61. He Meets Your Family

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Harry Potter:

Harry was incredibly sweet, and your family welcomed him with open arms. Your grandmother immediately took a liking to him, getting into the habit of squeezing his cheeks and pulling him in for smothering hugs. Every time she did, he would look at you with desperation in his eyes, practically begging for you to save him. He would never reject her – he was too kind for that – but he would always hate the fact that he continued to smell like her perfume hours after his encounter with her.

Ron Weasley:

Your dad thought it would be funny to make Ron sweat when he met him, purposely trying to make things difficult for him when he came to visit your family. Ron was completely clueless, as every moment you had alone with him, your dad popped his head in and tried to join the conversation. He kept inviting Ron to do the most obscure and strange activities together - both muggle and magical - and Ron agreed to all of them because he wanted to impress your dad. Eventually, it got to the point where you had to tell your dad to leave Ron alone. Your dad cracked up, leaving Ron to blush since he fell for every joke.

Draco Malfoy:

Your teenage sister hated every family dinner, though suddenly became intrigued to be there the first time you brought Draco over to meet your family. It was quite funny to watch her blatantly flirt with him in front of everyone, your sister certain that she could steal him away from you in one evening. When she cornered him in the bathroom, he had to break the news to her that he wasn't interested one bit. You were surprised that the response to that was 'boring,' and she left him alone for the rest of the evening. You just smiled at Draco, knowing that he was a changed man if he managed to stay away from a girl who was practically throwing herself at him.

Fred Weasley:

When you first introduced Fred to your family, it was no surprise that your little sister fell head over heels for him. Of course, Fred played into it, giving her all his attention when she showed him something she drew or made for him. She would always ask to sit with him at meals, with everyone else in your family quietly chuckling to themselves as she laughed at all his jokes. When it was the two of you, Fred would always joke that she was very close to stealing him away from you, to which you would playfully smack his arm before planting a kiss on his cheek.

George Weasley:

George was an incredible gentleman when he met your family, immediately impressing your younger brother. Since your brother had a wild imagination, he immediately clicked with George's exciting nature. The two of them were in their own world, and you sat and watched as George carried your brother around the house like he was a superhero. You couldn't help but think of how sweet of a big brother he was to your own brother, wondering where it all went wrong with Ron.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville was born to impress parents - and your mother especially. While you chatted with the rest of your family, Neville was in the kitchen, asking your mother questions and getting to know you through her. It was nice to see, especially considering he wasn't able to build that same connection with his own parents. You hoped that it would last with him because your mother definitely approved - she said so whenever she got the chance from that day forward.

Cedric Diggory:

Your family thought Cedric was absolutely perfect. While your siblings and mother adored him, your father was determined to act tough and scare him into taking care of you. He pulled Cedric aside, giving him a firm talking to on how to properly treat you and insisting that he better not hurt you in any way. Of course, the talk didn't scare Cedric one bit, as he didn't intend to ever break up with you. He just shook your dad's hand and thanked him.

Newt Scamander:

When you first introduced Newt to your family, they were a little standoffish, considering he was more awkward than they thought he would be. There were a lot of awkward silences throughout dinner, though as time wore on, they found him sweet and charming, even when he was a little awkward with things. You were so glad that your family ended up loving Newt as much as you did, welcoming him into the family with open arms.

Sebastian Sallow:

You were worried that your parents knowing about Sebastian's reputation might ruin the relationship he could have with them. However, Sebastian was the most charming you had ever seen him, and your parents instantly fell in love with him when you introduced them to each other. They talked all night, with you just an onlooker as they all bonded together. It was so nice to see, and you couldn't wait for the next time.

Ominis Gaunt:

Your older brother was the first to pull Ominis aside and talk to him, trying to figure out his intentions. While watching them from afar, you started to notice that their serious conversation slowly started to gain laughter and smiles, the two of them ultimately looking like old friends rather than two people who just met. From that day onwards, the two of them would always be the most excited, and you teased Ominis about the growing bromance with your brother.

Garreth Weasley:

When you first brought Garreth over to meet your family, your little brothers were a bit standoffish with him. They didn't know how to feel about a new face entering their family and did their best to get rid of him throughout dinner – leaving things on his chair when he went to sit down or trying to embarrass him in front of the rest of the family. Of course, they made a mistake trying to pick a fight with Garreth, who only proceeded to prank them back in ways they could never imagine. Instead of being scared of him, they thought it was impressive how he managed to fight back with pranks, ultimately asking him how he managed to do so.

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