6. Weekends

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Harry Potter:

ou and Harry often spent your weekends hanging out together in the common room. The two of you would read, chat, and just chill out on the couches, destressing as much as you could before the following week started. When Harry wasn't allowed to visit Hogsmeade, you stayed with him at the castle so he wouldn't be by himself. As time went on, the two of you grew to enjoy each other's company, wanting to spend every second together. Some might say that being held up in the castle for seven days a week seemed rather boring, but when you were with Harry, time flew by so quickly that you didn't even notice the changing days.

Ron Weasley:

You and Ron would spend your weekends visiting the twins at their joke shop. The two of you loved the atmosphere there, enjoying all of the new things they had in store. You even worked there for some time (for close to no pay) to help the twins out when it got incredibly busy. You'd laugh about the new items, try them out on each other, and watch other people use the wacky gadgets. Your weekends were always fun-filled and exciting, and you were glad to be welcomed into the Weasley family with open arms.

Draco Malfoy:

Weekends with Draco were a perfect blend of comfort and camaraderie. You'd find yourselves in the Slytherin common room, surrounded by the (somewhat) friendly faces of your housemates. The crackling fire and plush sofas provided a cozy setting for your gatherings, with the wit and charm of the Slytherins keeping the conversation entertaining.

As the hours passed, you would all chat about everything under the sun – from school gossip to wizarding world news. Draco's sharp insights and clever remarks kept everyone engaged, and you admired how effortlessly he commanded attention without even trying. Amidst the laughter and gossip, you felt a sense of belonging and acceptance, grateful for the weekends spent with Draco and your fellow Slytherins. What more could you want but to feel included with a group of your own kind?

Fred Weasley:

Spending weekends with Fred was an adventure like no other. Instead of sticking to the usual routine, the two of you would embark on thrilling escapades around Hogwarts. From exploring hidden passageways to sneaking into the kitchens for late-night snacks, every moment was filled with laughter and mischief. Fred's mischievous charm and wit added an extra sparkle to every corner of the castle, making even the most ordinary places feel magical.

As you wandered through the corridors, Fred would tell you fascinating stories of pranks from his time at Hogwarts. Together, you discovered secret rooms and little-known nooks, making the castle feel like your own enchanted playground. The weekends spent with Fred were a whirlwind of fun and excitement, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

George Weasley:

Every weekend, you and George would escape the busy halls of Hogwarts and find solace by the tranquil Black Lake. Sitting side by side, you would chat about anything and everything, sharing stories and laughing as the hours slipped away. The gentle lapping of the water and the chirping of birds provided the perfect soundtrack to your conversations.

Sometimes, you'd skip rocks across the surface of the lake, playfully competing to see who could make the best ripples. Other times, you'd simply lie back on the grass, gazing up at the clouds and dreaming together about the future. The Black Lake became your sanctuary, a place where you could truly be yourselves and build a bond that would last a lifetime. The weekends with George were the highlight of your Hogwarts experience, and the memories made there would forever be etched in your heart.

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