42. Height Difference

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Harry Potter:

Harry wasn't that much taller than you, but those few centimeters meant the world to him whenever the conversation was brought up. He'd always remind you that he was taller, immediately shutting down the fact that it was only by a little bit. You'd let him have his little victory, shaking your head and laughing when he'd stand up straight and stretch his neck out to prove how much taller he really was.

Ron Weasley:

While Ron wasn't as tall as the other boys in your year, he was definitely taller than you. One of the sweetest moments would be when you were excited about something, and Ron would lovingly gaze down at you. To him, you were a cute little pocket rocket, no matter how many times you told him not to call you that. The two of you would always banter about how Ron would call you 'adorable' just because you were shorter than him, and you'd jokingly threaten to fight him. It was quite the amusing dynamic you two had going on... one that you wouldn't trade up for anything.

Draco Malfoy:

One of your favourite things was when Draco towered over you. Whether he was leaning over your shoulder to read your textbook or smirking down at you during your banter, you would always find yourself losing your train of thought when Draco was that close. It was a major turn-on, and Draco most definitely knew it. He tended to use it to his advantage once you finally started dating, loving how much control he had over you.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would always make fun of the fact that you were much shorter than him. When you'd walk through the school together, he'd pretend he'd lost you in the crowd of first years passing by, causing you to smack his arm as he laughed and ran away from you. When you'd point out things you were looking at, he'd squat down to your height to 'see it from your point of view,' which would always end with you ruffling his hair or playfully pushing him away. It was a wonderful relationship you two had, despite the constant teasing.

George Weasley:

George finds it amusing to deny you kisses just so he can see you struggle. At first, you found it frustrating, as he'd stand up tall, and you'd have to jump to try and kiss his cheek. As time went on, you grew more creative with your methods of reaching him, standing on chairs and couches to try and kiss him properly. When George would see you scrambling for a stool, he'd break out into laughter, then kiss you passionately as a reward for your efforts.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville didn't quite understand your fascination with his height. You would ask him to reach the books that were too high on the shelves for you, despite the fact that you could easily get them down with a quick spell. You admired him as he got the book down for you, and while you thanked him with a blush creeping to your cheeks, he would walk away with a bit of a spring in his step, having managed to impress you in some way, even if it was over something as basic as reaching for a book.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric often teased you about your height, and it was one of the things you two joked about throughout your relationship. He was the kind of boyfriend who would place your things on a high shelf if you were annoyed with him or ignoring him. You'd end up having to ask him for help, breaking the silent treatment. Often, it would be your wand, considering you could use spells to retrieve anything else. While it was frustrating at times, you still thought it was quite a clever way of trying to make amends between you two.

Newt Scamander:

Newt thought your height was cute, even though you sometimes disliked it. He'd constantly remind you that he loved everything about you and that there was nothing that could change that. Sometimes, a cheeky grin would come to his face as he said, 'if you were taller than me, would I be able to do this?' before picking you up and playfully spinning you around as you laughed your head off. He always found ways to remind you that you were all he wanted, and he knew how to make you feel better about yourself.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would use his height to his advantage to try and turn you on. He would smirk as he towered over you, closing in as you leaned against a wall. He'd use his pointer finger to lift your chin for a kiss, ducking his head down to give you the softest of kisses, leaving you wanting more. He would always whisper dark and seductive things in your ear, his breath and shadow sending a chill down your spine. You knew Sebastian loved his height over you, and you didn't quite have any complaints either.

Ominis Gaunt:

You and Ominis had the perfect height difference. When the two of you would hug, your bodies almost embraced perfectly so your head was on his chest, and his chin rested on your head. Handholding, kisses, and when he had his arm around you, nothing felt out of place, strange, or awkward. You were just glad that you found someone who was a perfect match for you—physically and emotionally.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth is not that much taller than you, though he often pretends there is a significant height difference. He'll joke around, resting his elbow on the top of your head, even though he has to stretch up on his toes to do so. You'll swat him away, laughing, as you remind him that he's not that much taller than you. Of course, he'd choose to ignore that information and take whatever advantage he can get.

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