34. You're a Ravenclaw

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Harry Potter:

Harry would often try to impress you by keeping up with your wit and intelligence, but he'd always fall short and end up embarrassing himself. He'd attempt to use big words, put his hand up in class, or state facts he thought you might not be aware of. The problem was, he wasn't too confident in his pronunciation or the accuracy of those facts, which sometimes led to him making a fool of himself. However, you found it charming that he was trying so hard to impress you and allowed him the luxury of your attention. Still, you didn't want to make things too easy for him, and it was entertaining to watch him try.

Ron Weasley:

You offered to tutor Ron solely because you had a crush on him for quite some time. You were surprised when he took you up on your offer, but you were excited nevertheless. However, it turned out that teaching Ron the basic concepts from your lessons was more draining than you had thought, as he was barely picking up anything you were teaching him. While your frustration grew, his admiration for you did too, as he was often distracted by admiring you. Eventually, you had to cancel your tutoring sessions since no work was ever getting done. However, it did open up the possibility of the two of you talking about things other than schoolwork.

Draco Malfoy:

You and Draco were practically academic rivals. While you also had Hermione Granger to compete with, at least she was a nice person deserving of the praise she got from professors. You would give anything to beat Draco in every subject, shooting him a smug look when you did surpass him. He hated how much you tended to rub it in his face when the two of you got your marks back. Everyone knew the two of you despised each other, though only those close to you knew the real reason why you needed to outdo the other.

Fred Weasley:

Fred finds your mind fascinating, mostly because you come up with ideas that he and George could only dream of. You were very good at picking apart the issues with the practical jokes that he and his twin came up with. He'd have to find new ways to impress you and realistic ways to patch up his current ideas. It was quite fun arguing over how achievable some of their ideas were, and you weren't afraid to give an answer to them. Fred was incredibly glad to have you in his life; he needed someone like you who was able to keep up with him.

George Weasley:

While you weren't quite a fan of the disruptiveness that the Weasley twins seemed to implement in the classroom, you couldn't help but notice that George seemed to have the slightest crush on you. While you weren't quite sure why, you seemed to always catch his eye as he showed off in front of the class or winked at you as he flew around on the Quidditch Pitch. You were a lot smarter than the average teenager and knew that his little gestures were probably all just his way of proving to the other students that he could get any girl he wanted... it didn't stop you from slowly falling for him either way.

Neville Longbottom:

You and Neville make a great team in the classroom. You're one of the only people he can rely on to actually focus during class, but he also enjoys spending time with you. For the longest time, he was studying on his own, having many lonely nights in the library. Now, it's as if he has something to look forward to at the end of the day because he knows that he's going to get to spend some quality time studying with you. He refused to admit he had a crush on you, mostly because he didn't want to scare you away from hanging out with him... though it didn't stop him from admiring you every chance he got.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric and his friends were often caught hanging around the library, and for a while, you had no idea why. You would glare at them from across the room, considering they would rarely do any work and would spend their few hours before curfew just goofing around and doing whatever. After a few days of being annoyed by their presence, Cedric made his way over to you, offering to walk you back to the Ravenclaw tower. It became a tradition the two of you did every day, and before long, he admitted to dragging his friends along to the library to get a glimpse of you. You were flattered, though you did tell him that he was more of a distraction, and next time not to bring his friends.

Newt Scamander:

You had always found Newt a bit unusual during your time at school. However, after embarking on your writing career and returning to Hogwarts as a professor, you were surprised when your paths crossed with Newt, and he had turned out to be as successful as you were. The two of you chatted over tea, curious about how your paths had crossed despite living two very different and separate lives. You were incredibly impressed by his work and wanted to learn as much as possible about everything he was researching. The two of you inspired each other to progress in your careers, pushing each other to achieve more than you could ever dream of.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian loved your wit more than anything in the world. While there were times when you made fun of him, he couldn't help but laugh when you tried to keep a serious expression on your face. It only seemed to make you angrier, considering he never took offence. He was too busy chuckling and retorting what you said. It was annoying since you felt as if your point never got across to him; he just found you too cute, so hearing empty threats and insults never really scared him.

Ominis Gaunt:

You and Ominis often studied together, engaging in logical debates and arguments over particular subjects. Of course, you would always end up coming out on top since you tended to thoroughly research your side and understand the concepts a little better. Your intelligence had always impressed Ominis, and your brain was one of the reasons why he liked you so much. Though there were times when he wished he could win against you just once... it would make a world of difference for his confidence if he could.

Garreth Weasley:

You were quite the academic when it came to all of your subjects in school, but the one class you couldn't seem to excel in was Potions. You hated the fact that Garreth was ranked first in the class, and the worst part was that he was extremely humble about it. While there were times when he made jokes to try and get on your nerves, it never bothered him when you scored higher or if your professor picked your potion over his. It took you a while to understand that Garreth was just passionate about the subject, regardless of his grade. You hoped that, in time, you would learn to do the same, but for now, you'd remain the competitive Ravenclaw that everyone knew you to be.

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