30. Classes Together

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Harry Potter:

You and Harry would sit in class, attempting to keep up with the professor's lecture but often getting lost in the process. Throughout the hour, you would whisper to each other, trying to figure out what was going on, which almost always resulted in the loss of house points due to the constant chatter. You also tended to copy each other's work frequently, sneakily glancing at each other's parchment in the hope that the other person could shed some light on the topic. Fortunately, the two of you had Hermione to help you after class, albeit not without her giving you a lecture on the importance of listening and focusing on your coursework in the first place.

Ron Weasley:

Your classes with Ron often resulted in the two of you bickering quietly as you attempted to get Ron to focus on his studies. He'd make silly remarks under his breath, failing to even look at his textbooks during the entire class. You hoped that over time, Ron would eventually pick up your study habits and learn to focus during his classes, but until then, you would argue with him under your breath about listening to the professors and taking notes. While you adored Ron and loved spending time with him, sitting next to him in class was practically unbearable due to his terrible study habits.

Draco Malfoy:

When you sat with Draco in class, he tended to spend more time talking with his Slytherin buddies and making jokes about everyone else, instead of paying any sort of attention to you. After a few classes together, you decided that it would probably be best if you didn't sit with him, considering he distracted you and barely paid you any attention. 

The first class where you decided to sit away from him was the quietest you had ever seen Draco. It seemed that he could only be his bubbly, charming self when you were near him. When you moved away, he assumed that you were upset at something he did or said. He then spent the rest of the lesson trying to figure out if he had done something wrong, appearing quiet and reserved for the first time in his life.

Fred Weasley:

Fred would sit beside you, mostly to copy off of your work. There were times you found it funny, and times when it annoyed you, but every single time it happened, you found yourself covering your page with your spare hand so he couldn't see what you were writing. He'd then beg you to share your notes with him, vowing that he would make it up to you later by buying you something from Hogsmeade or offering to do your homework (which you always said no to for obvious reasons). Still, you'd always end up giving in because you couldn't resist the boy that was Fred Weasley.

George Weasley:

George would constantly be mucking around with Fred during class, and that always annoyed you. The worst was when they sat at a table away from you, and you had to tell them to be quiet from across the room. At least if they were close by, you could smack their arms and tell them to focus. However, there were times when George would be laughing with Fred, and he'd catch your eye - seeing your serious expression, and a shudder would immediately roll down his spine. It was then that George would tell Fred to quiet down, as he cleared his throat and awkwardly avoided making eye contact with you.

Neville Longbottom:

When you had classes with Neville, you often found yourself daydreaming or distracting yourself in ways you never could have imagined. Neville would smile to himself as he saw you staring out the window, knowing that if he snapped you back to reality, you'd just find a way not to focus all over again. At the end of each lesson, he'd hand you his set of notes to read from, knowing that you'd need something to study and copy before exams. There were even times he claimed to have plenty of time on his hands and wrote you a fully fleshed-out page of notes just for you. He was completely in love with you and just wanted to do what was best for you... even if you didn't see it as a romantic gesture.

Cedric Diggory:

Cedric always did his work during class, though he sometimes got distracted whenever you did. He'd have his head down, but his gaze would linger over to the drawing you had on your parchment or a question you'd written out for him. While your professor continued to drone on about the topic of the day, you and Cedric would often pass notes back and forth, giggling at each one and scribbling down another sentence. You hadn't gotten caught yet... though it was only a matter of time before you did.

Newt Scamander:

You often find yourself nudging Newt during class, attempting to stop him from daydreaming and trying to get him to focus. Just when you think you've gotten through to him and see him taking notes, it turns out that he's just writing things about beasts that he'd like to research in the library later on. It's quite rare for Newt to actually do the work he needs to; it's just annoying that he's still somehow doing better in all his classes. You just hope that one day you'll learn the trick to being distracted in class but still good at schoolwork... though it seems to be easier said than done.

Sebastian Sallow:

Sitting next to Sebastian during class was a dangerous game for you. He'd often make funny comments based on what your professor was talking about, or find a way to make you laugh during quiet moments in class. You would always get in trouble for bursting out into laughter, losing points for your house. In the end, you didn't care as much considering Sebastian's charm and intelligence would find a way to earn them back later. It still didn't help that he would still try to make you laugh... He wanted to try and break records for how many laughs he could get from you in one hour.

Ominis Gaunt:

Ominis often paid keen attention in class and diligently studied whenever possible. Initially, you felt hesitant to ask him for help, as he would sometimes sigh heavily when re-explaining concepts to you. However, as time passed, he practically became your tutor, and both of you looked forward to every after-class learning session. Ominis had a unique ability to explain things in ways that your professors couldn't, and you were incredibly grateful to have a friend like him willing to assist you.

Garreth Weasley:

You and Garreth always found a way to distract each other during class. Whether it was through chatting, silent gesturing, or passing notes, the two of you managed to communicate effectively. Even when you were separated and forced to sit on opposite sides of the room, it only encouraged you to be more discreet with your note-passing. It was highly entertaining trying to bypass your teacher to talk to Garreth, and he truly made your Hogwarts experience worthwhile.

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