10. Sharing a Bed (Not Dating)

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Harry Potter:

Harry gets flustered from being so close to you, his cheeks turning bright red and his skin prickling slightly from the nerves. He takes deep breaths, slightly distracted by your scent as you dream peacefully beside him. His eyes dart around, studying your features, trying to control the urge to brush your hair out of your face. It's safe to say that it was a night he'd never forget; it's sweet how much he cherished those few hours with you.

Ron Weasley:

While you and Ron weren't exactly a couple just yet, you were quite affectionate like one. You rested your head on his chest, hearing his heart thump louder and faster as time wore on. He rested his arm over your back, tracing shapes and letters with his thumb. He would keep his eyes up on the ceiling, enjoying every second, worried that if he looks down on you it might freak you out if you caught him. He didn't want you to think that he was enjoying this moment too much.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco waits until you fall asleep, watching you from a distance until he can hear your soft snores. When he is completely certain that you are asleep, he shuffles closer, hoping not to wake you. His mind races with excuses that he could use if you asked him why he was so close to you. He thinks he could pretend to roll over in his sleep so he's a bit closer, or that he's used to moving closer to another warm body in bed. You didn't really expect to see Draco so close to you when you woke up the next morning, though really, you weren't complaining at all.

Fred Weasley:

Fred doesn't care that you're not dating yet. With your back turned to him, you could feel him shuffle closer, his soft breaths hitting your hair. As time wore on, you pretended to sleep, leaning back into him. Eventually, he became the big spoon and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into him. Considering you both liked each other, it was the most comforting thing in the world to be that close to each other.

George Weasley:

George normally sleeps on his stomach - it happens without him realizing it. Though the night that you shared a bed together, he found himself randomly waking up in the middle of the night to check if you were there. He'd lift his head up, open his sleepy eyes, and search for your sleeping form. His heart rate would slow as he rested his head back onto the pillow, rolling over to face you as he fell back asleep. Of course, knowing him, he'd end up on his stomach again, and the cycle constantly repeating itself throughout the night.

Neville Longbottom:

When you shared a bed with Neville, he was extremely timid and made sure to give you all the space he needed. As you slept, he glued himself to the edge of his side, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to silence his racing heart. Every now and then, he'd flick his eyes over to you and observe the dreamy look on your face. While he would have liked to be closer to you or even stay up late for a chat, he didn't want to disturb you when you looked so peaceful. Instead, he'd continue to admire you from a distance... much like he did in day-to-day life.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would boldly put his arm around you before either of you fell asleep. While he was nervous to do so, he knew that there was something between the two of you, and one of you had to take the dive and make the first move. The two of you lay close, Cedric with his arm tightly wrapped around your shoulders. He didn't care that his arm was going numb or that the pins and needles were kicking into his fingertips; he was relishing every second he had that close to you, and he wasn't going to let fatigue set in and ruin it.

Newt Scamander:

Newt didn't know what to do with himself when you lay next to him. He was wide awake, fiddling with his hands as he tossed and turned, trying to find a position more comfortable than the last. It didn't help that you had already fallen asleep, peacefully snoozing with your back towards him. While he was freaking out internally due to being in such close proximity to you, you didn't think twice about it. He moved his hand out towards you every now and again, tempted to see if you were awake or to run his hands through your hair. Of course, he was never really brave enough to actually do it... maybe that strength would come around the next time he got this chance.

Sebastian Sallow:

You and Sebastian were already an affectionate pair as friends, though it had always been you making the first move to be close to him. When you were on the cusp of falling asleep, Sebastian's heart thudded in his chest, unsure of how he could reciprocate. The two of you were within arms reach of each other, and he still needed you closer. In a bold attempt to show his feelings, he pulled you in by the waist, afraid to meet your eye as he shuffled himself closer. It was a simple gesture, but it was enough to prove to you that your feelings were reciprocated.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would be sure to give you the space that you needed when you shared a bed together. He could feel his heart rate beating fast, knowing that you were laying there beside him, unaware of how nervous he was growing as the night went on. He refused to invade your personal space, though secretly hoped that you were bold enough to make your way towards him. Now and again, he'd call out in the dark, checking to hear if you were actually asleep. He felt as if you were moving closer throughout the night, but that didn't stop him from keeping close to the edge of the bed.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would shamelessly gaze at you as you snored softly, a small smile playing on his lips as he secretly admired you from across the bed. While he knew to give you your space, he couldn't believe he got that lucky to have you lying that close to him. Unfortunately for him, his staring was cut short as your eyes fluttered open, catching him in the middle of his trance. His eyes widened in fear as he rolled onto his back and pretended to be asleep, though it was all too late since you had already caught him trying to act innocent. Though instead of calling him out, you smiled - closing your eyes once again and knowing for certain that Garreth was harbouring some sort of secret feelings towards you.

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