40. Your Debut Taylor Swift Song

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Hello all. Just a note to say I will be doing this for every Taylor Swift album, so I apologise if you're not a fan. I'm spreading them out so you don't get bombarded by the same thing over and over, but I'm a massive Swiftie so I'm having a lot of fun writing these ones. Sorry again lol.

Harry Potter: Tim McGraw

"When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me."

There were many memories that you and Harry made together that you knew you could never revisit those places with anyone else. Sharing Butterbeer in Hogsmeade, cuddling in the common room, stealing kisses in your special spot... all these memories were attached to different places, making it difficult to even look in those directions when you walked past them. A part of you secretly hoped that Harry was experiencing the same thing because, for you, those memories were affecting every part of your day-to-day life.

Ron Weasley: Teardrops On My Guitar

"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, the only one that's got enough of me to break my heart."

You often found yourself wondering whether Ron shared your feelings. It was challenging because you believed you loved him with all your heart, to the extent that you'd tolerate anything he did or said. It was an unhealthy way to perceive love, and it made things especially difficult when you discovered he had started dating Lavender Brown. Many nights were spent in your dorm, tears flowing as you hoped for things to change... it just seemed as if that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

Draco Malfoy: Cold As You

"And you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you."

You knew your break-up with Draco was coming from the moment he didn't laugh at one of your jokes like he used to. He slowly grew disinterested in you; cold and distant. You knew that he liked you (or at least he told you he did) though felt as if most of the time you were fighting for his attention and affection. You thought that after your break up, he'd just go ahead and tell people about how clingy and desperate you were. While Draco had more respect for you than that, it didn't stop you from overthinking every little thing about your relationship and how you could've kept him interested for longer. It was hard to even think that he loved you when he was constantly cold towards you.

Fred Weasley: Should've Said No

"You should've said no, baby and you might still have me."

Fred was the type of person to pick social gatherings and parties over his relationship with you. While it hurt to see other people making him happy throughout your relationship, you still believed that he wanted to be with you from those fleeting moments you spent together. However, when you had heard he spent the day in Hogsmeade talking and laughing with another girl, your poor heart couldn't take being with him anymore. You told him that you shouldn't have had to feel like the second choice all the time; like he was saying yes to spending time with everyone but you. In the end, he was devastated by the break-up but understood why you did... he just wished that he had the chance to redeem himself before things ended between you.

George Weasley: A Perfectly Good Heart

"Why would you want to make the very first scar?"

George wasn't aware that he was the first guy that you'd ever been with. For the most part, you were confident and charming to the point where he had to think you had wooed many other guys over your years of schooling. However, when the two of you broke up, things became clear that you had never dealt with a heartbreak before. You were in absolute agony, trying to force a smile on your face while tears pricked your eyes. George hated that he was the first person to have broken your heart... it was especially hard since he wished that the two of you had never parted in the first place.

Neville Longbottom: Tied Together With a Smile

"I guess it's true that love was all you wanted, 'cause you're giving it away like it's extra change."

Neville did his best to care for and please everyone in hopes that one day it would be returned. People often wouldn't look into his small gestures, just saying their 'thanks' and carrying on with their lives as if he hadn't made a difference at all. But as you and Neville grew closer, it became clear that he was just a boy looking for someone to love him in any way possible. He grew tired of always being the giver, but he didn't seem to be giving up any time soon. He was just lucky to have you finally notice what his intentions were, and be the one to express love towards him in a way he could've only ever imagine.

Cedric Diggory: Our Song

"He's got a one hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart."

You and Cedric were a wonderful couple, the epitome of teenage love. You both cherished each other deeply, willing to go to great lengths to make each other happy. You, in particular, had a sentimental side, crafting songs dedicated to him and keeping mementos that reminded you of your time together. Every moment spent with Cedric was precious to you, even those that some might consider dull or uneventful; when you were with him, nothing ever felt boring.

Newt Scamander: Mary's Song (Oh My My)

"I'll be eighty-seven you'll be eighty-nine, I'll still look at you like the stars that shine."

You and Newt had known each other since you were very young children and were destined to end up together from the moment you met. From childhood crush to teenage romance to adult relationship, the two of you practically spent your entire lives together. You knew each other better than you knew yourselves, and couldn't recall a memory where your other half wasn't involved. When you looked back on your life, you looked back fondly with no regrets or doubts that he ever stopped loving you. You were glad that you had found Newt, but it was obvious from the start... you were soulmates.

Sebastian Sallow: I'm Only Me When I'm With You

"You drive me crazy half the time, the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true."

You knew that Sebastian was your other half from the moment you met him. He was the only person you could truly be yourself around and was the only person you could trust with every secret. Of course, there were times when you drove each other mad and times when you disagreed with one another's decisions, but in the end, you'd always come back together, laughing at your stupidity as you moved on to the next adventure. He truly made your Hogwarts experience worthwhile, and you hoped he would be there for you for the rest of your life.

Ominis Gaunt: Invisible

"And I just want to show you, she don't even know you, she's never gonna love you like I want to."

There were times that Ominis failed to see the love that you had for him, mostly because you were so good at hiding it. As you got older, you would intently listen to his stories of romances, hoping that one day you would be the girl he was talking about. You were afraid that coming forward would ruin your friendship, and you'd rather love him like a friend rather than lose him like a boyfriend. Though with that being your decision, there was nothing else to do but sit and listen to his heartbreaking stories.

Garreth Weasley: Picture To Burn

"Watch me strike a match on all our wasted time."

When you and Garreth broke up, all you felt was pure rage towards him. He didn't necessarily do anything wrong - he was just trying to do his best to move on - though you looked into every little movement that he made and read it as a plot against you. It was clear to everyone that you were taking the angry approach to dealing with the breakup, while Garreth took the sadder and more solemn path to healing. They all just hoped that you wouldn't go and take it out on him... considering the fact that he was hurting too.

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