56. You Catch Him Staring

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Harry Potter:

Harry would immediately stumble for an excuse, his cheeks growing red as he attempted to make up a reason for staring at you. While you'd let it slide, pretending as if you believed his little lie, you couldn't help but notice that he was trying awfully hard to focus on his paper (his cheeks no less red than they were before).

Ron Weasley:

Ron would have his elbow propped up on the table, his chin resting on his hand as he stared at you in a daze. It would take him a few seconds to realize that you had caught him, Ron immediately clearing his throat and returning his eyes to his work. While he was incredibly embarrassed, he knew that it managed to bring a smile to your face, and that was just as good as being able to stare at you with no consequences.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco is annoyed with himself when he catches himself staring at you, even more annoyed when he realizes that you've caught him staring. He tries to be more careful from then on, attempting to pry his eyes away from you and stay focused on his homework or the conversation he was having. While you would sometimes catch his eyes quickly flicking over to see if you were still standing in the room, he would be sure that you wouldn't see him staring for too long at a time. He didn't know how to deal with it if you knew about his true feelings.

Fred Weasley:

Fred compliments your appearance before you even notice that he's staring. He'd smile at you dreamily, saying you look cute while you concentrate, which would always make you break out into a blush. No amount of hiding your face or telling him to stop staring would ever make him pry his eyes from you. He was completely and totally in love with you and he wasn't afraid to show it whatsoever.

George Weasley:

You catch George staring at you from across the table and immediately ask him if there's something on your face. Part of you believes that the only reason that he could be doing so was if there was something wrong with your appearance. He'd always answer and say that 'nothing was wrong' and just continue to stare. It would just make you even more paranoid, as well as annoyed that he's staring without saying anything. Eventually, you'd get frustrated to the point that you'd stand up and walk away, George immediately frowning as he scolds himself for making you uncomfortable.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville's face would immediately turn bright red, stumbling as he says 'I wasn't staring' before you even accused him of anything. He'd quickly realize that he just outed himself, gathering his things in a hurried fluster and leaving the room without another word. You and everyone around you would have the urge to laugh, though considering how sweet and innocent Neville is, no one could bring themselves to make fun of the poor boy.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would give you a warm smile, playing it off coolly when you caught him staring. He would practically be making you blush as he refused to break eye contact, his gaze lingering before he slowly pulled his eyes away and leaving you breathless. You don't know how you would end up being the one who was nervous and flustered after the fact, but it always happened, even after the two of you got together.

Newt Scamander:

Newt is quick to come up with a convincing excuse to make you think that he had a reason for looking at you. He'd say there was something on your face, and you'd fall for it almost every time. That was until he started going back to the same three excuses that you noticed that it had to be more than that. When you realized, you still decided to play along, knowing that it would probably embarrass him to out him like that.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian had absolutely no shame when he was staring at you and would only embrace it if you told him to stop. He would subtly flirt, saying that he can't help it or telling you that you were beautiful. Of course, you would often think that he was just joking, considering he tended to make a lot of flirty comments though never acting on it. It turned into you believing that he was just joking, making it almost more difficult for him to come forward about his affections, since most of his compliments would now just receive eye rolls.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would quickly try to change the subject, asking you a question about the assignment he was working on or reading you an interesting excerpt from the book. He'd hope to distract you to the point that you would forget that he was just staring at you, though instead, you just listened to him ramble with a smirk on your face. He would always think that he was in the clear, but unfortunately for Garreth, that was never really the case.

(Whoops, just realised I can't do Ominis, sorry ya'll)

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