74. Christmas Traditions

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry would hide away on Christmas mornings and exchange your gifts with each other. Knowing that Harry had never really enjoyed his Christmas growing up, you always went all out when it came to buying him gifts. The two of you would have this special moment just for yourselves, enjoying the calm before the storm that was Christmas Day before heading over to the Weasleys for lunch and dinner.

Ron Weasley:

You and Ron would always bake and cook together on Christmas Eve, trying to perfect whatever dish you planned to bring to the family Christmas celebration. In the first few years, Ron struggled to get a grasp on the whole cooking thing, but with your help and guidance, he eventually picked up a lot of skills that he would carry into the New Year, often spoiling you with his newfound culinary talents. It was a delightful way to spend time together before the craziness of Christmas Day.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco didn't have many fond memories of Christmas, as he spent it around a family that he no longer enjoyed being with. The only thing he enjoyed doing was sitting in front of the fireplace with his mother on Christmas Eve, chatting about the upcoming holiday and enjoying a few moments of quiet together. It was a tradition that he introduced you to when you moved in together, and the two of you continued it. Christmas Day might have been a sore spot for Draco, but when he was with you, it reminded him that nothing else mattered in the world but you.

Fred Weasley:

When you first introduced the Muggle notion of Christmas crackers to Fred, you thought it was adorable seeing how excited he was to crack them open and pull out all the goodies inside the paper. As the years went on, he found himself wanting to make his own, using his own bit of magic to make it more exciting. Every year, there would be a surprise big enough to make your heart stop, Fred falling into fits of laughter as the family around you screamed and laughed for their lives.

George Weasley:

You and George would have a gingerbread house-making competition the day before Christmas. Once the rest of the Weasleys found out about your little Christmas tradition, you changed it so that you would all pair up and compete against each other on Christmas Day. You never realized how wildly competitive the Weasleys could get until Christmas Day rolled around, not that you minded one bit.

Neville Longbottom:

You and Neville carried on your tradition of making Christmas-themed art together throughout your lives together. What started as something you enjoyed doing on your own turned into something you did together, and eventually, something you did with your kids. Every Christmas, you'd drape your home in creations the group of you made. Nothing was better than seeing the wonderful things your minds came up with, feeling more at home than ever every time you hung your Christmas decorations.

Cedric Diggory:

You and Cedric would often spend your Christmases volunteering and giving back to those in need. While you enjoyed spending Christmas with your families, you much preferred doing something helpful. Though you often engaged in such activities multiple times throughout the year, you recognized that Christmas was a day that could be tough for many people, and you wanted to make their day a little less painful.

Newt Scamander:

You never quite remembered how you roped Newt into wearing matching sweaters and pajamas every Christmas, but it was a tradition that you refused to waver from. It was quite sweet, considering Newt would do anything to make you happy, even if it meant wearing an ugly Christmas sweater just to see you smile. Every year, you'd walk in with something more horrendous, wondering if it would be the year that finally breaks him—it never is.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would often pull you by the arm into a slow dance to Christmas music. While it was cheesy, you knew that he loved it more than anything because it's something that he used to do with his sister when they were younger. You would just feel the world melt away as you held each other in your arms, appreciating every moment together that you could.

Ominis Gaunt:

You and Ominis would spend all of Christmas Day together, making a deliberate effort to stay away from any unwanted family or half-hearted friends. Sebastian would often be visiting his sister, leaving just the two of you to spend time together. You would open gifts together, make your own dinner, and spend the evening just talking and enjoying yourselves. You would constantly be trying to distract each other from the fact that you were keeping away from your families, appreciating each other's company more than anything.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth had many Christmas traditions, but the main one was decorating the tree together. It was almost like a competition, with Garreth teasing you and messing up the tree on purpose while you did your best to make the tree look perfect. Eventually, one of you would give in, meaning the tree would either look in complete disarray (if Garreth won) or perfect (if you won). At the end of the day, it was a tree you decorated together, and there was nothing you would rather have.

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