afford to offend either of them; she did not want to be collateral damage. With this gesture, she avoided Grandpa Manoban's anger perfectly.

Grandpa Manoban was stunned at first when he saw Jennie's gesture. Then he realized that this little girl might be a mute. He stared at Lisa in horror and said coldly,

"You little brat, you found a wife and she's a mute?"

Lisa had gotten the answer he wanted. He was not afraid of what might happen. Jennie had his protection anyway and he didn't believe that they would kill him. He poured Jennie a glass of water and said calmly,

"Grandpa, Grandma, she's not a mute. Her throat is not well so she can't speak for the time being."

Grandpa Manoban was still furious. After all, this girl was not worthy of his grandson. The Manoban family would never want such a nobody for a daughter-in-law. Just as he was about to speak, a sweet female voice sounded from not far away.

"Brother Lisa, stop lying. I've heard from Max that you married a good-for-nothing mute. Even though I don't understand how you could fall in love with such a girl, I would urge you to think hard about it. This is, after all, a lifetime matter."

Chaeyeon sauntered over with her feminine dress and wavy long hair. She wore expensive jewelry on her neck and ears. She looked every bit like the legendary rich woman with fair skin, beautiful face and long legs.

Jennie looked at Chaeyeon and thought about how Grandpa Manoban had said that the two of them were childhood sweethearts and felt a strange sense of jealousy. The devil was her husband, how could she not feel jealous?

Grandma Manoban also looked at Jennie with displeasure. She called her grandson back today to firm up his marriage with the Lee family. What would the Lee family think now? Wouldn't the Manoban family lose face?


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