73. Romance Trope

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Harry Potter:

Friends to Lovers - You and Harry became friends in the first year, all the way up to the summer of your sixth. You started to see him in a way that was unexpected and made your heart pound a million miles a minute, scaring you into thinking you would be ruining your friendship if you were to tell him about your feelings. Of course, it turned out that he was going through the same thing, and the two of you eventually admitted that to one another as the year began. You thanked your lucky stars that Harry felt the same way; you didn't know what you would do if he didn't.

Ron Weasley:

Everyone Knows But You - Everyone was aware that Ron Weasley had the biggest crush on you. They would quietly cheer him on whenever he talked to you or tried to give him a pep talk to encourage him to ask you out. There were people even coming up to you and subtly hinting about what a great boyfriend he would be for you, and that you two belonged together. You had no idea about the crush for the longest time, and was almost embarrassed to look back and know that you had been that clueless the entire time. You didn't know what was funnier - the fact that he pined for you for that long or that you had no idea the entire time.

Draco Malfoy:

Enemies to Lovers - You and Draco hated each other for the majority of your schooling and didn't see it changing any time in the future. That was until a few unexpected hangouts and misunderstandings coming to light, that you realized that maybe there was a lot more to Draco than you originally thought. You hated that you wasted so much time together when you had feelings for him and feared that he would never reciprocate. That was until you found out that he had feelings for you the entire time and was just struggling with the fact that he believed you had no interest in him whatsoever.

Fred Weasley:

Best Friend's Brother - You had found yourself spending the summer with Ginny Weasley and being around her brothers for the entire time. It made your crush on Fred Weasley ten times worse, considering you couldn't avoid him in any way, shape, or form, and the way he was acting around you made it seem as if he was fully aware of the crush that you had on him. It wasn't until he got you alone in a room when everyone else was distracted that he finally decided to make his move. It caught you entirely off guard, though it didn't matter because it was all that you had been hoping for, for the longest time.

George Weasley:

One Night Stand - You had hooked up with George Weasley at one of the Gryffindor parties and wanted nothing more than to forget that the occurrence ever happened. Not that it was bad or anything, but some miscommunication and his quick escape that followed the union led you to believe that he was ashamed to be with you. Of course, something else had come up, and he tried to make it up to you in any way that he could think of. You just wanted to keep him at a distance for the time being, knowing that your feelings for him were currently quite strong.

Neville Longbottom:

Love At First Sight - Neville knew that he was in love with you the second he laid eyes on you. For the longest time, it was long-distance pining that helped him get through the school days. After sharing a few classes together and noticing that he sat by himself most of the time, you approached Neville, and the two of you started to get to know each other. It only seemed to make him fall for you more, considering you were better than he could ever imagine.

Cedric Diggory:

Fake Dating - Cedric had offered to be your pretend boyfriend after overhearing you talk about wanting to deter another guy who wouldn't leave you alone. While he had his own reasons for entering the fake relationship, the two of you quickly fell into a comfortable rhythm and found yourselves falling for each other faster than you could have imagined. Although it was scary, believing that the other person thought the relationship was fake, you knew deep down that Cedric was the one for you.

Newt Scamander:

Workplace Romance - You and Newt worked side-by-side, researching and trying to understand things about creatures in your respective careers, with each other's help. It was something about the way you watched him work and care for all of his creatures equally, and the enthusiastic way he talked about them, that made you believe you were falling for him. As much as you hated to admit that fact—considering most people thought of him as an oddball—that didn't matter once you realized you had fallen in love with him.

Sebastian Sallow:

Opposites Attract - You knew Sebastian to be the outgoing troublemaker that all the girls swooned over. You just never expected to be one of the many who had fallen for him, especially considering how different the two of you were. You were the bookish, reserved student who somehow caught Sebastian's eye from class to class. The two of you didn't know how you started liking each other—you didn't even know how you ended up together—though there was nothing better than the love that you shared, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Ominis Gaunt:

Forbidden Love - You and Ominis' families had been feuding for centuries, and there were no signs of that animosity slowing down when the two of you started attending school together. However, as you spent more time together in class, you both began to realize that you didn't harbor the same hatred for each other that your families did. You wished that you could be more than just friends. Despite years of dancing around the topic, you knew that being together would be impossible with your families' disapproval looming over you. Eventually, you made the decision to run away together, completely cutting off ties with your families and refusing to speak to them ever again. You didn't need anyone else but Ominis in your life, and if cutting off your family was what you needed to have him in your life, then so be it.

Garreth Weasley:

Forced Proximity - You dreaded your potions class, especially when you were paired with Garreth Weasley for the class and every upcoming assignment. However, as time wore on, you started to see that he was much more than his goofy and distracted exterior. He revealed himself to be a hard-working and dedicated student who loved the subject more than anything. Soon, you found yourself staring at him rather than focusing on your work, hoping that he might feel even the slightest bit of the same way.

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