1. How You Meet

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Harry Potter: Diagon Alley

You had been shopping for school supplies on your own for a few hours now and were growing weary by the minute. Your last stop was Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop to pick up a few quill sets that would hopefully last you for the first term. Unfortunately, when you went to pay for your items, you turned out to be one sickle short.

As you cursed yourself for being so clueless with your money, a kind stranger with piercing eyes stepped up and offered you the missing coin. You were extremely grateful for the kind gesture but were surprised to see that it was given to you by the one and only Harry Potter. You had only seen him in passing throughout previous years of your schooling... but never up this close and personal.

"Thank you," you breathed, admiring his boyish grin.

"Not a problem," he answered, his eyes studying your features as much as you were studying his.

The conversation that followed was slightly awkward but incredibly sweet. He seemed genuinely interested when he asked about your holiday and if you were excited about the upcoming term. You couldn't help but notice how he tried to prolong the conversation, even as you walked towards the door with your belongings.

Unfortunately, the two of you had to part ways and say your goodbyes, though not without planning to catch up once the term started. It was definitely the beginning of a beautiful friendship (or relationship) indeed.

Ron Weasley: Hogwarts Express

After a falling out with your friends during your previous year at Hogwarts, it was safe to say that sharing a carriage with them on the Hogwarts Express was completely out of the question. This unfortunately meant you had to walk up and down the corridor and pray that there would be a group of people kind enough to take you in. After passing several carriages full of classmates you didn't quite trust or know well enough, eventually, you came across one that was filled with laughter and chatter.

You knocked hesitantly on the door, the three unfamiliar faces looking toward you with confusion.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

They gave each other the quickest of glances before smiling at you and welcoming you into their carriage. It didn't take long for you to immediately start chatting and laughing about the upcoming school year. You, Harry, and Hermione had clicked almost instantly.

It was your lack of interaction with Ron that made you question whether or not you belonged to the group or not. Considering he barely spoke a word since you sat down, part of you believed that he was uncomfortable with you being there. Little did you know that his quick glances and nervous mannerisms were all due to the fact that he started crushing on you instantly. It would be a while before you found that out, but it made you appreciate your meeting with him even more.

Draco Malfoy: The Great Hall

You knew of the name Draco Malfoy from the moment you stepped foot onto the Hogwarts grounds. However, it wasn't until your third year at school that he finally noticed you and approached you. After the summer holidays, everyone in your grade looked older and more attractive. Unfortunately for you, it meant gaining his attention in a way that you thought you never could.

This year, the Great Hall had your house table seated next to Slytherin. As you entered the hall, you didn't take a second glance at the Slytherins who were all clearly staring at you. Draco's eyes immediately locked onto you, and at that moment, he knew he needed to get your attention.

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