11. You Sit In His Lap

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Harry Potter:

You sit in Harry's lap in the Gryffindor Common Room, with Harry's cheeks immediately turning a bright shade of red as his eyes dart around, looking for any prying eyes. He whispers, 'What are you doing?' as his heart starts to race, worried that one of the late-night loitering Gryffindors around you would stare at your intimate moment. While you fiddle with the hair on the nape of his neck, he tries to keep his attention on you... though it's very difficult since he's still distracted by your close proximity. Later, he warns you to wait next time until you are behind closed doors to do something that's going to turn him on.

Ron Weasley:

Ron tries to play it off cool when you sit in his lap, though really, he's freaking out internally just knowing that you're that close to him. He stumbles over his words as you stare intently at his burning face, the boy distracted as you guide his hands to rest by the hem of your skirt. Your favorite part of the entire exchange would be when you stand up and walk away, leaving Ron stunned and breathless as he tries to compose himself as if nothing even happened.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco tries to hide the smirk creeping its way onto his face. Considering you were in front of other people, there wasn't much he could do to return the favour of being turned on. Instead, he tries to secretly distract you, drawing circles on your thighs every now and again, followed by a quick squeeze. It's subtle enough for the rest of your friends to have no idea about the tension between the two of you, though there's no way you could distract your mind from it.

Fred Weasley:

When you sit in Fred's lap, it doesn't faze him at all. Instead, he wraps his arms around you, whispering things (sweet and dirty) into your ear. As he shamelessly flirts and attempts to seduce you, you try to wiggle out of his grasp. He refuses to let you go, completely enamoured by you and wanting to keep you close. You would always find him even clingier, secretly turned on by your close proximity but not game enough to announce it to you just yet.

George Weasley:

George is immediately turned on when you sit in his lap, his mind racing with dirty thoughts as you innocently chat with him and play with his hair. He mumbles things only for you to hear, almost wanting to pick you up and take you to a more private setting. However, half the fun was knowing the effect that you had on George, and you would just walk away and pretend like nothing ever happened. All he would do is watch you intently, his eyes full of sexual frustration as he tried to distract himself from his thoughts.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville would be completely caught off-guard when you sat in his lap. He starts rambling immediately, hurling a million questions and random facts at you to try and distract himself from the fact that you were sitting on his lap. While it might have made him slightly uncomfortable for you to do that in front of a lot of people, there was no denying that he liked having you so close to him. He learned to appreciate those moments rather than be scared during them, and he learned to accept the affection rather than pretend it wasn't happening.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric is very cool, calm, and collected when you sit in his lap. He blushes only slightly, kissing you softly as he enjoys your company. Your friends around you aren't even fazed by this bout of affection - it's very normal for you and Cedric to be so couple-y in front of them. The two of you would often drift off into your own conversation about school, ignoring the rest of the world as the two of you relished in every second of your close proximity.

Newt Scamander:

You would normally sit in Newt's lap as a way to distract him from his work - and that was a tactic that practically worked every time. A small smile would creep onto his face as he shook his head disapprovingly, fully aware of what you were up to. You'd press a soft kiss to his neck, and that would be the final straw before he gave you his full attention. It was rare to pull Newt away from his work, but this was a strategy you knew would never fail.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sebastian places his arms around you, holding you close despite your squirming to get out of his grip. He wouldn't say much - mostly just mumbles into your neck as he places soft kisses around your collarbone. On the inside, his mind is running wild with ideas and thoughts that require the two of you to be alone. Until then, he will just enjoy having you close by and attempt to turn you on the same way that you easily do for him.

Ominis Gaunt:

When you first sat in Ominis' lap, he had no idea what you were doing. When you showered him in affection after doing so, he realized that it was your way of being close to him and appreciating the proximity. While he never admitted to enjoying having you that close, you knew deep down that he did. Considering he'd grip your legs and lean himself onto your shoulder, he was giving every sign that he wanted you to stay that close.

Garreth Weasley:

Garreth would chuckle at himself before asking you, 'What are you doing?' He'd place his hand over your thigh before pulling your body in for an embrace, knowing full well that you were trying to distract him despite asking you the question. A suggestive look would creep into his gaze as you acted innocently, pretending you didn't know what he was insinuating. From that moment on, you stayed put where you were; one, because Garreth wasn't letting you go anywhere, and two, having his attention was too good to give up.

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