27. You're Drunk

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Harry Potter:

You cling onto Harry's arm for dear life, complimenting him as you chat with your friends. He tries to hide his laughter from you, although he can't help but chuckle at your bright red cheeks and slurred words. Everything you say is amusing to him; every minor comment makes him snicker. Of course, the night ends with you falling asleep on his shoulder, with him making sure not to move so he doesn't disturb you.

Ron Weasley:

Ron finds it difficult to resist your flirty behaviour when you're drunk. He has to remind himself that you're in no shape to make such advances, and instead, he tries to sober you up so you are less suggestive around him. He gulps and keeps a straight face as you kiss down his neck, his skin prickling as he tells you to wait until later. He'd only breathe a sigh of relief until your head hit the pillow and you were fast asleep. It's the only time all night that you weren't trying to get into his pants.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco wouldn't want to get in the way of your fun but would keep an eye on you from a distance. He'd chuckle to himself when he catches you dancing or singing, though his expression would go blank when he sees another guy trying to talk to you. He knew you better than anyone and knew exactly when you had had a bit too much to drink. The glass in your hand would start wobbling as you began to lose your balance. In that case, Draco would dive in, pulling you away and saying that you've had enough. Sometimes you were defiant, though most times your drunk brain knew that you had had enough.

Fred Weasley:

Fred will most definitely match you drink for drink, the two of you getting absolutely plastered together. The two of you would be the life of the party, everyone finding the two of you hilarious. While you drink, the two of you would have some of the greatest laughs that you've ever had when you're together. Of course, it would get to the point where Fred would ask you to sneak out of the party with him, the two of you sneaking off to go and hook up elsewhere. Whether it's to make out or even just lay down and drunkenly look at the stars, you could count on Fred to ensure a fun night.

George Weasley:

George will feed you drinks, thinking it's funny to see you intoxicated. You were much more carefree, honest, and funny when you had a few drinks, so he'd always make sure there was something in your cup. Of course, he knew when to stop (mostly because Hermione would lecture him about being a terrible boyfriend) and he would start slipping you water instead of alcohol. However, it didn't stop him from laughing as you dramatically fell into his arms when you felt the slightest bit tired. Your drunken ways just always seemed to bring a smile to his face.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville worries about you non-stop, especially when you've been drinking. He doesn't want to get in the way of your fun, but the night often ends with your head in the toilet and Neville holding your hair. While you only have yourself to blame for going over the top, Neville apologizes for not helping you out sooner. You don't mind though, it's a nice reminder to know that he's looking out for you even when you're a stumbling drunk.

Cedric Diggory:

After drinking a lot at the Hufflepuff parties, you'd get very sleepy. Cedric would carry you off to your bed, where he'd sit by you until you fell asleep. He'd respond to your drunken mumbles, trying not to laugh at your strange comments, watching as you slowly drifted off. He'd make sure there was a glass of water on your nightstand and would stay by your side the following day, knowing that you wouldn't be feeling that well. He wanted to stay by you until you were feeling one hundred percent again, which of course would probably mean staying by you the entire day.

Newt Scamander:

Newt would try to take good care of you when you drank too much, though he found it difficult considering you were the type to run away from anything that he would try to get you to do to sober up. He'd laugh, chasing you around as he tried to give you water or get you into bed. He'd constantly be smiling, seeing how giddy you were. Eventually, he'd hug you and end up convincing you to take care of yourself so you wouldn't be too hungover the next day. You'd try to change his mind by showering him with kisses, though it never quite worked on him.

Sebastian Sallow:

You and Sebastian were an absolute nightmare to everyone when you drank together. The two of you would playfully argue to the point where people thought that the two of you were genuinely angry with each other. You were so passionately talking about things, running around and shouting at one another like lunatics. It would always be Ominis who was the one to calm the two of you down, leaving you and Sebastian to giggle to each other, struggling to suppress your laughter as you received your lecture from your friend. Of course, the two of you would then make it your mission to cause as much trouble in the common room or in the castle as possible, seeing who could do the most without getting caught.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis will try to look after you, though it is difficult when you'd disappear into the crowd all the time. He'd follow you around, making sure you weren't drinking too much, though you'd always manage to find a way to get a drink in you without him noticing. Of course, it would get to the point where he'd take you off to bed and make sure you drink a lot of water before your head hits the pillow. When you're hungover the next day, he most definitely would say 'I told you so' multiple times.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would try to coax truths out of you that he couldn't get when you were sober. He'd ask you a million questions, laughing as you slurred through your answers and gave him the most honest responses you could think of. It wouldn't be until another Gryffindor would come around and tell him off for not helping you that he'd take the initiative to try and sober you up. While it disappointed him that he had to give up his fun, he knew he had to help you now; otherwise, dealing with your hangover the next day would be even more challenging.

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