21. Party Games

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In a couple of these preferences, I reference a game called 'paranoia'. Basically in the game, one person whispers a question to another, and that person has to answer out loud e.g. the question is 'whose the most annoying person here' and the other person would say 'Fred' out loud. After that, Fred can either take a drink to reveal to the group what the question was or skip the drink and remain 'paranoid' about what the question could be.

Harry Potter:

The Gryffindor common room was buzzing when spin the bottle was suggested as the party game to kick the night off. With a mix of excitement and nervousness, everyone settled into a circle as Fred Weasley placed an empty bottle in the centre of the room.

The game went on, and round by round, the most peculiar pairings had to kiss in front of everyone. When it came to your turn, people held their breath, watching as the bottle slowed down. A collective gasp of surprise and excitement filled the room when it pointed directly at Harry. You chuckled at the unexpected turn of events and exchanged amused glances with your friends. You looked at the bottle with an exaggerated expression.

"Well, if I must," you sighed dramatically, making everyone laugh.

Harry, whose blush started to creep to his cheeks, suddenly straightened up with his eyes widening slightly. He wasn't expecting the bottle to ever land on him, considering the number of people in the circle, but it still secretly made him happy nonetheless.

Your eyes met his, and you couldn't help but grin mischievously. To you, this whole game was just a fun way to pass the time and make memories, though to Harry, this one kiss was going to mean the world to him. You got up, walked over to him, and stopped just in front of him.

"Well, looks like it's my lucky day," you said with a playful twinkle in your eyes.

Harry's cheeks turned a shade of pink as he chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I guess so."

You leaned in, your lips brushing against his in a quick and light kiss. The room erupted into cheers and laughter, and even Harry couldn't help but chuckle, though his blush deepened.

"You're a good sport, Harry," you whispered with a wink.

He smiled, his embarrassment mixing with amusement. "Yeah, well, it's all in good fun."

As you returned to your spot in the circle, the game continued, and the bottle spun again, landing on someone else this time. But for the rest of the evening, Harry couldn't help but steal glances at you when he thought you weren't looking. The playful kiss had been just that – playful – but it had also stirred something within him. Maybe, just maybe, there was more to his feelings for you than he had initially thought.

Ron Weasley:

The common room was filled with chatter and laughter after another Quidditch victory. Seamus Finnegan threw out the idea that the group should play a round of 'kiss, marry, kill', stirring the pot of romances and relationships in the room. The game was lighthearted, though some people were wary of the potential and surprising truths that could be revealed.

The game progressed, the choices growing more interesting and the reactions becoming more animated. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, including you and Ron, who sat across the room from each other. When it was finally Ron's turn, he was presented with the names Hermione, Lavender, and yours - causing him to turn bright red with embarrassment. Almost everyone in the year level knew that Ron had a crush on you, though the only way he could think of protecting that secret from you would be pretending as if he had no feelings towards you at all.

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