71. After Graduation

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry both graduated as friends, entering the Aurors program together in hopes of making a difference in the wizarding world. As you spent more time together, both studying and physically preparing for the job, you began to realize that you wanted the same things out of life and that your feelings for each other were more romantic than you had initially thought. While balancing your relationship alongside your career would be challenging, you and Harry were determined to make it work in any way possible.

Ron Weasley:

You and Ron immediately moved in together, both committed to the long haul. You pursued a career as a Quidditch player, which made Ron seize every opportunity to proudly boast to everyone about dating a professional Quidditch player. He was overflowing with pride for you and found it difficult to contain, often leading to moments of embarrassment for you when he enthusiastically shared with your friends or family. While you appreciated his support, you occasionally had to gently remind him to tone down the gushing.

Draco Malfoy:

After the war of your final year at Hogwarts, you and Draco found solace and connection amid the healing and chaos. Your determination to become a healer and aid those in need inspired him in his own path, motivating him to pursue a career as an Auror despite familial expectations. In each other's company, you discovered that reputations and outward appearances were inconsequential compared to the true essence of Draco's character.

Fred Weasley:

Fred and George had already begun laying the groundwork for their shop by the time you graduated, so the logical step for you was to join them in their business ventures. While Fred excelled as the creative force behind their ideas, George handled customer interactions, and you ensured that the stock was consistently replenished for the store. It was a well-oiled system that the three of you had established, and there was nothing more satisfying than retiring to bed with your partner at the end of a long day, sharing thoughts and discussions until sleep took over, ready to tackle the next day together.

George Weasley:

You and George started your family fairly soon after graduation. After welcoming your first child, you and George temporarily moved in with his parents, who generously helped care for your little one while you both worked to save up for your own place. It was heartening to know that your children would grow up surrounded by such a loving family, and you were immensely grateful for the Weasleys' acceptance and support. Despite your attempts to repay their kindness, Molly insisted that you prioritize saving for your own home, deepening your appreciation for their generosity.

Neville Longbottom:

You and Neville knew from the moment you fell in love in school that you were destined to be together for the rest of your lives. Shortly after graduation, you got married, as you both ended up as teachers at Hogwarts and anticipated a long wait before you could have a formal wedding celebration. Finding the love of your life early on brought you immense joy, and you were swiftly settling into your roles as the teaching couple of Hogwarts.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric became a professional Quidditch player after graduation, and you were his supportive partner, attending every game. You spent each match with the other partners of Cedric's team, laughing and socializing as you cheered on your loved ones from the sidelines. Despite your busy schedules, you always made time for each other.

Newt Scamander:

Since you weren't quite sure what you wanted to do with your life, you knew that Newt needed all the support he could get throughout his career. You started as his assistant, helping him out as he taught you how to care for each of his creatures. As time went on, you became increasingly involved, assisting in research and contributing in ways that mirrored Newt's own efforts.

Sebastian Sallow:

After graduation, you and Sebastian felt the need for a break from studying and working, even though you hadn't completely applied yourselves to either during school. The two of you traveled the world, exploring both the Muggle and wizarding sides of every place you visited. It was a relief to only worry about each other and indulge in sightseeing and travel to your hearts' content. Eventually, you knew you would have to return to real life, but for now, all that mattered was each other.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis wanted to distance himself from his family as soon as you both graduated. The two of you found a hamlet on the outskirts of Hogwarts, secluded enough to prevent his family from finding you. There, you started your own family, free from the pressures of the Gaunts and entirely detached from their traditions and beliefs. Together, you established your own traditions and values, determined not to impose the old ways of your families on your children.

Garreth Weasley:

People were quite hesitant when they heard that Garreth was starting his own potions business. You were the only one by his side who encouraged him in any way. While he developed potion recipes and ideas, you managed the books and dealt with the customers who began flocking to the shop from the very first day you opened. It was incredible to wake up together every day and begin working on building something special.

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