58. Trauma

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Harry Potter:

Harry was always attentive to you and your needs, being the soothing voice of comfort whenever you needed it. When telling him about the stories of your past, you felt his warm arm wrap around you, comforting you as best as he could. He'd always be the one to make sure that nothing would trigger you in any way, hoping for a day when you wouldn't have to deal with that emotional pain anymore.

Ron Weasley:

Ron felt very angry when you first told him about your past trauma, though he knew that deep down, the only thing he could do was comfort you as you tried to heal from it. Sometimes, he would catch you ducking past him in the hallway, attempting to hide your tears from unsuspecting people. He would immediately pull you to the side, concern etched on his face as he comforted you and dried your tears. You never expected Ron to be so thoughtful about anything, and you were incredibly grateful to have him help you through every step of the way.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would be worried about anything that could possibly trigger you, though he would never admit that to anyone. Instead, he would silently watch you from afar, ensuring that you were constantly okay and that no one would try to push you into doing something you weren't quite comfortable with. He loved you dearly, and while he wasn't necessarily always great at showing it, you knew that he cared for you just from the way he remained attentive from that moment forward.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would see you from afar, freezing up when you were triggered by a particular sound or smell in the classroom. While everyone else carried on as if nothing happened, he knew for certain that the reminder had brought back some terrible memories. He would be the first to excuse the two of you from the classroom, tucking you under his arm as he took you somewhere to get your mind off whatever was causing you pain. While you couldn't always forget about your traumatic past, you knew that Fred was there to help you, and that was honestly all you could ask for.

George Weasley:

George is deeply sympathetic when you tell him about your past trauma, wishing he could do anything to take away that hurt. As you cry into his arms while talking about it, he kisses you, listening intently until you feel comfortable moving on. From that moment onward, he is always incredibly careful with his words, and you know that he would never hurt you based on that single moment.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would listen intently to everything you had to tell him, the two of you sitting still until your story was finished. Neville vowed to himself to protect you fiercely, regardless of the judgment he was bound to receive and the strange glances he got from prying eyes. All he cared about was ensuring that you could get through the day without having to think about all the things that clouded your thoughts. While he couldn't take the hurt away, he knew that he was going to do everything he could to get as close to it as possible.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric vows to never let anything like that happen to you again. Every second of every day, all he can think about is how he can help you move on from your past and take away the hurt. He reaches out to friends and family, seeking ways to expedite your healing, and it pains him that there's nothing he can do to move things along more quickly. It hurts him to see you in pain.

Newt Scamander:

Newt would only talk about your trauma when you needed, but he was wholeheartedly there for you when you did. You were quite good at hiding your trauma, so it came as quite a shock to him when you revealed exactly what you were dealing with. For hours, as you shared your story with Newt, he held you in his arms, listening intently and offering his thoughts when you needed them. He was incredibly comforting, and while he couldn't take away the hurt entirely, you really appreciated that he was there for you.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian was completely enraged that something so awful happened to you, and there was nothing he could do to take away that hurt. He went on a tear, attempting to get back at the people who hurt you and complaining to Ominis about how mad he was. While you appreciated how much he cared for you, it was something the two of you had to work through together.

Ominis Gaunt:

When Ominis realized that you felt comfortable telling him about your past traumas, he knew he could trust you with the secrets of his own past and family. The two of you found comfort in each other's arms; despite everything you had been through, you were the light of each other's lives. Both of you experienced good days and bad days, but no matter what, you always had each other. And for the two of you, that would always be enough.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth didn't quite know how to help with your traumatic experiences at first, unsure of how to assist someone through the things you've been through. Eventually, as he got to know you more and started to notice things that triggered you, he learned how to be more attentive to your needs and be there for you when needed. You were incredibly grateful to have Garreth in your life and knew, from that moment onward, that he was the one for you.

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