49. Enemies To Lovers

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry were known for your verbal-sparring matches across the classroom, disliking each other for the reputations that you upheld. One bad experience and a whole lot of miscommunication crashed together and made things difficult for you to ever see each other as friends. To you, he was the cocky, overconfident 'chosen one,' while to him, you were the type of person who didn't look past people's exteriors and was mean to them just because you could be.

However, after being forced to complete an assignment together and vowing to put your differences aside, you both realized that your preconceived notions about each other were, in fact, false and that there was a lot more to the other person than just their reputation. It took some time for you to properly fall for him romantically (which you denied for months on end), though you still refused to admit it in fear that he still secretly despised you.

Ron Weasley:

Ron hated how you were the kind of person who was liked by all and good at everything. You always seemed to have a smile on your face and wouldn't be affected by negativity from others whatsoever, which only seemed to make Ron's blood boil more. Eventually, he started to realize that his raging jealousy was due to the fact that everyone in the school seemed to want you, and he knew that he'd never stand a chance. You soon informed him that he would have stood a chance if he wasn't so rude to you over the first few years of your schooling. While it may have taken a while to forgive him for all the things he ever said to you, you knew for a fact that you couldn't help but start to like him back after seeing the little glimpses of his personality.

Draco Malfoy:

You knew Draco was born to be a bully, and you were one of the only people in the school who wasn't afraid to stand up to him. To him, you became a challenge, as he struggled to outdo you when you argued across the classroom. He hated that you were every bit as witty as he was but found himself slowly being drawn towards you. Of course, he'd never admit it to anyone, and the last thing he wanted was for you to find out that he was gaining feelings for you. The entire school knew that you despised each other, and the last thing he needed was to give you one more leg up to embarrass him in front of everyone.

Fred Weasley:

You had always disliked the overconfidence of the Weasley twins, but you especially disliked it when you seemed to catch the eye of Fred. He thought that the best way to impress you was with grand and embarrassing gestures for everyone to see or shamelessly flirting with you in front of groups of people. It only seemed to make you hate him more since you didn't enjoy attention drawn to you whatsoever.

Once your closest friends informed him that the way to your heart was through kindness, conversation, and the small gestures that most wouldn't notice, he found out that his methods of affection only made it seem like he was trying to embarrass you. The only way to rectify that was to do a one-eighty and take an entirely different approach to try and win your heart. While you weren't entirely convinced of the genuineness behind his actions, you eventually found yourself falling for every single one of them, hard and fast.

George Weasley:

Everyone knew that Fred was the leader of the Weasley twins and most of the extravagant pranks were done by his hand. For that, you often judged George for the fact you thought he didn't have a mind of his own and that he just followed Fred's every whim and thought. It wasn't until spending a little bit of time with him that you learned that, while still having his own certain mischievous glint in his eyes, he also had a softer and more sensitive side to him. You found yourself falling for him quickly, afraid to reveal it to him since you knew he still had that slight uncaring flare at times. You never thought in your wildest dreams that you would want someone like George Weasley, but after learning about him past his exterior, you knew there was no one else for you.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville was never necessarily your enemy, but you had always thought he had a strange vibe about him. Considering you were also competing for the top of the Herbology class, you often found yourself forcing a smile or even being nice to him at times. There was a lot you wanted out of Hogwarts, and you never would have thought that Neville was the one to bring that to you. It wasn't until a late-night conversation in the library that you realized just how kind and sensitive he was. You wished that you hadn't formed so many judgments, since it turned out that he made the most sense out of anyone in the school. Now, everyone knew that you disliked him, but you had to switch up and tell them all you, in fact, liked him... probably more than any of them realized.

Cedric Diggory:

You and Cedric didn't quite get along, considering you were the school's rebel and he was the golden boy. The two of you wanted a slice of the life that the other had, and half the dislike was the jealousy behind the fact that everyone looked at the other person differently. You had wished that everyone didn't see you as a 'problem' and Cedric often wished that he could be imperfect and it not be a big deal. After talking about it one night out in the hallways, you learned that you seemed to have more in common than you realized.

Newt Scamander:

 You didn't know how to impress Newt, but talking his ear off was clearly not the way to do so. There were times he would just silently nod to whatever you said to him, hoping that you would eventually stop talking if he held on long enough. Time and time again, you grew frustrated, knowing that you needed to work side by side but couldn't do so with this weird wall up between you. Eventually, you vented your frustrations to one another, realizing the truth behind your constant talking was that he made you nervous at times. He thought it was rather endearing to hear, and that you were brave to have brought it up. From there he took everything you told him more carefully, and truly listened to your words, rather than waiting for you to stop talking.

Sebastian Sallow:

You hated how Sebastian managed to win the heart of every person in your year. While you knew that it was because he was charming (that being the last thing that you wanted to admit to anyone), you hated how he left everyone brokenhearted after just a few weeks of his attention. It didn't take long for you to find out that his constant experimenting and serial dating was all to try and get your attention. He could see from afar that it was getting on his nerves, and he was secretly hoping that it was because you were upset he was going to anyone but you. He just didn't have the courage just yet to make his moves on you... not that you would accept his advances if he even got the chance.

Ominis Gaunt:

Newt was never one for someone loud and outgoing - to him, you always seemed to be a little 'too much' for him to handle. Of course, his dislike for you only made you dislike him more, vengeful that someone could even think it's strange to be talkative. You had tried your best to get him to like you, but to him, that only meant that you had been talking more and he found that even more frustrating to deal with. Eventually, you managed to have a civilized conversation with him where you talked about your insecurities in life, and Ominis learned there was a lot more to you than your attempts to impress him... he just wished he had realized it sooner.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth were polar opposites when it came to being in the same class together; you being the goody-two-shoes of the class while he was often distracted with his own experiments and adventures. You were mostly annoyed, considering you had to work twice as hard to receive the same grades as Garreth... half the time he wasn't even paying attention to whatever your professors were saying. He could tell that he was getting on your nerves but didn't understand why until he asked you directly. He thought it was rather comical, your reason for disliking him... and telling him only seemed to make things worse since he started playing into it more often.

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