22. Love Languages

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Harry Potter:

Quality time: Harry deeply enjoys spending all his time with you. You don't necessarily have to be talking; even just being in each other's proximity is enough to make his day. You often read in the library together – well, you read, and Harry sits and enjoys his time with you.

Acts of service: Without even noticing, you found that Harry would sometimes perform acts of service to show that he cared for you. Carrying your books from class to class, giving you his scarf when you were feeling a little chilly... it was the little things that showed you that he truly cared.

Ron Weasley:

Physical touch: Ron enjoyed having his arm around you to show everyone that the two of you were together. He felt the most loved when you'd swing your arm around him and give him a kiss on the cheek before classes – it was like a little reminder that you loved him every day.

Gift giving: Sometimes Ron didn't know the right words to say whenever he was sorry or wanted to show his love for you. Instead, he'd shower you with gifts on anniversaries or birthdays, hoping that would show you how much he cared.

Draco Malfoy:

Acts of service: Draco would often do sweet things for you but ask you not to thank him for it. Mostly because he felt that you said it out of formality, though it was also because deep down he was genuinely happy to do it. He also appreciates receiving these acts of service in the same way, reading into every small thing you do for him as a sign that you care.

Physical touch: Draco was obsessed with touching, hugging, and kissing you. It was almost as if he fell into a world where the two of you were the only ones that existed. Your favourite was when he unknowingly reached for your hand as you walked through the corridors and streets of Hogsmeade... it just proved that even his subconscious wanted to hold onto you.

Fred Weasley:

Physical touch: Fred would always be touching you, but in a cheeky way. He'd rest his hands on your waist, either purposely or accidentally dropping his hands lower until you swatted him away. Though his favourite thing in the world would just be if you put your hands in his pockets or played with his tie absentmindedly. It was both a turn-on and just an adorable thing he admired about you.

Words of affirmation: Fred absolutely adored complimenting you, and finding new words and ways to describe his love for you. He also got secretly giddy whenever you would say something nice about him; he'd feel all warm inside and wouldn't want you to know.

George Weasley:

Acts of service: George is the kind of person who enjoys taking care of you. He will drop everything if you're sick or if you ask for a favour, always wanting you to feel happy and healthy. He also appreciates and reads into the small things you do for him to show that you care. It's not often that he has someone who is happy to do things to help him out... something that he adores about you.

Quality time: George would always invite you along to go ditch class or plan a prank with Fred. While they were so used to it just being the two of them all the time, George enjoyed just having you there, even if you weren't necessarily contributing. It weirded Fred out for a while, but after seeing how happy his brother was to have you around, it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.

Neville Longbottom:

Words of affirmation: Neville didn't often hear words of encouragement, both at home and in his day-to-day life at school. Because of that, he always appreciated a nice compliment from you or even just a pet name that you randomly threw into the conversation. It made his day to hear someone expressing how they felt for him.

Quality time: Neville enjoyed walking you from class to class or just sitting next to you at meals. Most people figured out that you were dating just from the amount of time that you spent together. There was nothing better than getting through a class without Neville and just sitting with him in the library for hours on end. It really made your Hogwarts experience fly past.

Cedric Diggory:

Gift giving: Cedric loved leaving you gifts and surprises when you least expected them. He'd ask your dorm mates to place a hand-picked bouquet of flowers on your bed or leave you a little gift at your spot in the Great Hall. You always knew that it was from Cedric; you didn't even have to read the card that was always attached. Though you always did read them and kept every one of them, no matter how cheesy they all were.

Quality time: Cedric often asked you to tag along whenever you went off to do anything. At first, you didn't quite understand why he wanted to sit with you as you studied or walked down to Hogsmeade with you when you went dress shopping for the Yule Ball. Eventually, you learned that he just adored spending time with you no matter what. It explained why he needed to spend every spare second he could with you.

Newt Scamander:

Quality time: You and Newt could spend hours together on end, rarely taking a second alone. You'd follow him down into his suitcase, even just to trail along as he worked and talk to him about your day. Your favourite times of the day were the simple moments the two of you shared... You didn't need to go out exploring to stay entertained in your relationship.

Acts of service: Newt was the kind of guy to nonchalantly do something sweet for you, without realizing the meaning behind it. He was always thinking of how a certain act would make you feel - things like 'she'd appreciate this' or 'it'll make things easier for her if I did this'. You realized it was his love language when he shared his thought process with you, leaving you to appreciate all those gestures just a little bit extra.

Sebastian Sallow:

Physical touch: Sebastian was a sucker for warm hugs and romantic kisses. He may not have necessarily always admitted to it, but you could tell that he was a physical touch kind of person as soon as you started dating. Not that you were complaining - you loved how affectionate he was.

Gift-giving: There were times when Sebastian would see something on one of his adventures and know that it was made for you. It was quite often that he'd return with a bouquet of flowers or a pretty shell that he found by the water. It was nice to know that even when you were apart, Sebastian was always thinking of you.

Ominis Gaunt:

Quality time - Ominis wasn't really the type to go out on fancy dates and 'do' things. He didn't care where he was, but as long as he was with you, he enjoyed himself. The two of you could talk for hours on end or sit in complete silence - either way, he was happy.

Words of affirmation - Ominis enjoyed hearing you compliment him. As much as he pushed away everything you said, deep down he appreciated every word. He also liked to use words to compliment your mind, having a certain way with words that often warmed your heart. There was nothing better to Ominis.

Garreth Weasley:

Gift-giving - Garreth enjoyed giving you things that he made during his spare time or found on his ventures outside of the castle. When the two of you walked to Hogsmeade, he would often spot a flower or a strange-looking pebble, gifting it to you because he thought you might like the look of it. He also tended to go all out whenever it was your birthday or a special occasion, taking mental notes throughout the year of things you said you wanted and making sure to gift them all to you on those special days.

Quality time - Most of the time that you spent with Garreth, you would do your own thing but side by side. You would sit at his table while he brewed a potion, doing your own reading and homework while listening as he muttered away to himself. You both liked the feeling of being near each other, stealing glances and admiring the other person whenever you had the chance. There was nothing better than spending every spare second you could with each other... it really made your time at Hogwarts truly worth it.

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