70. Your 'Lover' Song

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Harry Potter: Lover

"This is our place, we make the rules."

Throughout your time at Hogwarts, many people believed they had a say in your and Harry's relationship. However, with each enchanting interaction with him, you couldn't help but care less and less about what other people thought. Deep down, you knew that Harry was the love of your life, and every day with him was another day well spent. You didn't need anyone else to understand that... just you and Harry.

Ron Weasley: The Archer

"Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?"

It was often at times that you doubted Ron's affection towards you, mostly because you had been burned so many times in the past. While you had told him that you had to work through your own issues before entering a new relationship, Ron vowed to always reassure you of his loyalty. Of course, that didn't stop your mind from running wild at times and thinking things it probably shouldn't have. Luckily, you had Ron every step of the way through the darkness, regardless of the things you would say or do to try and drive him away. You were his soulmate, and there was nothing that could ever change that.

Draco Malfoy: False God

"I know heaven's a thing, I go there when you touch me."

What you and Draco had was mightier than any power the wizarding world could grant you. Whether it was between the sheets or from across the room, even Draco's gaze alone was enough to make you fall into a thousand tiny little pieces. You didn't know a love like this could exist until you laid your eyes on him... and now, you wouldn't want to know the touch of any other.

Fred Weasley: Cruel Summer

"I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you."

To your close friends and family, you and Fred seemed to be the best of mates. You would always be seen with the other Gryffindors, laughing and joking around the grounds of Hogwarts. Little did they all know that behind closed doors, things would get hot and heavy between the two of you. You weren't sure how exactly Fred felt about you; you weren't quite brave enough yet to ask. You were worried that pushing him into a relationship would ruin what you had so far... but the friends-with-benefits situation seemed to be hurting you more than helping.

George Weasley: Paper Rings

"I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this."

You and George had known each other for so long that romance seemed out of the question. However, on one random night when the two of you watched the stars together, you started to see George in a different light. Unknown to you, George returned the feelings and worried about telling you and ruining your friendship. It didn't take long for you to admit how you felt, and the two of you stumbled into a wonderful relationship.

Neville Longbottom: Cornelia Street

"That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend."

Neville was the definition of your soulmate. At night, you lay awake, thinking of how lucky you are to have him in your life. Though as happy as you were to have him with you, there were times when you were afraid to admit there was a chance that you could lose each other. You loved and cared for Neville dearly and knew that you would never find another like him. You just hoped that in time, you would mend.

Cedric Diggory: London Boy

"They say home is where the heart is... but god I love the English."

There were many things that you loved about attending Hogwarts from overseas, though the number one thing that you loved about the place was the fact that it brought you Cedric. You had dated other people in the past, but there was just something about his smile and accent that made you swoon more than you ever had before.

Newt Scamander: Daylight

"I once believed love would be burning red, but it's golden like daylight."

You had been burned by many lovers in the past, but being with Newt made you realize why all of those relationships never worked out. While those loves would often go from passionate affairs to disappointing endings, being with Newt made you happier and more excited to be in a relationship. Day by day, he taught you what it was truly like to be loved wholeheartedly by someone in a way that wasn't toxic at all. You couldn't be more grateful to have him in your life.

Sebastian Sallow: I Think He Knows

"He got my heartbeat skipping down sixteenth avenue."

Sebastian was the kind of lover who made you weak at the knees without even trying. Half the time, he was blissfully unaware of the effect that he had on you. It was slightly comical how tongue-tied you would get around him, but you wouldn't trade that feeling for anything else. What could be better than being head over heels in love with someone who feels the exact same way about you?

Ominis Gaunt: Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince

"It's you and me, that's my whole world."

You and Ominis unfortunately were together in a world where blood status was more important than love. The two of you refused to let the evil of the world tear you apart, which meant going against your family's wishes of finding someone whose parents would be more accepting of you. You and Ominis often talked about running away together to a hamlet where no one would judge you. It was always a wonderful idea, though it was always a question of whether or not the two of you would actually go through with it.

Garreth Weasley: Death By a Thousand Cuts

"If the story's over, why am I still writing pages?"

Your love for Garreth was the kind that would not fade easily. When you were together, he inspired you beyond belief, motivating you through every aspect of your life. Even after he had left, you still found yourself pushing forward at the prospect of getting back together with him. While the pain didn't quite make you want to lay down and cry for days upon end, it was a sort of repetitive stinging pain that you couldn't seem to shake just yet. You hoped that one day the pain would fade, but for the time being, you had to force yourself as much as possible to even get your mind off of him for a second.

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