8. PDA

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Harry Potter:

Harry would be affectionate without even realising it. When the two of you would sit together on a couch, he'd subconsciously rest his hand on your knee or put his arm around you. When you'd walk in the hallways together, he'd reach for your hand to get you through the crowd of students. You'd always laugh and accept his affection, to which he'd question 'what'. You'd point out that he's being affectionate and he'd blush and pull away, unsure of how you felt about PDA that early into a relationship. You'd always remind him that his affection was welcome and that there was no need to pull away... it didn't stop him from feeling slightly embarrassed about it.

Ron Weasley:

Ron isn't big on PDA, though he likes to be touching you when the two of you are sitting next to each other. He'll lazily sling his arm around your shoulders as you sit together on the couches, or he'll rest his hand on your knee as you study and draw circles with his thumb. He does enjoy it when you hug him or kiss him on the cheek before you leave for class, sheepishly avoiding the gazes of his friends as you walk away. He just doesn't want to seem too needy in front of other people by reaching for such affection (not that it would bother them either way).

Draco Malfoy:

Draco enjoys PDA, especially in front of his friend group. He always has his arm around your shoulders or waist - when you're sitting down, walking through the school or just hanging out in the courtyard. He always gives you a quick goodbye kiss when you part ways for classes, and he kisses you even longer when he says goodnight at your common room/dorm room door. There was nothing that you loved more than being showered in affection by Draco... it made you feel loved and accepted by the one person in the world who is the most picky with his company.

Fred Weasley:

Fred will take any chance he can get to show his affection for you. He'll sneak up and hug you from behind or attack you with kisses to you your cheeks and neck. As much as you knew that he loved to show his affection for you, he knew that it was sometimes too much for you. He'd see your face go bright red with embarrassment, and play into his affection even more. He'd start calling you absurd pet names like 'snookums' or 'baby doll', and make his kissing sounds incredibly loud. Sometimes you'd even have to push him away to get him to leave you alone, but that wouldn't stop him from laughing loudly and shouting a 'Goodbye my love' as he ran off to meet George.

George Weasley:

George is the sweetest when it comes to PDA. He doesn't care who's watching, or the fact that Fred will take every chance he can get to try and embarrass the two of you. Fred would stand by and makes kissing noises at the two of you, which would only make George kiss you for longer. Before every class, George gives you a kiss goodbye before running off with Fred to get to (or ditch) their next class. You normally hear Fred say something along the lines of 'you're bloody whipped, mate' as they shove each other down the hallway. Despite the teasing, George's affectionate gestures always leave you with a warm heart and a beaming smile.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would very rarely initiate PDA. He enjoys being affectionate with you but isn't sure how you feel about kissing him so publicly. Instead, the two of you walk side by side to classes, laughing and chatting from a safe distance away from each other - more like best friends rather than a couple. It took a few weeks into your relationship to learn that Neville was just a bit nervous to initiate public affection, which resulted in you stepping up and being the one to kiss him in front of your friends. Neville would never once reject you in that case; he loves any chance he can get to be that close to you. 

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric wasn't afraid to express PDA, no matter the teasing that the two of you would endure from his friend group. He'd kiss you in front of his friends, ignoring the hooting and hollering that came from the group from afar. While some of them would groan when Cedric announced he'd be bringing you along to a group shindig, he didn't care what any of them thought about you. He knew deep down that the only opinions that mattered were his and yours... and no amount of complaints from his friends would come between that.

Newt Scamander:

Newt doesn't really initiate affection, mostly because he's so wrapped up in his own work to even think about that. Though every now and again, he'll surprise you with a quick kiss or a lengthy embrace. Whenever he shows off his random affection, you'd stand there stunned, blinking in surprise. He'd observe you, realizing that he stunned you with his random wave of affection. Over time, Newt made it his mission to show off his affection for you - he started to kiss you more often and leave his desk to spend more time with you. As your relationship deepened, his efforts to express his feelings became even more evident, and you cherished each of these moments shared between you.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian absolutely loves PDA. He'll pull you to the side in between classes to steal kisses or pull you into an embrace because he 'missed you too much'. He'd sneak up behind you when you were studying or sitting down and kiss you quickly on the cheek. It was sweet to see him so happy to be with you - it was a good sign amongst the chaos of Hogwarts. Ominis hated hearing the sounds, though; you could always tell when he was displeased with Sebastian's affection towards you. It never stopped him, though. Sebastian was just too obsessed with you to let a second go by without kissing you.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis wouldn't really initiate PDA. For the first few weeks of your relationship, he would ask you 'what are you doing?' any time you tried to hug him or hold his hand. He grew to be really fond of the affection, especially when he'd go over long periods of time without it. He didn't care who was around or who was watching; he became addicted to hugging and kissing you. Of course, sometimes it led to the two of you being told off by the professors, but it didn't stop Ominis from trying to kiss you when the coast was clear.

Garreth Weasley:

While you and Garreth mostly spent time with each other like best friends, the two of you were mostly affectionate behind closed doors. Sometimes, he would steal a kiss as he ran off to class or put his arm around you when you sat together in The Great Hall. It would always catch people off guard, considering they'd sometimes forget that the two of you were in a relationship. The two of you barely noticed when you were affectionate or when you weren't... the two of you were the kind of people to just do what made you happy.

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