72. Your 'You Signed Up For This' Song

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Harry Potter: Elvis Song

"You gave it all and I gave it up."

You and Harry shared many fond memories - from times in the summer just walking through the streets hand in hand, to spending alone time together at Hogwarts castle. He had constantly been telling you that he was all in, and nothing you could do or say would make him change how he felt about you. It turned out that even that wasn't enough for you, and by the end of your relationship, all you had were the memories to remember him by since he was too broken to remain your friend. You hoped in time he would heal, but seeing the broken look on his face... you knew that it would take much longer.

Ron Weasley: Love Him I Don't

"I wasn't eating and you still said nothing."

When you started to feel Ron's love slipping from your grasp, you practically commanded yourself to get over him. You tried all you could - listing all the terrible things about him or things he had said about other people - trying to convince yourself that he wasn't worth the time. Though, of course, it was never enough to squash the fire completely. Ron was the love of your life, and you knew for certain that you could never forget him, no matter how hard you tried.

Draco Malfoy: Psycho

"You don't want me at all but you don't want me to fall for anyone."

When Draco started going out publicly with Pansy Parkinson, you decided that maybe it was time for you to properly move on from your ex-situationship and start dating someone new. It just so happened that every person you asked out or even looked in your direction would skitter away in fear and make excuses as to why they couldn't spend time with you. It turned out that Draco was threatening them to stay away from you behind your back, which only made you angrier and more confused about your feelings towards him.

Fred Weasley: I'm Trying (Not Friends)

"I swore that I'd swallow my pride, and you swore you would do better this time."

You were determined to stay friends with Fred after your breakup, especially considering he meant the world to you, and you couldn't risk having him leave your life. Of course, he agreed, but it seemed as though his version of friends was completely different from yours. He'd often ignore you, only acknowledging you when he was really forced to, and was sometimes cold and awkward when he did try to talk to you. You were doing your best to make your friendship work, but considering Fred's attitude towards you hadn't changed one bit, you weren't quite sure how that would be working out soon.

George Weasley: Outdoor Pool

"I was fifteen, now I'm fifteen and a fool."

George being your first love with a devastating end was something that broke you more than anything before. His charm and kindness quickly won your heart, but it wasn't long before you realized it might have been just a ploy he used in his dating game. After ending things with you, he couldn't quite shake the memory of you from his mind. It was just hard for him to believe, especially since he was already seeing someone new.

Neville Longbottom: Hollow

"It was eye to eye to word of mouth."

You and Neville used to embody the essence of young love. Sparks flew with every kiss, and you felt enchanted by his every move and word. However, as time passed, the two of you started to drift, and that initial spark began to fade. Conversations slowed down to the point where you were resorting to failed attempts to meet up, even communicating through friends. It wasn't what either of you wanted, but it's just how things turned out.

Cedric Diggory: Tough Act

"I hope I'm one tough act to follow."

You anticipated that letting go of Cedric would be challenging, and you hoped that he felt the same way. He had been the best boyfriend you ever had, setting a high standard for anyone who might come next. Whenever you saw him laughing in the courtyard or chatting with friends in the Great Hall, you couldn't help but wish that, deep down, he was comparing everyone else to you. It was difficult for you to believe that he was entirely over you.

Newt Scamander: Talking To Strangers

"I can't stop even if I wanted to, talking to strangers about you."

You often found yourself accidentally bringing up Newt in conversations, and he found it to be the most endearing thing in the world. He would hear from your friends or random strangers that you talked to, and you managed to slip the wildest facts or details about him into every conversation. When he asked you about it, you would blush a deep red, thinking it was embarrassing that he found out that way. He, however, thought it was sweet, though that definitely didn't stop him from teasing you after the fact.

Sebastian Sallow: Boy

"If I had a pound for every hole I saw punched in the wall, I'd be a rich girl."

You knew that Sebastian had a tough upbringing, though it was getting to the point where he would no longer listen to reason, and it was bothering you more than anything. You tried to talk sense into him, but his resentment for others was growing quickly, and you couldn't do anything to stop it. You wanted to be there for him and help him through the hard times, but you couldn't put yourself in harm's way any longer. It broke him when you left, but you hoped that it would help him realize that you were serious about him getting some help.

Ominis Gaunt: Volcano

"All or nothing, you chose nothing."

You never expected Ominis to move on from you, but one unfortunate evening at school, you realized that he did. You didn't want him to love you half-heartedly; you didn't want him to feel ashamed of being with you because of the rumors and speculation that were floating around, and you didn't want to be his secret any longer. Ominis didn't think that he had it in him to be in a public relationship and instead decided to end things. He immediately regretted that decision but realized that it was too little too late when he realized you had already moved on to someone else.

Garreth Weasley: Villain

"Blacked out babe, and I can't shut up, whole town's gonna hear how you messed me up."

You were devastated to hear that Garreth was dating someone new, so devastated that you resorted to drinking and using vices to try and distract yourself from the pain. People were very quickly concerned for your well-being, making sure they were there for you to help you through your breakup. Garreth would constantly be getting evil looks from your closest friends as he passed you in the hall, left wondering why he was so hated amongst your year level. He didn't hold a grudge against you; in fact, he was dating someone new to get over you—not that he would ever come forward and tell you that.

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