66. You're Injured

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Harry Potter:

Harry makes sure that you wouldn't have to do anything too strenuous while you limped on your injured leg. He'd carry your books and bags for you, taking small steps along side you as you hobbled to your next class. He'd never make fun of you for your pace, and wouldn't care that he'd be in trouble for being late himself. You'd often try and encourage him to run ahead so he wouldn't get detention again, though Harry would always refuse - there was nothing you could do or say to convince him to leave you behind.

Ron Weasley:

While Ron would try and be as helpful as he could as you nursed your injured arm, you couldn't help but notice there were times that he forgot you were trying to recover. He'd jokingly nudge your sore shoulder or look confused when you struggled to carry your books, momentarily forgetting why you were in pain. He'd quickly apologise when he would realise what he had done, panicking as he checked that he didn't hurt you too much. You would always laugh it off, telling him it's fine as you rubbed your tender arm.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco would snap at anyone who dared to get in your way while you were injured, angrily telling them to be more mindful if they ever crossed your path. He'd quickly turn to you, his next priority being to make sure you were okay and unharmed by their carelessness. While you reassured him that you were fine and your injury could handle a tiny nudge, he would give you his arm, to work you to your next class. He'd send the offending person a hateful glare as you walked past them, leaving you to keep your head low to hide the soft smile on your lips.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would constantly tease you about your injured leg, hoping to lighten the mood with a bit of comedy. He'd joke about how slow you'd be walking, or constantly be offering you to jump on his back so he could run you to your next class. While you would often find yourself laughing at his odd comments, there were times where you stepped too hard and winced in pain. The smile would immediately wipe from his face, Fred reaching his arms out towards you to make sure you were okay before the two of you continued walking. It was a sliver of a sign to show that he truly cared about your wellbeing, and that deep down, he was truly worried for you.

George Weasley:

When you were injured, George would always want lend a helping hand, regardless of whether you wanted it or not. He knew you were capable of doing things on your own, but wanted to prove to you that you didn't have to be alone through your recovery. You'd find yourself getting annoyed with him constantly grabbing your things out of your hands to carry them for you, or clearing the path when you were perfectly capable of squeezing through the crowd. You appreciated his gestures, but did need to have a bit of chat with him about giving you a little space over certain things.

Neville Longbottom:

The last thing that Neville wanted was for you to hurt yourself more by doing anything strenuous. He was torn between helping you and leaving you with your independence, considering you'd be upset with him for carrying your things when you were fully capable. Most people whispered about how bad of a friend he was for making you carry your books in your injured state, though you eventually convinced him not to worry about what other people said about it. Of course, it didn't stop him from monitoring your every move - he cared for you too much for him to leave you to your own devices.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric would refuse to let you move or do anything until you had fully recovered from your injury. He would constantly bring you to Madame Pomfrey, getting her to check over your leg whenever you winced in pain. The two of you would bicker, considering half the time you were perfectly capable of completing the tasks that Cedric wasn't allowing you to complete. You knew that his actions were because he cared for you, but it didn't stop you from getting frustrated with each other nonetheless. 

Newt Scamander:

Newt would give you your alone time to recover from your injuries, though that wouldn't stop him from constantly checking up on you whenever he had the chance. You thought it was sweet; the way he would make up an excuse to drop by, saying that he came to your room to 'grab something' or 'ask you a question'. You knew the entire time what he was trying to do, but you never called him out on it... you secretly didn't want to stop him from doing it.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian begs you not to strain yourself too much, and gets annoyed with you whenever you do. You often had to stop yourself from laughing whenever he went on a rambling tangent about how you needed to look after yourself. It was sweet to see that he cared so much for you, considering he often would make jokes at your expense when you were one hundred per cent healthy. It seemed as if you being injured bothered him in a way that was noticeable to everyone... of course, everyone except for himself.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis wouldn't leave your side until you fully recovered. He'd ensure that you stayed in the hospital wing with Madame Pomfrey, asking you if you had been feeling better at the end of each school day when he came to visit you. He could easily tell from your voice that you were lying about being fine, refusing to let you wander around in your current state since you were still suffering from your injury. Eventually, it would get to the point where Madame Pomfrey would let you leave, regardless of Ominis' refusal. It didn't stop him from worrying about your every movement though.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth would go about your days as if nothing had happened, and would often both forget that you were injured. Or at least you believed that was the case, until you realised that Garreth would often stare at your injury and examine you when he thought you weren't looking. You'd snap your fingers in front of his eyes, attempting to regain his attention, resulting in Garreth quickly hopping out of his trance and continuing to joke with you. It was very rare that those moments came about, but it just went to show that he still worried about you nonetheless.

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