69. You Distract Him

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry were two friends getting ready for the upcoming Yule Ball, both dreading the night to come. He vented to you as he readied himself, struggling with his tie as he went on a tangent about how boring the night would be and how uncomfortable he'd be in his dress robes. While he continued to complain about the night ahead, you decided to walk over, fixing his bow tie for him, as he was struggling to do it on his own. Eventually, he lost his train of thought, taking in your scent and proximity, clearing his throat hastily when you asked him what was wrong. It was then that he seemed to be completely distracted by you all night, with you oblivious to how that one little gesture changed everything between the two of you.

Ron Weasley:

Brushing shoulders with Ron or giving him a gentle, friendly touch was enough to make him stumble and stammer for his words. You often would just place a dainty hand on his shoulder when you sat beside him or leaned on him whenever you grew tired from a long day at school. He would lose track completely of his thoughts and his words, trying his best to cherish the moment with you, considering he had no idea when the next one would be.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco wasn't easily distracted by you, or at least you thought that was the case. One particular day, he had been consumed by the book in his hands, only lifting his gaze when he saw you traipsing across the room in only half of your uniform. You couldn't quite find your shirt to complete your uniform, walking around absentmindedly as you searched his dorm for a spare one you could borrow for the day. Draco's eyes followed you around the room, being careful to keep the book up to his face so you didn't suspect anything. He'd never tell you that he had been picturing this moment in his head for a while now... he just wished that it was under different circumstances.

Fred Weasley:

Fred was possibly the easiest person to distract in the history of distractions. One simple kiss to cut him off as he was speaking was enough for a smirk to spread across his face as he pulled you in for a deeper kiss. It's like your lips were a drug, and he was addicted to you, needing to hold you or touch you further once he was given but a taste. There were many ditched classes and neglected assignments whenever you felt like gifting him a kiss. Not that you minded one bit; you were wholeheartedly obsessed with him too.

George Weasley:

George would try to be incredibly subtle when you distracted him, though he always failed at prying his eyes away from you. It was quite funny, seeing him ogle you as you did simple things like fix the buttons on your shirt or mindlessly twirl your hair. Whenever he'd catch a rare glimpse of your skin or hear you purr a word that you don't normally say, he'd stop in his tracks and take a moment to savor it. It was quite funny once you caught on, making you go out of your way to try and distract him whenever possible.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville's face would flush red whenever you were around him, though when you sat next to him, he tended to get particularly distracted. He thought he was beginning to get a handle on his attention span, though it was difficult when you would lean towards him and read over the work he was doing. It would take every inch of his power not to flick his gaze towards you and admire the concentration on your face, always trying to hide his smile. You were too oblivious to notice him glancing in your direction, but you started to get the inkling when he wouldn't be able to recall any of the information the both of you just read.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric was quite calm and collected whenever you were around, and there was only one known way to distract him: by sitting in his lap. The two of you would be alone in the library or common room, and you would see him deeply concentrated as he read to himself. Even saying his name wouldn't grab his attention, though when you nestled yourself in his lap, he would throw his book away in an instant. He'd run his hands all over you and steal kisses when he could, making you glad to have sat with him in the first place.

Newt Scamander:

It took a lot to distract Newt, but there was one thing that you eventually figured out got him every time. You would kiss him lightly on the neck, and by the time you pulled away, you would watch his skin start to glow red as he tried to fight the smile growing on his face. He knew how to keep his cool, but it was something about you with your lips on his neck that seemed to put thoughts in his head that had nothing to do with the work in front of him.

Sebastian Sallow:

It didn't take much to distract Sebastian. You would just have to give him one word; tell him once that you were bored, and he would easily give in. He'd immediately jump up with a thousand different suggestions of what the two of you could do, escaping the perils of classes and homework and spending time with one another as much as possible. It was normally you that would end up having to drag Sebastian back to focus.

Ominis Gaunt:

There was something about the way that you played with Ominis' hair that made his skin go warm and his brain go blank. You could be talking about anything, though the moment he felt your fingers comb through his locks, he was completely clueless to everything you were saying. After a few minutes, you'd have to say his name, and an unfocused 'hm' would be hummed in response. You would end up laughing, realizing why he had been distracted the whole time. It was sweet to see the effect you had on him.

Garreth Weasley:

You were well aware that you were a distraction for Garreth, so you used your power very carefully when you were around him. Sometimes, when you were bored in class and needed a bit of entertainment, you would saunter up to him during the lesson and ask him how his potion was going. He'd try to explain his potion, attempting to ignore the fact that you were standing incredibly close to him, looking up at him with doe eyes and a warm smile. He would stumble through his words, a cheeky smile overcoming your expression as his blush deepened. You wouldn't stick around for long, knowing that he would probably ruin his potion if you didn't leave soon. It didn't stop him from watching you as you walked back to your table, cursing his luck.

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