48. He Realises He Loves You

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Harry Potter:

During a Quidditch Match against Slytherin, you watched in fear as Harry was cornered into the stands and crashed across the ground for all to see. While you weren't allowed to see him until the match was over (thankfully, he ended up recovering and returning to the match for the win), you spent the rest of the match watching him carefully for any signs of injury or hurt. After the game, you ran up to him, pulling him into your arms and checking that every inch of him was unharmed. While he was a bit sore, he was so happy to know that he had someone like you to worry and care for him when he needed it. It was at that moment that the two of you realized you truly loved each other, as a newfound appreciation grew between you.

Ron Weasley:

The aftermath of a Gryffindor house party had left most of the boys sleeping and sprawled across the couches in the common room. Ron lay on one of the couches, half-asleep but fully aware that someone was rustling around the common room, attempting to clean up. When he felt a blanket being placed over his body and a kiss pressed to his forehead, he knew instantly that it had been you. When you walked away, his eyes fluttered open slightly, watching as you put blankets over his sleeping friends and attempted to clean up the tables as best as you could. He smiled to himself, knowing that it was so 'you' to do such a thing, and could fall back asleep, confident that he loved you more than anything.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco knew he loved you when you agreed to meet his family over the holidays. While you were afraid to meet the Malfoys and Draco's extended family (because who wouldn't be afraid of all those pureblood wizards), you stood your ground and impressed them thoroughly over those few weeks. Your ability to stay level-headed in the face of fear and how you didn't back down when they questioned you constantly made Draco realize how much you were sacrificing to be with him, and for that, he was forever grateful.

Fred Weasley:

You had helped the twins with another one of their pranks and were being lectured by Snape after you were caught. The three of you stood in a line, being berated by the Potions teacher like you had a million times before. However, on this one occasion, you seemed to be talking back to Snape, making smart-ass comments between his long pauses and getting into more trouble with each passing second. While George and Fred attempted to contain their laughter, Fred couldn't help but realize how much he adored you in that moment. You were the one he wanted to be with; he just couldn't believe how long it took for him to figure that out.

George Weasley:

While George was hesitant to pull any sort of prank on you, Fred convinced him to do so just to see how you would react. When you woke up one day with your dormitory belongings attached to the ceiling, you knew in that moment that you had to do something great to prank them back. George was beyond impressed by your ability to stay cool, and how your revenge was as sweet as their initial prank. The boys knew from that moment that you were someone to be teamed up with rather than pitted against, and George realized that he wanted you as his partner in crime, both in life and in pranks.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville had always known that you cared for him as a friend, though it wasn't until you stood up against his bullies that he realized how much he wanted you in his life. He watched as you defended him, ripping apart the Slytherins with wit and intelligence, gaining laughs from everyone who watched on. He couldn't help but admire everything about you; your values, your personality, your passion... he just hoped that one day he would have the courage to come forward and tell you that.

Cedric Diggory:

You were studying in the library as Cedric stole glances from you, quietly admiring your serious expression and hard work. He thought you were adorable, his short glances slowly turning to long stares, to the point where you asked him what was wrong because he seemingly kept looking at you. He seemed startled, saying 'nothing' as he returned his gaze back to his books. Though it was that moment that he knew that he loved you, and now he just had to figure out exactly how he was going to tell you that.

Newt Scamander:

Newt had to focus on his writing for a few hours and had asked you to help him look after his beasts so he could focus. At the end of the day, when he clambered down into his suitcase to check on how you were going, he smiled at the sight of you playing with and chatting with his beasts, much like he normally does. He was so grateful to have found someone who shared a similar spirit and passion for beasts, and in that moment, knew that he was going to love you forever.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would say charming and flirty remarks, trying his best to pry your attention away from your work and see if he could get a blush to creep onto your cheeks. You would always urge him to stop - especially if there were people around listening - though, of course, he would continue just in a quieter, hushed voice. You couldn't help but giggle at everything he said, your face going warm as his voice grew deeper and more seductive with each word. You'd eventually completely neglect your work, the two of you sneaking back to his dorm as he smiled triumphantly over the fact he managed to distract you.

Ominis Gaunt:

You were reading out loud like you normally do, half towards Ominis and half to yourself. In between the sentences, you would make a witty comment, rambling about the absurdity behind the statement or laughing at a character's actions. Ominis had grown to learn which comments were yours and which were read from the books, making him realize how well he knew you and how much he enjoyed your company. You caught him smiling, asking him if he was laughing at you. In fact, he was smiling at the realization that he loved you, so he just said to himself 'nothing'.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth had asked you for a few favors so far (stealing a Fwooper feather for him and heading up to Honeydukes to steal him some Billywig Stings), and it wasn't until later that he realized how much you had been risking for his sake. While he wasn't great at verbalizing it, he was extremely grateful that he had someone like you who was so caring and helpful in his life. He fell for you instantly, admiring you from afar as he attempted to build the courage to admit it to you. It was the innocent and unrequited kind of love, but he was willing to wait for however long it took before he could be with you.

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