38. Their Compatible Type (MBTI)

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Harry Potter:

ENFP: You were the bubbly, outgoing Gryffindor who always managed to make people laugh with an out-of-pocket joke or cheeky remark. Harry would quietly admire you from a distance, watching as you joked around in class and bantered with your other classmates. He could always count on you to keep him entertained, especially throughout the few boring moments there were at school.

ESFJ: Harry adored people who were givers. You would always put others before you, ensuring that everyone was properly cared for and attended to. While you sometimes cared a little too much about what other people thought of you, you always had Harry by your side, reassuring you that what you were doing was the right thing. There was nothing better than being with someone who had similar intentions and aspirations as you... you were forever grateful for the relationship that the two of you shared.

Ron Weasley:

ISTJ: Ron needed someone in his life who was level-headed and based their decisions on facts instead of feelings. When you caught him planning to do something completely irrational (or in your words - stupid), you would pick apart his logic and make him understand the consequences that would come of his actions. You were the only person capable of defusing him when he was feeling jealous... everyone else seemed to be too afraid to tell him the truths he didn't want to yet face.

ESFJ: When you started dating Ron, you began to observe a change in his personality that you didn't quite expect. He seemed to be more empathetic towards other people and would often take their feelings into consideration before saying something out of pocket. It wasn't until later down the line that you realized your relationship was what encouraged him day by day to be a better person. It was quite flattering to know that he was subconsciously picking up your habits and outlook on life... it was an insight into Ron that you held dearly to your heart.

Draco Malfoy:

ISFP: You were known to often stand up for what you believed in and it was a quality that Draco greatly admired. You were one of the only people in the school who wasn't afraid to rival him, with Draco always subtly appreciating the snarky comments you'd creatively construct. Sometimes he wished that he could follow in your footsteps; be less caring for authority and dedicate himself to things other than impressing his peers. Maybe one day he'd live freely like you did... though until then, he'd watch from afar and admire you while you lived your life to the fullest.

ESTP: Draco adored your adventurous spirit, mostly because he was afraid to venture out and explore things for himself. He had spent a good portion of his time in school trying to get under your skin and annoy you as best as he could... half of his fun was seeing how much he could rile you up. However as time wore on, you improved at blocking out his jokes, retaliating in a way that he grew to respect and admire. It was quite the heated relationship the two of you eventually entered, and it was most definitely far from boring.

Fred Weasley:

INFP: Fred admired your ability to see things from other people's perspectives and how you always showed a great amount of empathy towards everyone around you. You often helped him take a step back and think about the repercussions of a prank or a joke. Of course, it wasn't enough to stop him and George entirely from causing havoc throughout the school (especially since you had quite the creative brain to help him come up with ideas), though it did make him rethink his targets in a way he didn't before. You taught each other a lot, and there was never a dull moment when the two of you were together.

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