19. You're Dating Someone Else

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Harry Potter:

Harry would be happy for you, but he would be upset that you chose someone else over him. He'd listen to your stories about the other person intently, his heart breaking slightly on the inside with every word you speak of him. He'd never speak ill of the two of you, understanding that it's no one's fault but his own for not coming clean about his feelings. For now, he just had to sit around and wait for the two of you to (hopefully) come to an end.

Ron Weasley:

Ron absolutely despised the person you started dating. He would stare at you from across the room, criticizing your new partner in any way he could. Sometimes, he said hurtful things about you, but he immediately regretted it when the rumours swirled and word got back to you. The two of you drifted apart as friends once you began dating your new partner, and it was something that both of you hated more than anything. You just wished that Ron would learn to be happy for you...  though knowing him, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco makes it his mission to mock your new partner. He tries to start arguments and fights, picking on him to provoke a reaction. He hopes that the guy will lose his temper, making him unappealing to you and potentially leading to a breakup. However, your new boyfriend is well aware of Draco's intentions, and he remains unfazed by the provocations. Instead, it's simply the Slytherins attempting to get a reaction from you while you continue to live peacefully. This doesn't stop you from wondering why Draco is going to such lengths to try and end your relationship.

Fred Weasley:

Fred makes jokes about you and your new boyfriend being cute together. He engages in playful banter with the two of you, often making kissing sounds whenever he sees you being affectionate. He tries to create an atmosphere of lighthearted discomfort. His actions are mostly driven by his frustration at himself for letting you go. He finds it difficult to take your new relationship seriously, as doing so would only bring him significant emotional distress.

George Weasley:

George would try to befriend your new boyfriend to see what all the fuss was about. He and Fred would start inviting him to ditch class with them, sit with you guys at mealtime, and engage in conversation as much as possible. George wanted to understand why you would pick someone else over him and, at the same time, gather any dirt he could on the guy to share with you later. While it was an evil plan at its core, he didn't care – he just knew that he needed you in his life no matter what, and this new guy was most definitely getting in the way of that.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville is completely intimidated by your new boyfriend. You had noticed he had grown distant, avoiding you and your partner whenever he could. While you used to be at least friends with Neville, now it was like you were complete strangers. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get a moment alone with him to ask what was wrong. Neville just couldn't bear the thought that you found someone better than him... it killed him inside.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric was upset when he found out that you were with someone else, but he was never going to let you know that. He confided in his closest friends, as they were the only ones he could truly trust with his emotions. When he saw you, he pretended as if everything was fine - that your new relationship status was something to be celebrated rather than something to be disappointed about. For now, he'd just suffer through the pain, talking to his friends when he could and hoping that he'd get over you sometime soon.

Newt Scamander:

Newt is completely heartbroken when he finds out that you're with someone else. He really believed that the two of you had a good thing going on, and that news just devastated him. Considering the two of you were still friends, he put on a brave face and tried his best to remain friends with you. While it was extremely difficult, considering he loved you dearly, he would rather have you in his life as a friend than not at all, no matter how much it hurt.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would vent to Ominis, unsure of why you would pick someone else over himself. While Ominis would try to be a good friend and support Sebastian as best as he could, it started to get to the point where he couldn't bring himself to hear either of your names anymore. Sebastian complained about your new boyfriend every second he could, which absolutely bored Ominis to tears. Eventually, Ominis ended up just lashing out at his friend and told him to get over you... Though considering how strongly Sebastian felt for you, that seemed to be a feat that was practically impossible.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis believes wholeheartedly that now that you're with someone else, he stands no chance with you. Because of that, he represses his feelings, attempting to move on from you by keeping to himself. The feat proves to be impossible, as every time he spends time with you, it's like his feelings reset, and he falls for you all over again. One day, he hopes to fully get over you so that you can be friends once again, but it just hurts him too much to see you happy with someone else.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth wasn't one to let romance get him down, but when he heard that you had started seeing someone else in your year, he seemed to be distracted in every corner of his life. His homework was always late and poorly written, and his potions as of late would either be ineffective or blow up in his face. He was growing progressively more frustrated and couldn't understand why. Deep down, he knew that his subconscious was jealous and thinking about you with your new partner... he just didn't want to admit it to himself yet that you were a distraction.

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