24. Ditching Class

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Harry Potter:

Harry is always a bit hesitant when it comes to ditching class with you. Typically, you'd find yourself at the classroom door, making gestures for him to join you in your special spot. With over-exaggerated hand movements, the two of you engage in a playful argument until, ultimately, you manage to convince him to excuse himself and ditch with you. He normally ends up grumbling about it and even vows that he won't give in next time. Despite his internal struggle, the idea of spending time with you proves too tempting for him to resist.

Ron Weasley:

Ron is always ready to jump on board when you suggest ditching a class, especially if the subject is mind-numbingly boring. Ron has never been one to shy away from the idea of skipping a class; his only challenge is maneuvering his way out of the classroom without drawing too much attention to himself. Subtlety is not his strong suit so he always ends up getting caught and questioned by the professor. You hoped that with time he'd improve upon his ditching skills – perhaps even learn a thing or two from your own methods.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco often finds himself torn between skipping class with you or staying to maintain his attendance. He worries that his absence might somehow reach his father's ears, potentially landing him in trouble. Despite these concerns, Draco can't deny the idea of spending alone time with you, whether it's in his dorm or in the common room. From time to time, you would gesture to him to leave class, and he'd agree, using a bathroom break as his excuse. However, there were instances when he hesitated, choosing to stay in class for appearances' sake. While it might be disappointing when he declines, you understand the reason why he stays and don't push him any further... It just makes the times he does come along with you all the more special.

Fred Weasley:

Fred is always the one trying to convince you to skip class with him. He waits until you have a lesson with an unsuspecting teacher (usually Professor Binns) and bursts into the classroom, claiming that he urgently needs your assistance. Half the time, the teacher falls for the ruse and allows you to leave with him, though on most other occasions, they're annoyed by the disruption and make Fred leave. You're just glad that there have been times when it worked, resulting in the two of you laughing as you race down the hallway, off to cause trouble for the next hour.

George Weasley:

eorge finds it adorable when you coax him into skipping class. It catches him off guard, especially considering that at the beginning of your relationship, George was the one pulling you out of class. Now, he simply shoots you a puzzled expression as you signal to him from the classroom door, motioning for him to join you. Without fail, he'll chase after you down the hallway, laughing as he jokes about the terrible influence he's had on you. Naturally, you retort that you're choosing to skip of your own volition... though that doesn't seem to stop him from playfully labelling himself as 'influential' and 'inspiring'.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville didn't want to skip class, but for you, he was willing to do anything. He would always be cautious when following you out of the classroom, rambling about how they would get caught and get in trouble if anyone saw you skulking about. As much as he would rather stay in class and focus on his studies, he worried that if you went off on your own, something terrible might happen and he'd never forgive himself for letting you go alone. So even though it killed him to skip class, he knew he had to be by your side, protecting you if needed.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric is always torn between ditching class and wanting to spend time with you. He wanted to respect his dad's wishes and make the most of his Hogwarts experience, though when he was faced with a boring class that consisted of lectures he could find in his textbook, he couldn't help but be tempted by the sight of you standing at the classroom door. It was rare when he followed you, but you always appreciated it when he did.

Newt Scamander:

Newt will only agree to ditch class with you if it means you are going to study beasts. Whether that means sneaking down to the forest to look at the magical creatures up close or lying on the grass outside and reading your books about them, it's the only way to appeal to Newt to sneak out of class. Of course, there are desperate times when you just want to spend time with him and he knows to come along, but normally it takes some solid convincing before he agrees to come along.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would always be the one to offer to ditch class. The class would break out into group discussions when you would hear a 'psst' from the corner of the room. He would always have some sort of adventure planned out, knowing that if he was going to drag you out of class, it better be for a good reason. Of course, there were times when you were unwilling to leave class for play, but it never really took a lot of convincing to change your mind.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis refuses to ditch class with you, no matter how many times you ask him to come along. You and Sebastian sometimes team up and try to convince him together, though Ominis refuses to take part in any little plots the two of you have. What you didn't know was that every time you and Sebastian left to go on your fun adventure, Ominis would regret saying no to your invitation. He wished that he could come along on your adventures, but he knew that his family forbade it. It disappointed him that he would be missing out on fun Hogwarts memories of exploring the castle and enjoying conversations with you... though it was just the way that it was supposed to be, and there was nothing that he could do to change that.

Garreth Weasley:

You would only offer to ditch class with Garreth when you could see the look on his face had reached a whole new level of boredom. You'd throw a ball of paper at him from across the room, gesturing for him to meet you outside of the classroom and sneaking out when your professor would have their back turned. You'd normally just end up sitting in the common room, hoping there were no lingering prefects around to tell you off. The two of you would chat until the hour was up, refreshed from your time spent away from the classroom and ready to enjoy a subject you were both actually interested in.

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