68. Your Friend Group

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Harry Potter:

Your friend group consisted of Harry, you, Ron, and Hermione. The four of you barely cared about the rumors and were constantly in your own world, chatting and laughing together. The group often went on double dates, with you and Hermione occasionally pairing off for private conversations while the boys followed closely behind. There was nothing better than a weekend all together; your friendships were starting to feel more like family.

Ron Weasley:

You joined Ron, Harry, and Hermione once you started dating Ron. The two of you thought it would be sweet if Harry and Hermione finally saw something in each other that they hadn't before. Privately, you tried to convince each one of them to date the other, needing to be subtle as you brought your two friends together. With so many double-dates planned, it was difficult to remember them all, but you just needed to make sure that Harry and Hermione were onboard before any plans came to fruition.

Draco Malfoy:

When you started dating Draco, you became very close with his friends, Blaise, Pansy, and Theo. You observed their interesting dynamic, constantly making fun of each other but also caring deeply for one another. Pansy would take every chance she could to steal you away and gossip with you. Not that you minded one bit—neither did Draco. He was just glad to see that you were getting along with his closest friends.

Fred Weasley:

You would always join the twins and Lee Jordan on their adventures, with you often being the distraction as they completed a prank or sneaked into a certain room. Your friend group was the most entertaining but a burden for the teachers. Not that you guys cared; you only cared about making a name for yourselves—one that would be remembered for many years to come.

George Weasley:

When you started dating George, Fred had to find another partner in crime. While George still joined him most of the time, he didn't want to disturb some of your few moments alone and would recruit Lee Jordan to cause chaos. You and George would just watch proudly as the two of them would get berated, considering Fred wasn't as good at getting away with things if he didn't have George with him.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville didn't really have a group of friends before you started dating, but you did start to spend more time with Luna Lovegood as your relationship developed. It was nice to be around them, especially considering Luna had a lot of peculiar things to say. There was never a dull moment between the three of you, and even though there were some weird moments, you loved them nonetheless.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric had a lot of Hufflepuff buddies that you found yourself spending more time with, most of them being on the Quidditch team with him. They were so close and had so many inside jokes together that you sometimes felt as if you couldn't get along with them at first. Over time, you grew to understand their jokes and became better friends, much to Cedric's glee.

Newt Scamander:

All throughout school, it was only ever you and Newt. You didn't need other people to keep you company. You found it much easier to ignore the other students who teased you when you were together. The two of you would often be found in the library together, whispering or reading up until curfew. Newt was the only reason you were able to pull yourself through the years, and there was nothing you were more grateful for.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian had already been best friends with Ominis from the beginning of their schooling, though it did take Ominis a while to warm up to you. Sebastian was always trying to invite you along on their escapades, even if Ominis disapproved. He found it difficult to trust you for the first few weeks, though over time, you managed to wear him down, and he even found himself laughing at some of your jokes. He'd never admit it, but Ominis cared for you as a friend as much as he did for Sebastian.

Ominis Gaunt:

It was quite easy for you to get along with Sebastian once you started dating Ominis, the two of you already causing trouble together whenever you had the chance. You often had Ominis trying to save you from detentions, but it was almost funnier if you got him into trouble with you. He was a little bit jealous of how close you and Sebastian had gotten, though he was also glad to know that the two people who meant the most to him were getting along, and that was really all that mattered to him.

Garreth Weasley:

You didn't quite like Leander Prewett, but grew to like him when you started dating Garreth. Garreth and Leander were the kind of friends that only hung out together because they shared a dorm and didn't hang out with anyone else in the common room. Garreth didn't care that they drifted apart and fell out of touch as the years went on; he only cared that he had you.

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