46. When You're Anxious

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Harry Potter:

Harry would talk in a low soothing voice, speaking for only your ears to hear. He'd take you by the hand to a quiet corner, encouraging you to breathe easier before you both headed back to class. The concern on his face would slowly wash away the calmer you became... though it didn't stop him from watching and worrying about you for the rest of the day.

Ron Weasley:

Ron would whisper 'you alright', when he noticed that your stress was slowly growing. While everyone around you laughed loudly, unnoticing of your anxiety, Ron would tell them to piss off and calm down while he took you to the side and held you until you felt better. He'd make sure that no one would come over and bother you until you at least cracked a smile.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco's concern would increase significantly when you were anxious. There were times when he didn't quite know how to comfort you and would start to stress himself out trying to think of ways to help you feel better. However after a few late-night discussions in the common room and multiple mental breakdowns later, Draco learned how to best help you through those situations. While you didn't like being overloaded with anxiety, you were thankful you had someone like him who was willing to learn to help you through.

Fred Weasley:

Fred is not the quickest to realise that you were anxious, though you knew that if you could just let him know you needed to be alone, he'd get you there immediately. You'd tug on the sleeve of his robes, urging him to lean his ear down towards you so you could whisper your anxieties to him. He'd give you a quick nod, taking you by the hand and excusing you from the group to take you somewhere quieter. The concern on his face would stay until you smiled again, considering when you were in any sort of peril, it seemed to upset him as well.

George Weasley:

George would be extremely comforting when you were anxious. He'd wrap a firm arm around you, holding you steady as you slowed your breathing. He'd whisper you words of encouragement, reminding you that you were loved and that he was there for you, and you had nothing to worry about. While it sometimes would feel like the end of the world, you were glad to have George to help you through every step of the way.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would take you somewhere quiet, listening intently as you talked about your anxieties and giving you advice when you needed it. He'd give you tips on how to manage your nerves and share stories of times they worked for him. You always felt better after spending a good deal of time talking to Neville... he always had the energy that managed to make you feel safe.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would neglect everything to stay with you until your anxiety was gone. While you would always feel bad for dragging him away from whatever class or gathering he had with his friends, he would constantly reassure you that you weren't taking him away from anything and there was nowhere else he'd rather be than with you. 

Newt Scamander:

Newt would try to distract you from your anxieties by asking you questions or talking about things that you were interested in. When he sees the nerves written across your face, he immediately asks you about something you found funny once before or tells you a story about one of his creatures. He eventually just goes on a rambling tangent until you can't help but laugh at his peculiar stories. He'd always end up finding a way to make you smile, even if it was for a reason he wasn't necessarily going for.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian would spot your anxious expression from across the room, immediately ditching his friends to head over and make sure you were okay. Subtlety was never quite his specialty, considering he always had a way of drawing whispers towards the two of you. Sometimes it would make matters worse, but when the two of you would leave the classroom and talk somewhere more privately, you'd feel much better. You knew that Sebastian had a good heart and all he wanted to do was make sure that you were okay.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis had quickly learned from the shakiness in your voice and the shallowness of your breathing that you were growing more anxious by the second. With that, he'd take your hand, squeezing it comfortingly so you knew he was understanding how you felt in that moment. While you didn't want to inconvenience him and drag him out of class, Ominis would always be willing to drop anything or anyone to make sure you were okay. He couldn't continue his day without knowing full well that you were breathing easily.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would see you hyperventilating and quickly pull you away from prying eyes. He'd place his hands on your shoulders, urging you to look into his eyes and breathe at a steadier pace with him. You would always feel much better when slowing down for those few moments and breathing together. He'd always try to crack a slight joke in the end, knowing that you weren't fully okay until you smiled.

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