43. He Gives You a Hickey

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Slightly NSFW.

Harry Potter:

Harry would leave light hickeys on your lower neck, trying to hide his smile as you berated him for doing so. He would feel a little guilty since the neckline of your uniform would show off the light purple marks (and you knew for a fact that Fred and George would be making at least five comments at breakfast), but he would eventually just shrug it off, knowing there was nothing you could do about it now. While it may have sent you into a flurrying rage, you knew that next time he had the opportunity, he'd better be a bit more careful about their placement.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would leave hickeys along your collarbone, not realising that he had done it until after the fact. His eyes would widen as he traced them with his fingers, muttering 'Jesus' and an apology under his breath. While you didn't mind, he vowed that in future he would be more careful when it came to leaving love bites. Of course, that would never come to fruition, since he was so entirely obsessed with you that he'd lose all common sense when it came to your passionate hook-ups.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would leave hickeys for everyone to see, wanting the entire school to know that you were currently hooking up with someone. While you had a few concerned and judgemental glances as you went about your day, you learned to ignore the stares since the only opinion that you really cared about was Draco's. As the newness of your relationship eventually died down, Draco tended to calm down a little with the love bites... though he'd still make sure you had at least one mark somewhere on your skin for everyone to see.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would always say that the hickeys he'd leave were for yours and his eyes only. He'd litter love bites over your chest and all over your inner thighs, tracing them throughout later encounters as a way for him to turn you on. It would drive you wild when he kissed each one, considering you could feel his smirk when he pressed his lips to your skin. It was something so intimate between the two of you, that neither of you even told your closest friends about it... it was a secret for the two of you and the two of you only.

George Weasley:

George was the kind of guy to kiss your neck soft and sweet, though every now and again he'd get a little brave and leave a love bite on your collarbone. You'd always playfully smack him afterwards, the two of you laughing as you scolded him for making it so visible. He'd then joke about making it unnoticeable by leaving a bigger one on the other side of your neck, before playfully attacking your neck with kisses and sending you into a fit of laughter.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would apologise profusely when he left a hickey. One: because he had heard from the boys in his dorm that hickeys hurt to give, and two, because he wasn't sure how you felt about having them. It wasn't until you encouraged and admired the hickeys he left, that he realised that he liked leaving them. It was something that he'd keep to himself, worried that you'd think it was strange that of all things that that was the one thing he enjoyed.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would leave a little trace of hickeys down your collarbone and chest, knowing that you looked at them as a token of affection when you were on your own. He was glad to hear that you were obsessed with looking at them as much as he did, which only seemed to encourage him to mark your skin more. It was like a little secret that the two of you shared, hiding beneath your clothes only for the eyes between you.

Newt Scamander:

Newt would very rarely leave hickeys, and if he did, they were always accidental. While he knew that you liked to admire them in your alone time, and would sometimes try and leave a few during your heated exchanges, he couldn't bring himself to do it in fear that he was hurting you. He'd softly nibble at your skin, often making you giggle from the ticklishness and you would move him away before he could leave a love bite. Newt's hickeys would be so light that you could hardly notice them when you looked in the mirror... though would still love them nonetheless.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would purposely leave dark hickeys and love bites on your neck and collarbone. He'd pause in the middle of a heated exchange, admiring the formation of his work and breathing on it softly as your heart rate calmed slightly. He'd never regret giving you one, being quite proud of his marks as you scolded him for leaving something so visible. You'd spend the next few days trying to hide it in your classes, though your closest friends and dorm mates knew the exact craziness the two of you got up to.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis would sometimes get carried away during your takeouts and hone in on one spot on your neck. Of course, he's unaware of the mark that he's left until you tell him about it, though he still doesn't understand the big deal if anyone had found out about it. Whispers would ripple through the school about the strange mark that was left on your neck, though nothing said would ever bother Ominis... mainly because no one would ever suspect that it was him that left it.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth thought it was rather funny when he would accidentally leave a hickey on your neck. While you would cower away in embarrassment when someone mentioned it, he'd swing an arm around you, admiring his work as he proudly admitted to being the one who gave it to you. While it sometimes ended in you fuming at him for sharing the private details of your hookup, you couldn't help but feel more comfortable knowing how nonchalant Garreth was about the whole thing. If he could see it as normal... then surely in time, you would be able to as well.

yeah, the fred one took me out, not gonna lie ahahahaha

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