23. Your 'Emails I Can't Send' Song

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Harry Potter: How Many Things

"I can't help it, it's a habit, your corner in my mind is well established."

From the moment you met Harry, you knew he would be the type of person to stay in your heart forever. When you were apart, he consumed your thoughts - knowing that if he were there with you, he'd probably laugh at your professor's voice crack or the way the Slytherins in the corner were falling asleep in the middle of the lesson. Everywhere you went, you saw things that he would have appreciated and enjoyed, making your breakup extremely difficult. Though while you two weren't together at that point in time, you had always held out hope that you would come back together, and then you would be stronger than ever.

Ron Weasley: Already Over

"I say I'm done but I'm still confused."

Ron had a way of weaselling himself back into your life after you tried to break up with him. You weren't quite sure if he was making himself unavoidable on purpose or if it just so happened he'd be showing up on the same path as you as you walked to your next class. While you knew that it was best that the two of you stayed apart, there were times that you did find your hands tangled in his hair in an empty room, knowing what you were doing was wrong. You'd curse yourself for slipping up, vowing that it'll never happen again...

Draco Malfoy: Bet U Wanna

"I bet you hate the way that you said goodbye and you still can't even tell me why."

When you and Draco came to an end, it took everyone by surprise. While you were unsure why Draco didn't want to be with you, to this day, you were still blind to his reasons. He was so cold and rude when he ended things; he looked back on it disappointedly, knowing how badly he hurt you. In actual fact, he couldn't be with you because of your family line and his parents' disapproval of it... It was a reason that he wasn't willing to share with you, knowing that you'd berate him for ending things for something so minor. He didn't want to tell you, hoping one day his parents would come around, but until then, he was just going to have to deal with you living your best life without him.

Fred Weasley: Bad For Business

"He's good for my heart but he's bad for business."

You had grown up at Hogwarts over the years, surrounded by friends who didn't necessarily always want what was best for you. When you told them you took up an interest in Fred Weasley, they turned up their noses and told you that you could do better because the twins were known for their dastardly ways. Of course, considering you had very strong feelings for Fred, you didn't really care about the reputation that came with being with him. There were times that it was hard, but of course, it was all worth it to be with him in the end.

George Weasley: Tornado Warnings

"Don't understand how quickly we get right back in our feelings without missing a step."

You and George were really good at breaking the rules of your break-up and coming back together. It would almost be as if no time had passed and you hadn't spent any time apart at all. You knew that it was wrong to go back to him every now and again, and it got to the point where you were too ashamed to even tell your closest friends that you had slipped up yet again. You hoped that you'd eventually make your mind up about him... though today was not going to be the day to decide that.

Neville Longbottom: Decode

"Done looking for signs in the gaps in the silence."

You were growing tired of trying to read Neville's feelings from the pauses and silences in your conversation. You always worried that things that you said would upset him, or his nervousness had taken over to the point he couldn't form a sentence. He found it difficult to be with you, only because he wasn't that great at expressing his emotions or needs in a relationship just yet. You hoped that over time he would eventually feel more comfortable where he could tell you what he wanted, though for now, you kind of just had to suffer through the silences.

Cedric Diggory: Nonsense

"I don't want no one else, baby, I'm in too deep."

You were absolutely head-over-heels in love with Cedric. Everything he did - the way he spoke, the way he breathed - it made you melt at the sight of it. Your friends were almost sick to their stomachs just hearing about how enraptured you were with him, though mostly it was because they were secretly jealous of the love that you had found in Cedric. He felt the exact same way about you, and that was all that you ever needed.

Newt Scamander: Skinny Dipping

"We won't say it but both of us will be thinking how different we are from those scared little kids."

When you were with Newt during your schooling years, the two of you didn't handle it as well as you wished you had. You were just two young kids, in love but not mature enough to be in a committed relationship just yet. When you were older and reconnected, you were both too scared to bring up the mistakes of your past. You knew that you were both wrong when you were younger, it was almost like an unspoken agreement that you forgave each other. You were just thankful that Newt didn't hold your childish notions against you... You still cared for him the same as you did back then.

Sebastian Sallow: Read Your Mind

"You say that you want to be alone then night and day, want me at your beck and call."

Sebastian was often hard to read when it came to his attraction to you. He often made it difficult for you to express your feelings for him, but some days would randomly shower you with all the affection he could muster. There were times you felt like the most special person on earth, and other days you didn't even know if he wanted to speak to you. You hoped that eventually his feelings would become clearer and you wouldn't have to decipher his every move. But until then, you'd just stand by, waiting for Sebastian to change.

Ominis Gaunt: Lonesome

"I can't escape your history."

Dating Ominis made things difficult, primarily due to his family history. Knowing that his family would never accept you because of your own lineage was enough to break your heart into a million pieces. Despite the scrutiny, you vowed to be with Ominis and love him no matter what. It was just a shame that there were times and events that occasionally disrupted your otherwise mostly happy relationship.

Garreth Weasley: Things I Wish You Said

"I waste my time, I waste my life on idiotic things, like things you never said... things you'll never say to me."

After you and Garreth broke up, you couldn't help but think about all the things you wished you would have heard from him when you were together. You would pass him in the hallway or look at him in class, wondering what he might be thinking about and if it had anything to do with you. It hurt you more than anything to be away from him, but it was the constant overthinking that hurt the most.

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