4. Yule Ball

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry were quite close friends but were too afraid to confront the other to turn it into something more. When the Yule Ball rolled around, the days went on without him asking you. The two of you would always dance around the topic and never land on the subject. Eventually, someone from your potions class asked you to go with him and you couldn't help but say yes to the stranger. Harry kicked himself for standing by and letting you get swept up into the arms of someone else... there was nothing that he regret more.

The night of the ball, Harry stood with his date, miserable in the corner of the room. He watched you as you forced a smile, slow dancing with someone you barely even knew. While it was a shame that you both didn't enjoy the night you'd been waiting for all year, at least you both were now aware that you wanted to be with each other no matter what.

Ron Weasley:

Ron had asked you to the Yule Ball but did not expect to be as nervous as he was when the dance finally came along. When he saw you in your outfit, he stumbled for his words - trying to find the words and compliments that you deserved. He had practised dancing for the Yule Ball with McGonagall in front of all of Gryffindor, though seeing you for the first time was more nerve-wracking than his public performance. It did make things awkward - considering you had to do all of the work when it came to the dancing and chatting. Eventually, Ron was able to warm up and come to his senses... he just hated how he wasted half of the night trying to build one sentence.

Draco Malfoy:

Before the Yule Ball, Draco hadn't planned on asking anyone to be his date. He felt a strange attraction towards you, but considering your differing reputations, he couldn't openly admit to his feelings and invite you to the dance. Besides, you weren't considered the "coolest" person in your year, and he was certain that his friends would make fun of him if he were to bring you to the Ball.

However, as you descended the steps towards the Great Hall, Draco immediately regretted his decision. Everyone in the room couldn't take their eyes off you, and he was no exception. His date noticed his infatuation with you and grew jealous, vying for his attention throughout the night. You remained unaware of his feelings, wondering why people stared or avoided you. Little did you know that Draco had warned others to keep away from you, afraid of losing you to someone else...

Fred Weasley:

Fred had already asked Angelina to the Yule Ball before he had properly met you. Even though you both knew of each other, you hadn't officially met until you coincidentally skipped class at the same time. The more time you spent together (with George around, of course), the more Fred grew fond of you. Despite being a gentleman and honouring his commitment to Angelina, he couldn't help but stare at you from across the room and wish he was dancing with you instead. Fortunately, he did manage to get one dance with you—one dance that would stay etched in his memory forever and convinced him that he needed to be with you.

George Weasley:

George asked you to the Yule Ball confidently, refusing to take no for an answer. At the time, you thought he was kidding and didn't think that he genuinely wanted you as his date, so you rejected him immediately. Though when he continued to ask you week after week leading up to the Yule Ball, in more extravagant and exciting ways, eventually you gave in and finally said yes. 

George then proceeded to go back to the Gryffindor dorms and brag to all the boys about how 'easy' it was to ask you to the ball. It was quite the funny tale to tell your friends and family afterwards... the story of how the two of you finally came together as a couple.

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