29. House Parties

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry would find yourselves seated on one of the couches, observing the rest of the party unfold. The two of you would engage in conversations about your lives, casually sipping on your drinks as you quietly poke fun at the Gryffindors attempting to show off in front of each other. Despite the crowd surrounding you, you and Harry would always gravitate toward each other, becoming each other's only focus. Spending time with Harry during these moments would always be more enjoyable than mingling with the rest of the party.

Ron Weasley:

You and Ron would often find yourselves hanging out with Fred and George. The two of them would challenge you to a drinking game, aiming to play matchmaker and embarrass their little brother, all the while defeating him in beer pong. Ron took the games quite seriously, mainly because he wanted to impress you with his skills. Most of the time, you were too engrossed in the twins' jokes to notice Ron's longing gazes... though the more you all drank, the less concealed his crush seemed to be. Fortunately for Ron, your intoxicated mind wasn't fully grasping all the subtle jokes... or at least that's what he hoped.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would become jealous whenever he saw you chatting with any of the Slytherin boys at the party. Although he would attempt to appear disinterested and converse with some of the other girls present, he couldn't resist stealing glances at you from time to time, secretly hoping that you would come over and talk to him. As the night went on, his patience would wear thin, and Draco would eventually find himself walking over to join your conversation. You could never quite understand why Draco was so fixated on your interactions, nor why the other boys seemed to back off once he got involved. Maybe one day he would reveal his reasons, but today wasn't that day.

Fred Weasley:

Fred was the life of the party at the House parties. He and George would initiate chants and cheers for Gryffindor, and everyone would enthusiastically join in. They were the kings whom everyone aspired to be friends with, including you. It wasn't until one party when Fred climbed onto a table, trying to pump up the Gryffindors for the night, that he caught your eye. When your gazes met, he knew instantly that he had to come over and strike up a conversation with you. He didn't care for the attention he received from other girls, he was simply eager to get to know the pretty face he wished he had noticed earlier during his time at school.

George Weasley:

You hated house parties, mainly because they provided your dorm mates with an opportunity to try and hook up with the older Gryffindor boys. You weren't the type to shamelessly flirt with people you weren't necessarily interested in, so you often ended up sitting in the corner silently judging the people around you. It wasn't until one party when George Weasley brought you a drink, sat down, and surprisingly attempted to keep you company. You found it strange that someone with his popularity and charm would be talking to someone like you. However, as the night went on, you couldn't help but feel glad that he did. It turns out that your friends had sent him over, thinking you needed someone else to make the first move and initiate a conversation. While it disappointed you that he didn't come over of his own accord, you were still flattered when he chased you down the next day between classes, eager to get another chance to talk to you.

Neville Longbottom:

You had noticed Neville reading in the corner of the Gryffindor house parties every week, and it only made you more interested in talking to him. You brought him a drink, sat down, and curiously asked him about what he could possibly be reading at a time like this. The two of you entered a very intriguing discussion filled with laughs and deep thoughts, a conversation to remember for a lifetime. It was the start of a beautiful friendship between you and Neville, and you couldn't wait for the next time to see him and spend time with him again.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would be hanging out with his friends when he spots you from across the room. He immediately stops in his tracks, patting his friends on the shoulder as he says that he'll be right back. His friends cackle and make jokes as they watch the enchanted boy, disrupting you and your friend just to get your name. You were rather flattered to see that Cedric Diggory had taken an interest in you but was quite unsure as to why. That didn't stop you from talking to him for the rest of the night though... and every day of every following week after that.

Newt Scamander:

You had noticed that Newt had been leaving the Hufflepuff parties early for a few weeks. The two of you didn't really talk much, though you did find him intriguing when you wondered where he was sneaking off to in the middle of the night. It wasn't until one particular party, after you had had a bit too much to drink, that you followed your curiosity and stalked Newt right out of the castle. The boy was surprised to see you following his trail but welcomed you on his night adventure nonetheless. It was the first of many adventures between the two of you... with Newt inviting you to join him on his travels in your more sober state.

Sebastian Sallow:

A lot of the Slytherin girls would be trying to flirt with Sebastian at the parties. Almost everyone in the house had somewhat of a crush on him, which made things even worse when they put alcohol into the mix. Even though he had anyone to choose from when it came to socializing, Sebastian would still prefer to spend his time with you, just chatting and laughing in the corner of the room. He would always invite you for a drink or ask if you wanted to join in a game, knowing that he would much rather have you by his side rather than across the room.

Ominis Gaunt:

You would be having fun with the other Slytherins until you looked over to Ominis, who looked incredibly bored and alone. He didn't really like the atmosphere of the parties, though Sebastian always managed to drag him along to them. After you had had enough of spending time with the rowdy bunch, you'd go over and chat with Ominis. It would always make his night, considering you were the only person willing to approach him and make the night somewhat bearable. It also marked the time that he started crushing on you since the first time that he enjoyed himself at a party was when he was just sitting and talking with you.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth were inseparable at a party. He'd follow you around like a lost puppy, bringing you drinks, partnering with you in beer pong, and basically doing anything he could to stay close to you. Of course, it was far from annoying, as you adored his company more than anything. However, it did earn you strange glances from the girls who had crushes on Garreth, their jealousy simmering as they spread rumours about you throughout the party. While you often wondered why you were receiving rude glances from Gryffindors you had never spoken to before, it didn't bother you that much since you had Garreth right beside you every step of the way.

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