9. When You're Broken Up

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Harry Potter:

After your break-up, Harry would try to avoid talking about it as much as possible. During meals at the Great Hall, Hermione and Ron would exchange sympathetic glances as they attempted to lift him from the sombre mood that seemed to envelop him. When Ron managed to catch him alone, he would attempt to initiate a conversation to understand Harry's state of mind. However, Harry would swiftly shut down his attempts and redirect the conversation to other topics; it was simply too soon for him to discuss the matter.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would watch you from a distance, observing how happy and healthy you looked. Of course, on the inside, you weren't doing as well, but you weren't about to let all the students of Hogwarts know that. Instead, you found a new group of friends to surround yourself with, and you sat laughing and chatting with them at every mealtime you could.

Ron would talk negatively about the guys you were sitting with, unable to comprehend why you would choose someone else over him. Of course, part of the reason why you initially broke up was due to his intense jealousy, though that reason didn't seem to make him aware of his behavior at all. Instead, he just sat and wished that the two of you could go back to the way you were before.

Draco Malfoy:

When you and Draco broke up, his friends didn't seem to catch on to the fact that he still had strong feelings for you. He would watch you from across the courtyard, wishing he could find a way to mend things between the two of you. When his friends would catch him staring, they would start to speak ill of you, hoping it would provide him some solace about your breakup.

"I've heard she's dating Longbottom now, what a downgrade!"

"You're better off without her, mate."

"She made a mistake breaking up with you, Malfoy. She must be dense."

Eventually, it reached the point where Draco would snap and tell them not to speak that way about you. It was like a reflex, defending you even though you were nowhere near hearing what was being said. Despite your breakup, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loyalty towards you.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would conceal his heartbreak behind a smile, striving to portray his usual cheerful self as he navigated your breakup. He'd attempt to reassure both himself and his closest friends that he was perfectly fine and unaffected by the sudden end of your relationship. Naturally, his twin was probably the only person in the world who could see that he was hurting, but he didn't want to broach the subject and potentially upset him more. Instead, they carried on, pretending things were normal when in reality, it marked the first instance in Fred's life that he had ever experienced such profound pain.

George Weasley:

It was strange to see the Weasley twins so quiet, and even more concerning that only one of them was. After you and George broke up, Fred continued to be the life of the party and the prankster that he is. Yet, even for him, it was difficult to watch his brother in pain over your breakup, wishing that there was something he could do to cheer him up.

George moped for weeks on end, dragging his feet to each class and forcing a smile when people asked him what was wrong. It seemed impossible to cheer him up – the only thing that might bring him joy was getting back together with you. Of course, that event would be in the distant future, but until then, George would lie awake at night, hoping that you would eventually find your way back to him.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville was absolutely devastated when the two of you split up. It was evident to everyone that he wasn't doing well, and more people began to talk to him and be kinder to him because they knew he was upset. He would often bring you up randomly in conversations; at breakfast, he'd say things like 'y/n used to love this for breakfast,' or in classes he would mention, 'it's quite funny how much y/n hated this subject.' People would feel a sense of sadness when he mentioned your name because they understood it meant he was still thinking about you. After a while, he learned not to mention you as much, but that didn't mean he wasn't secretly hoping you'd get back together.

Cedric Diggory:

After your breakup, it felt like you were seeing Cedric more often than ever. What appeared as mere coincidences turned out to be Cedric deliberately making himself unavoidable. He'd follow you around, offer to carry your books and accompany you to your classes. Of course, you had to sit him down and explain that the breakup meant you needed to spend time apart. However, this seemed to encourage him further, as he persisted in his failed attempts to win you back... after all, you wouldn't need to be apart if you were no longer broken up... right?

Newt Scamander:

When you and Newt broke up, he refused to talk about it with anyone. He threw himself into his work, ensuring that every second of his day was occupied by the captivating world of magical creatures and beasts. The mere mention of your name was enough to stir his emotions, causing him to become immediately agitated with the person who brought it up. While one might expect that with time you two could become friends again, it proved too difficult for Newt. Each time he saw your face, he felt a sense of longing and a desire to have you back. You were going to have to wait for the day that he wholeheartedly moved on before you would be able to be friends again... though who knew how long that would take.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian spent weeks after your breakup trying to understand what he had done wrong. He devoted a lot of time to discussing what happened with your relationship and how he might win you back with Ominis. Eventually, Ominis began to grow annoyed with the excessive amount of conversation Sebastian initiated about you. He couldn't fathom why his best friend was so unwilling to let you go.

Avoiding Sebastian in the hallways proved to be quite challenging for you, as your ex seemed determined to ensure you couldn't forget about him. He was busy creating a master plan to win you back, hoping that you hadn't already moved on before he could put his strategy into action.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis is quite understanding of your reasons for breaking up with him; however, that doesn't mean he agrees with them. When Sebastian encourages him to try and win you back, Ominis refuses and states that he needs more time apart from you. He doesn't want to be friends for a few weeks because it still hurts to see you. Despite your attempts to start friendly conversations with him in class, he often ignores you, fearing that his feelings will come rushing back. It's impossible for Ominis to forget about you, and he hopes that with time, the sadness will gradually fade away.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would be really good at hiding his hurt, putting on a facade that he was fine after the two of you broke up. Of course, with one look into his sad eyes, your classmates could tell that he was missing you. They were all too afraid of when your name was mentioned, or when you walked past, to see his reaction. When it would happen, Garreth would paste on a smile and act like nothing happened, overcompensating for the fact that he actually felt miserable on the inside without you. He hoped that if he grinned every day, he'd eventually get over you... though you both knew that that wasn't going to be the case.

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