47. He Distracts You

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Harry Potter:

Harry wouldn't even realize he was distracting you until you pointed it out. You'd be busy scribbling notes onto parchment, half-listening to his rambles about Quidditch practice or something silly that Malfoy said in his charms class. However, the longer he continued, the more attention you'd give him, your small 'yeah's eventually turning into fully formed questions. You'd catch yourself getting distracted, eventually telling Harry to give you half an hour to focus before he continued with his story. As much as you loved hearing him talk passionately to you, you knew there was a time and a place for social conversation.

Ron Weasley:

You would be focused on your work, attempting to ignore the whining that was coming from Ron's side of the room. He would constantly say things like 'can't you do it later' or 'you're always doing homework'. It would be quite funny at first, though would often spiral into you getting annoyed and moving away from Ron so you could actually get some peace and quiet. It was very rare for it to get to that point since you eventually learned to get your work done quicker so you could spend more time with your childish boyfriend.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would see you focused on your schoolwork and immediately think that you needed a break. He'd begin to kiss your neck, mumbling for you to stop working and sneak up to his dorm with him. It took every ounce of your being to push him away and attempt to stay focused on your schoolwork... how could you resist the one and only Draco Malfoy? While a convincing distraction was the last thing you wanted when you were studying in-depth, you couldn't help but appreciate Draco's efforts to distract you.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would see you working hard and immediately think that you were in need of a break. He'd completely disregard the fact that you had only been studying for ten minutes and attempt to drag you away from your books. When you'd laugh and refuse to stop studying, he'd place his hands over your eyes, hoping that you wouldn't continue working if you couldn't see what you were doing. He'd plead and plead, kissing your cheeks over and over until you finally agreed to cease your work. You'd always end up paying for it in class when you'd get detention for incomplete homework... but for you, it was impossible to resist Fred. After all, who could resist that level of charm?

George Weasley:

George would do his best to annoy you, poking you and asking you questions over and over again until you reached your boiling point. There were times that he and Fred would have a competition to see who could get you to snap at them first; the two of them often placing their bets on how long it would take. There were days when it was extremely easy for them and days where you could withstand anything they threw in your direction. In the end, you would always get your work done, it would just be a question as to whether or not your blood would be boiling by the end of a study session.

Neville Longbottom:

You would be studying with Neville in the library, hoping to have a pleasant and quiet session with just the two of you. However, there would come times when Neville would innocently ask you a question about an assignment or share a fact on something he was reading about that would pull your attention away from your work. You didn't mind it the first few times, though as time wore on, it became more and more distracting, to the point where you wouldn't even bother turning your attention back to your work. Instead, you'd just sit and chat with him about whatever he was interested in... homework could wait when Neville wanted your attention.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would be sitting beside you, staring at you constantly until you told him to stop. You'd laugh, trying to redirect his attention back to his work, though he'd always end up finding himself back staring at your face. He'd say that he 'couldn't help it', continuing to dreamily gaze at you until you got fed up and gave up on your homework. He never meant to fully pull you away from the work you were doing... though he did enjoy knowing that after staring long enough he would have your full attention.

Newt Scamander:

Newt wouldn't have to do or say anything for him to be a distraction for you. You would often catch yourself staring in his direction or getting up to hug him and ask him about what he was up to. He'd end up just smiling to himself, cooing for you to return to your work and get everything done before walking away from your work. You were glad that he often tried to return your attention to whatever you were supposed to be doing, though it didn't stop you from continuing to neglect your studies. In the end, Newt would have to leave for an hour or so, making sure that you had time to focus. While you wished to always have him near, you were just glad that he cared enough and knew exactly what you needed to get the job done.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would say charming and flirty remarks, trying his best to pry your attention away from your work and seeing if he could get a blush to creep to your cheeks. You would always urge him to stop - especially if there were people around listening - though, of course, he would continue just in a quieter, hushed voice. You couldn't help but giggle at everything he said, your face going warm as his voice grew deeper and more seductive with each word. You'd eventually completely neglect your work, the two of you sneaking back to his dorm as he smiled triumphantly over the fact he managed to distract you.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would sometimes forget that you were trying to study and attempt to start a conversation whenever things were too quiet. You'd try to hide any sign of annoyance, participating in the conversation while trying to complete whatever assignment you had at that time. This would only prompt him to ask you more questions and go on more tangents, despite hearing the slight distance in your voice. You never wanted to tell him to stop talking, considering you were the only person that Ominis felt comfortable enough to talk that long to.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth knew that the only way he could distract you from your work would be by dangling something more interesting in front of your eyes - something more worthy of your attention. It was practically a little game that he played by himself; attempting to gain your attention with a toy from Zonko's or a potion gone wrong. You eventually caught on to his shenanigans, trying your best to keep your eyes on your work and knowing that if you even glanced at him, you had lost. Though it was too hard and Garreth was too good... he just knew you too damn well.

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